
Moors and the Pillars of Salt

Many great sacrifices were made to bring these two beings into existence. Souls destroyed, and the very laws of the universe were broken. But that's just how desperate and humiliated they were. Witches created Vampires. Druids created Werewolves and Buddhist Summoned Dragons. What about the Voodoist? (Witch Doctors). On the brink of Extinction, they’ve finally created supernatural beings to protect them. What will the rest of the Supernatural community do in response? Adonis and Natasha Garvey were the definitions of a future power couple. Adonis became a well-known lawyer at the age of 23, and Natasha became a famous surgeon at 24. On their honeymoon to New Orleans, they would get kidnapped, which would change their life forever.

A_lucid_Dreamer · Thành thị
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13 Chs

Chapter 13: The Council Of Mysticism

"Wake up you Piece of Shit" a man roars while punching Adonis in the face.

Adonis wakes up feeling slightly bruised.

"Where am I?" Adonis says, opening his eyes.

Adonis looks around him and sees that he is chained to a stone wall and inside of what looks like a jail cell. He looks up to see a Man who looks like he's in his early 30s with short blonde hair and green eyes. He was wearing the same black uniform the previous man had on.

The man was breathing heavily and had bruised Knuckles like he's been in a fight.

"What happened to you?" Adonis said.

A laugh came from the corner of the jail cell that sounded like the laugh of a women.

Adonis looked in the direction the laugh came from and saw a woman who was in her mid 20s with solid white hair and very blue eyes that seemed to glow even in the dark jail cell they were in.

The woman stands up and starts walking in the direction of Adonis and the blonde haired man.

"She's wearing the same uniform as this guy and walks like she's important. Meaning this woman definitely has information on why I am here.

"Stand down Shefan before you wear yourself out." The woman says, rolling her eyes.

"How do you feel? Are Uncomfortable at all?" The women asks

Before Adonis could reply, the woman continued.

"You should, my brother here has been beating you for 3 hrs straight now trying to wake you have been taking a cat nap." The woman says, looking into Adonis' eyes.

"I feel fine, it's the best sleep I have had in a while. Does your brother have a habit of beating his opponents while they sleep and chained to the wall? Adonis says shooting Stefan a look.

"Fuck you! You will die by my hands for killing a member of my pack." Stefan says, pointing a finger with a ugly look on his face.

Adonis raises an eyebrow but before he can respond the woman raises her hand, queuing Stefan to shut up.

"That is one of the reasons why you are here but the real matter is you are evidence of the foul play those Voodooists have been doing." The woman says

"What do you mean by foul play?" Adonis was intrigued by her statement.

"They have created a new supernatural being not only one but two. This is a crime committed at the highest degree not only in the supernatural community but a crime against humanity as well." The woman says getting up heading towards the cell door.

"Who are you? Something tells me you're an important person." Adonis says with keen eyes.

"How perceived of you, I am Sophia Steelfang Apex of The Platinum Wolves. Also you're executioner, when the time comes.

As Stefan and Sophia leave Stefan makes more nasty faces at Adonis.

"What a crazy week that has been," Adonis says, looking up at the ceiling. "Not as crazy as my dream was. This guy who's body I'm in . . . Is definitely a super villain…


"Those Damn Wolves!!" Raven says as power comes off her her making a cobweb in the ground and cracks on the walls and ceiling,

The Shadow man was sitting on the couch watching her tantrum. "This little girl seriously does have some power. No wonder they Call her Mistress of the Plague." He thought as he continued to eat his Doritos.

"Ok this isnt that-, Ok yea its bad but this can also be an opportunity." The ShadowMan said.

Raven rolls her eyes

"Please, O great master, tell me how can this be a good thing?" Raven said with an attitude.

"No matter what century you live in, women will remain the same" The ShadowMan thought.

"Those two love birds are in a pretty nasty gem right now. We both know if they were more knowledgeable about their abilities they would bust out of that place easily no matter who was there." The Shadowman continued.

"The problem is that they know nothing about anything so it will take us to break them out so they realize their true potential. It may not sway them to our side but-"

"It will show them we are not their enemies." Raven said, slapping her fist in her hand.

"Well I didn't say all of that. We did kill them and put them in the bodies of two "artificial" humans we have been experimenting on for a century now. But hey They'll want to kill us less for saving them from torment for the rest of their lives."

"Huh? No their bodies can't be killed but their souls definitely can." Raven says.

"What!? There is no Organization in this country that can do that?" The Shadowman replies.

"Yes there is! Did you not listen to the briefing Tina gave you?" Raven says.

The Shadowman quickly looks away.

Raven catching the drift sighs and puts her hand on her forehead.

"Only Male Voodooists will be briefing you about important matters going forward."

"Anyways yes there are pretty much every major Supernatural organization now resides here in the states. The two that can definitely destroy souls besides us are The Council of Mysticism and Third Eye.

The Shadowman chokes on his chips at the mention of The council.

"The Council is here!? In this country! Why the hell didn't I know about that?" The Shadowman says getting up in a panic.

"You should have in the briefing but why is that a prob-" Raven says.

"Because I use to be on it . . . Although I never went to headquarters I was one of the ambassadors for the country. I was too powerful at the time to be ignored so they invited me. The point is they were the ones who kill me . . . Not to downplay how powerful I was but it only took two mages from that organization to defeat me.

Raven heart started to beat fast after hearing his words.

"But, but only witches are a part of the council, why would a Voodooist be a part of the organization ?" Raven asked

"Because only mages at a current level know this information." The Shadowman Sighed.

"I've been relaxing and enjoying the modern world to long. Ok Listen carefully. Because after I give you this information we have to act fast and as soon as possible."

" Third Eye represents Buddhists. Children of Gaia represent Shamans and the Council of Mysticism represents Witches. This is what common knowledge mages know." The Shadowman continued.

"But the council is a Very old organization and they represent all beings on this planet that can wield magic. . . Mages. If what you're saying is true that those other organizations are indeed in this country then The True Council of Mysticism is here as well. Their presence alone is a threat to the Voodooists if they catch wind to what we have done."

There was a silence in the room as The Shadowman finished speaking.

"We must leave . . . Now." Raven said as she made a slight movement with her hand , the Shadowman disappeared within the blue fog.