

Following the tale of a pure hearted human with a mysterious past and a daring passionate alpha werewolf, as their fates intertwine in an ancient forest and a picturesque town. All arise–adversaries and foes, before them but triumphantly, together, they rise.  “Moonlit Desires” is a tale of passion, self-discovery, and the eternal struggle between love and duty. Isabella must confront her own demons and come to terms with the power within her, while Gabriel grapples with the weight of his position and the sacrifices he must make for his pack. Moving further, their responsibilities and burdens begins to tear them apart. Upon this, their enemies take advantage of their weakened bond. What will be of them when all is said and done?

affiliate_geoffrey · Lịch sử
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4 Chs

Chapter 3

Before the rising if the sun, 5:43am, Isabella snuck out of Stacy's and headed for the woods. It was still dark but the street lights illuminated everywhere. Stacy had her phone prepared this time as she stood be the entrance of the woods. She wanted to walk in but remembered Stacy's warning. She also remembered the claw marks from the tree. She searched for the picture of the tree she took with her phone and she studies the picture with so much focus.

"You're earlier than I thought." His voice echoed as he emerged from the woods. It overcame her. His presence. His energy. His charm.

"uhhh, yeah? I just…couldn't stop thinking about…why were you in there?" Isabella couldn't help herself but ask.


"Researching?" She had her doubts. Gabriel nodded.


"Anyway, what is this place? I've only been here for a day and it…I feel very connected."

Gabriel let out a sigh. "Sliverbrook. To be honest, you're the first person to come to this town randomly. No one ever comes but we've had people leave."

"Isn't it strange how such a town has very little to no information on the internet or in books?"

"Well, I wouldn't know because I have never left this town."

"You've never?" Isabella asked with a tone of empathy while staring into his eyes; Gabriel shook his head.

"Why did you come to Silverbrook?" Gabriel dropped the question.

"Well…I wanted to find my own space away from the people around me. I felt…lonely and separated." Isabella's tone took a low intensity. "So I found out about Sliverbrook and decided to come to a town out of the radar. Now that I'm here, I don't think I'll be leaving soon." Isabella turned to view the town from her standing point. It's not a small town. It's not a big town either.

"Then, stay." 

Isabella turned to Gabriel as their eyes met. They were both quiet for a moment, staring at each other. 

"What about the werewolf thing Stacy mentioned?" Isabella broke the silence.

"I've heard of the rumors too. No one can attest to it. We've never seen them, neither have we ever been attacked; assuming they were real." Gabriel stated a good point that convinced Isabella she had nothing to worry about. "However, for everyone's safety, no one is allowed in the woods at night. And no one is allowed outside, under a full moon." 

Gabriel's warning sparked Isabella's curiosity.

"What about the history of this town?" Isabella asked.

"You might have to ask an elderly person for that information. I was never told."

Gabriel locked eyes with Isabella so deeply. Isabella felt this enchantment and allure but it was accompanied with a disturbing darkness and danger. 

"I think we should be going now. I've got to go South East. We need fresh supply. You should go to Stacy's. You wouldn't want her to wonder if her visit had been eaten by hungry werewolves." Gabriel made Isabella chuckle as the both walked back into town. 

The whole town was filled with an orange, warm tint. The sound of truck engines revering accompanied with the sound of loud Jazz music and the crows of cocks.

"I'll be going this way." Gabriel pointed a direction and bid Isabella well with a gentle smile.

"I'll see you later?" Isabella wasn't sure but another smile from Gabriel affirmed it.

They both parted ways. Isabella had, for the first time in a while, felt good about talking to a person. She felt drawn to Gabriel and secretly hoped he felt the same way. The image of his eyes and whole figure. Powerful, strong and masculine. 

She even more plans to explore the town to the last building but most of all, she wanted to explore the woods. Every inch of it. Her mind won't stop thinking of the claw marks she found, it was a fearful thought but she couldn't help it.

"Good morning, Stacy." Isabella greeted Stacy who she found in front of the house.

"It's quite the good morning, ain't it?" Stacy was in high spirit and ready for the day. "Not lurking around the woods again, are you?" Stacy had to ask and Isabella shook her head in response. 

"Good. My husband's going out of town with his friends and Gabriel. They are the truckers. We need more supplies and it seems our shipment has landed."

