
moonlight fantasy: A new way

//READ THE SYNOPSIS// I am a new writer, like this is my first book and i have zero experience and I don't know if this gives a clue of the book..... About the mc's personality he won't be a bad person but worry not he won't try to fullishly do something that he can't do....*cough, probably sometime but not always, he is a reincarnated person from earth and got a op system but in return he has to give something for it, the mc is op but not from the start he have train for it. And about the story it will be your genric fantasy with little bit of adventure, kingdom building and romance. .................. DISCLAIMER: All the og carecters and the og story belongs to there respective owners not me.

NOIR_THE_PROMODIAL · Tranh châm biếm
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3 Chs


I am dead.

I am truly dead but I am concious, how that is possible don't ask me, I lived a good life? probably, my name i forgot, i just remember a few things like my parents, they were your generic parents but they took good care of me.

I remember my crush from middle school i don't know why because I don't even remember my own girlfriend but did i have one?, i remembered a few books that i read, shows i watched, i remember my maths teacher he was the best teacher that teached me till now but it was all waisted effort because i wasn't good at math.

As my monologue was going on i heard a voice.

"Welcome little one you have been choosen to be reincarnated as my first experiment in a different world with wishes and all of your memories." I was startled to say the least hearing the voice and the info dump scared me, reincarnation and wishes were all good but experiment, i don't want to become a lab rat or something like that. "Don't be scared little one as I am a benevolent Omniversal god i won't harm you and you should rejoice your soul wasn't found by any dimensional anomaly or your existence should have been erased and corrupted."

And again info dump that would give any sane person a heart attack but who is sane and i know i am not, i should thank him should for saving my sorry ass.

"Thank you sir god for saving me and granting this opportunity, i am truly honoured but I may ask what kind of experiment i have to participate in."

"Haha worry not child it's not some kind of dangerous thing, all of my friends are doing this so i wanted to try reincarnating someone for my entertainment, in return i will give you three wishes."

Ok so i am safe? or not i don't know but what can I even do, i got three chances so i am gonna put my all in them.

" Again thank you for this opportunity sir god, i have few questions though, as i have three wishes can i ask for anything, can i know which world i will be going in and the timeline?."

"Hmm yes you can ask for anything hehe, no you can't know the world, a hint It will be fantasy type, don't worry it won't be that hard, i can't make things hard as it's my first time, as for the timeline it will be as your previous one's, now ask for the wishes."

So i can't know the world where I would be going, that's a boomer, now I am tempted to ask for Omni powers but I know he won't give them to me as it all will become unentertaining, so what can help me in this situation first a system that's the universal rule, second a place to train and gain power, third it's a fantasy world so there will be beings who can harm me or manuplate me or those close to me, i need protection from that, so it's decided then.

"My first wish is a custom made active system, my second wish is to have a place to train and become stronger where Time can be adjusted and I can bring anyone I want there even if they are unwilling, my third wish is to have all the haki at basic level from the start and i can't be manuplated and hurted by any beings and my close ones too, my meta knowledge will be hidden and can't be seen in it's place will be other things that can fill the blanks." these are not perfect but will give me time to grow strong.

"Granted you and your close ones can't be controlled and there won't be anyone who can see your true future and they won't be able to find out about it, know this you and your close ones can be directly hurt and your meta knowledge is already hidden, hmm yeah I will make some arrangements for you to have it a lot easier at the start."

"Thank you god" i said before disappearing.

After the soul disappeared "Hehe it will fun to watch him, it's good i didn't used my omniscience to see his future" said '???' in a amused tone.


(Earth, Japan at 12:00 am)


"Push ma'am.... please push" the nurse said hurriedly.

"Agh Arrgh it's.... it's painful" grunted the woman with a pale face.

.....(few hours later)....

A man was nervously standing with a baby in his hands, he became a father this day a significant day for every man.

"It's a baby boy kasumi" said the man to the woman who was on hospital bed, "it's our baby boy dear... it's our baby boy" said the woman gently looking at the sleeping baby.


Ohh my god, it hurts, it hurts so much that you want to die, why he? reincarnated me at the time of delivery.

It felt like i stub my toas in a furniture but the pain is all over my body, the feeling of your bones being crushed as you suffocate is frithening.

Well leave it, i can see, i didn't know babies can open there eyes this fast, so i was looking the man who was holding me, he has black eyes and hair, he's probably my father, hmm he's handsome, i am relieved now i will look handsome too, right?.

"Itababyboytsuki" the man.. my new father said "yeshdearitourbouitourboi" said the woman whose voice tone was beautyful, wait a minute what are they blabbering about, i can't understand a single thing, do i have a problem with my ears, no it's probably because i am a baby, yes its because i am a baby!.

As i was mourning at my defection?, the man my father gave me to the woman who was my mother, she is a beauty with brown hair and eyes "gdbywntodrimil"

she said something and proceeded to sowe her breast in my mouth, I was embarrassed, so much i can die of shame right now, i was a twenty year old when I died, it doesn't feel good to drink milk from a woman, what can I do, i hate that god he has reincarnate me at this time, now i have to adjust too it.

.....( After six months)....

After six months i can hear the voices as clear as day, i came to know my new parents names, my mother's name was 'Misumi Kasumi' and my father's was 'Masumi Hayato', there names somehow seemed familiar.

Ahh yes I got a name after one month, so my name is now 'Misumi Akira', i don't know why they took so long but on my naming day they did some wierd kind of ritual probably some Japanese thing.

Well that aside I'm gonna beat 'his' ass the next time see 'him' because I am right now drinking milk and yes from my mother's breast's, wasn't he able give me my memories when three or five years old, why i have to go through this helplessness, whatever I am going to sleep, it's better than going through this humiliation!!!




This was nothing more than a experiment i wanted to do for a long time, i don't know if I will upload more chapters because I took six months to write this one, so yeah i am lazy af.(sorry if there won't be any chapters in the future)
