
Under the moonlight

At first Maxixe didn't know how to react when Kaoma flung herself against him while he was in the thick of his bloodlust.

He immediately went still as a statue even as he watched the goblins try to crawl away; he let them go because Kaoma mattered more to him.

"Just take her and go outside the cave," shouted Sayid, "we'll finish cleaning up here."

Maxixe didn't need any further prompting without a word he nodded and picked Kaoma up then turned to leave the chaos behind them. 

Kaoma said nothing as she lay in Maxixe's arms.

She had never experienced such terror since she was a child, she felt a lump in her throat and tears streamed down her face.

Kaoma remembered. 

A flood of memories assaulted her in waves. The mother warthog. The piglet wiggling in her arms and Maxixe saving her from being trampled under the hooves.

Her making him pinky promise to never forget her and always visit whenever he was available.