"That's nice."

"I won't open the bar today until they come back. In the meantime, I'll personally show you around town. If you're up to it."

"Sure!" Isabella sounded…happy.

"Go get prepared and have some breakfast. I'll be waiting by the bar."

Isabella was jappier than she could even imagine, her mood was elevated and, without a doubt, positive.

It was 10: 12am. Isabella met with Stacy at the bar. Isabella could see through the giant window and it looked like Stacy had some customers, more than a few customers but Stacy's countenance had a different story. 

"Please, just give me more time. You know how things are around here." Stacy pled.

"I do not wish to know how things are around here. If you can't give me what I want, then…"

The middle aged man who was speaking was cut short by Isabella's entrance into the bar. Every discussion seized and all eyes were on Isabella. About 8 men. From a young youth to a middle aged man to a seasoned man.

"Isabella…" Stacy did not know how to start explaining everything or if Isabella heard anything that was previously said. Isabella was struck with confusion. Where they customers or just random visitors? She couldn't tell. Why were they all staring at her? She couldn't tell either. One thing was sure, she could sense malice.

"I'll just…wait outside."  Isabella said before slowly exiting. 

"who were those guys?"

A few more minutes pass by and Isabella heard the door of the bar being opened. She lifted her head to see the men coming her way and Stacy at the back. 

"Isabella, was it?" The man who was talking to Stacy at first walked closer to Isabella. He wasn't tall or facially attractive. His face was a little too wrinkly for a middle aged man. His eyes were small and eyebrows a little thick.

"Hello." She greeted.

"We didn't mean to scare you off like that. Don't mind us, men. We wouldn't want to scare off a pretty lady like yourself"

Isabella was, indeed, scared off. 

"It's completely fine."

"I'm George. George Rivers. Pleased to make your acquaintance." George stretched out his hand for a handshake. Isabella was hesitant about touching the man but she did it out of being polite. 

After her hand came in contact with his, she suddenly felt an intense dark malicious energy, followed by some random whispers. Wrathful whispers. She immediately pulled out her hand.

"Shy? I completely understand." George withdrew his hand that was left hanging. "I best be on my way then." George turned to look at Stacy with a look of disapproval and left. The rest followed him.

Isabella went to Stacy. Stacy knew Isabella had questions but tried to avoid it. Isabella understood Stacy's body movements and saved her questions. 

Stacy let out a sigh "Well…let's get  going." 

Stacy did not look well at all. She tried to hide it but failed.

They started their from the Stacy's bar, past the truckers' park, to the elderly home. Stacy had someone to see. They entered the old building. It was a small story building. There were some very seasoned people sitting outside and others sitting at balconies.

"Why are we here?" Isabella asked

"To see someone interesting. You can come along." 

Isabella had nothing to do so following Stacy to see this person was for her own good.

They entered the building and it smelled old. It was quiet and the atmosphere felt damn. The interior decorations were filled with monotone and earthy colors. It also had ancient artifacts that were easily recognizable by Isabella. There were some young healthcare workers in there. Isabella felt sadness, joy and a whiff of regret.

"This way." Stacy led Isabella. They walked through the passage underneath the staircase to a room that had no door. Stacy knocked on the wall.

"Ohhh, Stacy!" A withered female voice cried in happiness.  

"Carol." Stacy chuckled with excitement as she entered to greet Carol with an embrace. Carol could hardly keep herself on her feet. Her knees were bent and her back was arched. She only managed to hug Stacy.

"How are you, Stacy?" 

"Oh, you know, I'm just here." Stacy chuckled.

Carol set her eyes in Isabella. Isabella noticed and tried greeting.

"Good morn…"

"What a beautiful girl." Carol chanted as she walked to Isabella with glee and blessings in her eyes. She held Isabella's both hands and looked straight into her eyes. Carol studied Isabella's eyes for a while and gasped.

"No. No!" Carol frantically stepped back from Isabella.

"Carol?" Stacy wasn't sure of what was going on.

"I know you!" Carol claimed before she found her way to sit on her bed. He right hand on her head and her left to guide her the bed. She began weeping, softly yet like a child. 

"I think…we'll head out now." Stacy was just as confused as Isabella and they found it best to leave Carol alone in her, what they thought was an episode.

