

Twenty years ago, war happened within the Silver pack when Beta Gebe marked a mated mate, the Alpha mate. He was sent out of the Silver pack and he started his pack and named it the Blood crest pack. One night, two pups were born from the two packs, a boy and a girl. The male werewolf was born in Silver Pack while the female was born in Blood Crest Pack. Hola the female werewolf is a daughter of the blood crest Alpha. The beautiful female werewolf was considered to be the weakest in her pack since her father locked her inside because she was a hybrid - born with Lycan blood. Meanwhile, Archer the male wolf was born in the Silver Pack. He grows to become the strongest and was made to be the leader of his pack at a young age since her father the Alpha is dead. He was respected by his pack due to his strength, powers,when he was of age to choose a mate, it turns out that no female in his pack was mated to him. One day as he was in the woods hunting with his best friend, he collided with a body and he felt a bond with her. Unfortunately, she wasn't from his pack, she was the daughter of his enemy pack - the Blood crest pack. Will Alpha Gebe approve of the relationship between her only child and the son of his enemy? Will the two packs unite again? How will the Silver pack react to this news?

Daoistl476bw · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs



I left the club angrily and headed home. When I got home I met my mom in the sitting room speaking with the maid. I went to my room without greeting her. I am so mad right now.

'How could she say that to me?' I said and hit the table.

I rubbed my hands into my head as I sat down on the bed. I was immersed deeply in my thoughts when I heard a knock on the door and I knew it's mom so I didn't bother to open the door, I wanna be alone.

"Archer, please open the door" She said as she knocked on the door.

"Mom, please just go… I wanna be alone for now" I said.

"Sweetie, what's wrong? I won't leave until you open this door" She said and knocked on the door again.

I know she won't leave until she sees me so I went to open the door, her eyes were fixed on me.

"Sweetie, what's wrong?" She asked.

"Mom, I am fine," I said, avoiding her eyes.

"You are lying, what happened please?" She asked, gazing at me.

"Fine, I will tell you" I said and narrated everything to her.

She was angry when I was done talking.

"I knew it was Mateo that sent the girl… he came here today" She said with a frown.

"You mean Mateo came here today… What did he want?" I said,furiously.

"He threatened me if that eldest makes you the leader of the pack and not his son, he is gonna kill me" She said with a sigh.

"Mom, don't worry… nothing will ever happen to you when I am around, he can't do anything " I assured and she nodded.

"I wanna sleep now, good night" I said.

"Okay, Good night" She said and left.

I locked the door and lay on the bed.

"Why would he threaten my mom? If he is really brave, he should have comfort… I need to see him" I thought

I opened the window and jumped out through it. When I got outside, I headed straight to Mateo place. I was on my way to Mateo's place when I bumped into Hola and a guy, she was saying something but I wasn't listening cause I was staring at the guy next to her, I don't know why I felt jealous seeing the guy next to her.

Minutes later~

I got to Mateo's place and met him and Ryker at the diner. Ryker was shocked to see me except for my uncle Mateo. Ryker glared at me while his father smirked.

"What do you want, Archer?" Ryker questioned as he wiped his mouth with a napkin.

"I am not here to waste my time, Mateo… I am here for you" I said as I faced Mateo.

The maids and the guards gaped when I called his name but I don't care.

He laughed evilly.

"You are so brave, Archer" He said as he stood up.

He walked toward me and hit my shoulder slightly.

"Are you here because I threatened to kill your mom?" He said and I got angry.

"Mateo, don't get me angry… I only came here to warn you to stay away from my mom or else I will be the one to kill you" I said with a frown.

"Really, you will kill me… you must be joking,do you realise who you are speaking with, kid" He said with a smile.

He was about to touch me when I held his hand away.

"I am only here to warn and this is my first and last warning to you, if you dare threaten my mom again, you are dead" I muttered.

"Then let's see" He said and I glared at him then left.

When I got home, I jumped in through the window and lay on the bed but I couldn't sleep.

The Next Day~

I barely slept last night, the thought of Mateo was still on my mind, how I wish I could just kill him. 

I got down on the bed and went to the washroom to freshen up. When I was done, I came out with a towel wrapped on my waist and on my neck, I removed the towel on my neck to wipe the water on my hair away. I was still wiping the towel away when my phone rang, Adrian's popped on the screen, 

I picked it up.

"Hey, bro" I said as I placed the phone on my ear.

"Archer, are you not coming for training today?" He asked.

"I am coming bro" I said as I dressed up.

"Okay, I need to hang up now… see you at the training" He said and hung up.

Not long, I was done dressing up and I left the room.

Getting to the living room I met mom speaking with one of the maids.

"Good morning, sweetie," She greeted.

The maids also greeted me when she saw me and I responded, mom dismissed the maid then turned to me.

"Archer, I hope you slept well" She said and I nodded.

"I am going for training, see you later" I said and hugged her.

I was about to walk out when she called.

"Are you not going with your car?" She asked as she faced me.

I nodded as I walked away, I walked into the forest.

I was on my way when I heard someone calling me in the forest, I turned back and saw Hola, she smiled at me but I kept a hard face.

"Hi, Archer," She said and brought out her hand.

I stared at her hand and looked away. My wolf was so angry at me because I didn't shake her.

"Why are you like this? Is something wrong" She questioned, staring into my eyes.

"Nothing, can you please leave" I said and she moved away.

"Archer" She ran after me.

When I got to half of the way, I stopped her from following and she sighed before walking away..

"Didn't she know she could get killed when she follows me?" I thought.

Few moments later~

I got to the training place, as soon as the eldest and the wolves saw me they greeted me and I responded with a nod.

"The training starts now," One of the elders announced.

I was glancing around if I would see Adrian when I spotted Ryker, I glared at him and he also glared daggers at me. I was about to call Adrian when I saw him with Celeste walking towards me.

"Hey bro"' Adrian chanted and hugged me.

"Spread out, we are gonna do a little bit of sparring today and I will also teach you how to use a sword" The leader of the eldest said.

"We should listen to them" I said and they nodded.

We all formed a group of two and distanced ourselves.

"So, now one of you attacks while the others defend. '' He said and we did as he was instructed without wasting time. I lunged towards Ryker and just as he was about to block my move, I caught him off guard. I strangled his neck.

"Do you think it is easy for you to kill me?" He said and chuckled.

I became angry and strangled his neck tightly, everyone stopped and turned to us .

"Archer, leave him" The eldest said but I ignored them.

"Kill me and you will see what my dad will do to you and your mother" He said and I threw him on the wall.

Blood gushed out from his mouth, I was about to hit him when someone held my hand.

"Who is it?"


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