
Vol. 5 - Chapter 52


It was hard to measure the distance from where they were, but it felt to Ash like they were almost halfway there. That, however, only served to worry Ash further. 

... It's been a while,  Ash thought.  So, where are the Nightmares? 

It made her antsy, wondering how much longer Niven was going to send nothing but basic grunts after her. 

Maybe he's weaker now than I thought he'd be,  she considered, before promptly dismissing that notion.  Hell no. He's just waiting for the right opportunity. 

The blueish mists around them had gotten even darker, along with the sky, to the point where now it properly felt like nighttime. The air got colder, so much so that Ash felt like hugging herself. Lumina showed no reaction at all, though her smile had faded by now. 

Even she looked suspicious, which made Ash feel even more on-edge.