"Ohhh, Rashad." Carol sobbed; Isabella paused. That name, she tried to recall where she heard it from but she couldn't. 

"Come, Isabella." Stacy called.

On their way out of the building, a seasoned man sitting on a bench beside the passage grabbed hold of Isabella's hand out of the blue. Isabella wanted to pull her hand out but she was afraid she would hurt the man. 

"Excuse me, sir." A wave of pain, sadness and regret flooded Isabella in an instant. What is this? A tear drop rolled down her cheek. The old man let her go. 

"Isabella, honey, what's wrong?" Stacy witnessed Isabella's tears. "Don't worry about these old folks, they have lived and laughed and loved. It's joyous that they have come this far. Come on." Stacy patted Isabella on her back and led her outside. 

The old smell was gone. The monotone was gone, and there was light. It felt relieving to be outside.

"Wait for me here, Isabella. I gotta inform the workers here about Carol's…issue. I have a feeling her Alzheimer's getting worse." 

Isabella stood there in front of the building waiting for Stacy. She encountered quite a number of people pass by but one person, a young female, glared at her with some sort of negative emotion. It had Isabella at an uncomfortable end. Who was that? 

"Okay, let's go." Stacy who just came out of the building. 

"Is Carol going to be okay?" Isabella wondered.

"She'll be fine." 

The night came but the truckers and Gabriel were yet to return. It was 10:32pm. It was a chilly night; a crescent moon. Stacy and Isabella both sat on a bench in front of the bar waiting for them. No one else was in sight.

"I wonder what's taking them so long." Stacy worried.

"I'm sure they're close." Isabella vouched to be the optimist in this situation. She also had Gabriel in mind.

It was 11:24pm and no one had arrived yet. Stacy was asleep inside the bar while Isabella stayed out. 

"Rashad…" Isabella thought to herself. Who is Rashad? Where is he from? Why did Carol mention his name? Questions that needed to be answered. 

Sudden whispers hit Isabella's ears. It did not speak in an understandable language. She suddenly felt drawn to the woods. She stood up from the bench and slowly walked towards the woods. It was as though she was under a spell but she was aware of her movement. She couldn't stop herself. She arrived at the entrance of the woods and stopped, then, went in.

A loud honk, then two, then three. Loud enough to wake the entire town. Stacy jumped from her sleep at the sound of the honk. The time was 11:58pm. 

"They're here!" Stacy yelled as she ran out of her bar "Isabella…" She did not find Isabella on the bench. "Where is she now?" Stacy paced to the Truckers' happily.

The sound of engine steaming off and tired men groaning could be heard. There, she saw her husband coming down a small ladder at the driver's seat door. Gabriel came off the other side.

"Cooper!" Stacy cried with her arms spread out, prepared to embrace her husband. 

"Stacy!" Cooper reciprocated. They both tightly embraced each other for a while with wide smiles one their faces.

"G'morning, Mrs. Josephson." Gabriel politely greeted.

"Oh, Gabriel." She embraced Gabriel. "What took y'all so long?" She asked as she released Gabriel

"Well, it's quite a long story, let's save it for when we unload in the morning. I'm beat." Cooper was indeed tired. It was visible.

"Say, did you see Isabella?"  Stacy asked.

"Who?" Cooper couldn't remember.

"You know, the girl that lives with us." Stacy explained.

"Was she with you?" Gabriel asked.

"She was. Now, I can't find her." 

Gabriel had a bad feeling. He hoped it wasn't what he was thinking. He looked at the night sky for a second and asked "Have you checked the house?"

"Not yet. Oh, I hope she didn't go there." Of course; Stacy thought of that. She was very worried.

"Go check the house. I'll check the corners of the streets." Gabriel suggested.

"Be safe, Gabe." 

"Alright, Gabriel. I'm outta here." Cooper left with Stacy besides him.

All other truckers left as well. Gabriel was alone there. As soon as he sensed no one looking at him, he sprinted straight for the woods.

Growling at her were three furry beasts. She couldn't tell what it was but her mind guess what they were. The night was too dark and the street lights were not bright enough to penetrate this deep in the woods. 

She took a few steps back, as the beasts drew closer. Too many thoughts in her head. Her last prayers, the images of people she once loved, her childhood, Stacy…Gabriel.