
Moonlight betrayal

Darthyss · Thanh xuân
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14 Chs

Chapter 4, Mr Genius

The next day I woke up, I checked the time and it was 7:30, my eyes widened, I was going to be late!

I got up quickly and got changed,

I was running downstairs and ran out of my house.

I didn't bother to grab anything to eat. I just left.

I came into the school and the first person I see is Mia.

Suddenly I felt anger rising up in me.

After everything Andrew said, I realized how horrible she was to me.

Mia sees me and comes up to me with a smirk, I knew she was going to do something

"Hey loser." she laughs

"What do you want?" I said, rolling my eyes.

I didn't care about what she would do. I was ready for anything.

"Are you sad that your best friend left you?" She teased me in front of her friends.

"What do you mean best friend?" I asked, She stared at me with a glare.

"Ohh, Mia? You mean ex best friend." I laughed,

She looked at me shocked. So were her so called 'friends'

Mia's friends are horrible. I honestly felt bad for her, they would always be calling her name behind her back

"What? Surprised I moved on fast?" I snapped at her.

She scoffed.

"Yes, after all you were her friend for 5 years." She laughed

"Yes. She was my best friend, the person I would tell everything to , but suddenly she turned her back on me. I thought she was a loyal friend. Turns out she was the one I had to stay away from" I yelled,

Some of the kids turned to our direction

Mia and her friends stayed silent and left.

Suddenly the bell rang and I was walking to class.

I sat at a desk beside an empty seat. Mia usually would sit me, but since she turned her back on me she stopped sitting with me.

Our professor was currently teaching us a lesson when someone came in, I was still looking down writing notes when I heard a familiar voice

"Sorry i'm late sir" The familiar voice said, I instantly looked up and met eyes with Andrew. He gave me a quick smile, which was very poorly hidden.

As soon as he smiled at me the whole class looked in my direction.

I could feel Mias glare.

"This better be the last time you're late Mr Davis" The professor said, calling Andrew by his last name.

I went back to writing my notes when I felt someone's presence. I look over at the empty seat which was now occupied by the one and only Andrew, Andrew Davis.

He looked at me and flashed me a smile,

Everytime he smiled, it made my heart flutter for some reason.

It couldn't be a crush. Right?

It was the middle of the class and I heard Andrew sigh, I looked over at him and he had his elbow on the desk and his chin on his hand.

"This class is boring," he mumbled. Or well he thought he mumbled,

"Mr Davis, would you like to answer this question?" The professor asked

Andrew was clueless.

"Uhh 2?" he answers,

"Andrew, this is science class not math class." the professor says

"Oh" was the only thing he said,

"Mr Davis you need to pay attention," our professor said to him

Andrew nodded and the professor continues his lesson,

"You're a genius" I say whispering to him

"I know I am" he chuckled

After class ended. We had lunch.

, I was really hungry but sadly I forgot my lunch money to buy school lunch

I had nothing to do so I went outside and sat on a bench, It was a great view,

I could see birds on trees chirping, Couples laughing together

For some reason I imagined one of the couples were Andrew and I.

What am I thinking? That's never going to happen

Plus I don't even know if I even like him.

Suddenly I feel someone's presence again

I instantly knew it was Andrew. I didn't even have to look at him.

"Hey Andrew" I said

"Hey" Andrew said and sat beside me, not even realizing I knew it was him without actually looking at him.

I look at him to see him eating a granola bar.

He looks at me

"Do you want some?" He asks looking genuine

"No I'm fine" I said but unfortunately, my stomach had failed me.

It made a muffled voice making Andrew look at me concerned.

"Did you eat today?" He asked me concerned

I felt embarrassed,

Why? I didn't know.

I shook my head and looked away.

Suddenly I feel a hand on mine,

I turned around and it was his hand. Andrews.

"Listen, you don't have to feel embarrassed, hold on" he said and started searching in his pockets.

What was he looking for?

Suddenly he took another granola bar

"Here" he said, grabbing my hand and putting the granola bar in it.

"Why do you have 2?" I asked, looking at the granola bar he gave

He shrugged.

"I just bring an extra incase one of my friends forget their lunch" He said

My heart, He was so sweet,

But does he own my heart?

"What are you thinking about?" Andrew asked, realizing I was in deep thinking.

For some reason, I wanted to tell him about that picture I found in my album.

The one with another figure in it. That one.

"Andrew? Can I tell you something?" I asked looking down

Suddenly I feel a hand through my hair,

It wasn't my hand.

So I looked up and met my eyes with Andrews.

"Of course you can tell me anything, Olivia, But if you don't feel comfortable you don't have to tell me" He said.

Andrew and I just started talking yesterday, But I was comfortable with him

I used to hate him but now, I feel happier when i'm with him

I told Andrew about the photo I saw in the album and how Mia stopped talking to me after I told her about it.

We were both silent until Andrew spoke up.

"Olivia. I think Mia has something to do with the picture."