
Moonlight ( Trapped in the world of darkness)

Though the moon was trapped inside the world of darkness, even that world cannot hide the brilliance of the moonlight........ Anne was sent to the world to lift the curse that was cast onto the earth years ago and she had been living in darkness as she finds it difficult to know who she was, then she meets him... The one destined to kill her, a demon as well as the crown prince of the moon, it became ironic to her when she fell in love with him, and her once dark world became a very bright world......

Tife_7736 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


<p>A man in a robe stood in front of the tree, wearing a cold and disgust look on his face. He stared at the woman tied to the tree in front of him, he have that dangerous aura around him that can make someone feel scared and queasy. The woman was covered with blood and her clothes was torn. Her hair was rough and her face was all stained with blood. She was tied to the tree and the man watched her with a disgust look. He looked up at her and cover up his lips with a smirk.<br/>The woman look up at him, looking dead and split her saliva on him<br/>"You think I'm the only witness? You think you'll be safe if you get rid of me. You are wrong you rat! The moon witness your crime. Your sword wasn't just drenched in his blood. Wait and see, the moonlight will strangle you and end your life!"<br/>The man was fuming with anger as he unsheathed his right hand man's sword and slash it on the woman. Instead of dying, she burst into an evil laughter. <br/>" Die! Die!! Die!!!" The man kept saying as he was slashing the woman with the sharp sword but instead, her laughter sounded more energetic than before and the man was scared he was so scared as he opened his eyes. He stared at everywhere and it was all a dream. He was covered with sweat. It was still night and the room was dark, he could only see few things because of the candle that was burning little by little. He stood up, wear his robe and head out. Leaving his door, he saw his right hand man.<br/>"Your majesty" The man right hand man bowed<br/>"Did you see the man?" The man asked<br/>" Yes, your majesty"<br/>"Where is him?"<br/>" He is locked at the Island" <br/>" Take me there and make sure no guard follow me" <br/>" I will, your majesty". The right hand man said and called his men, they bowed before the man before he left with his right hand man....<br/>At the Island, the man stood on top of the mountain, as he await the arrival of his right hand man.<br/>He arrived with a blind man in rough clothes, with a stick in his hand as he uses it to walk. He bowed when he got to the man.<br/>" You called for me, your majesty" The blind man bowed.<br/>" So you are the great sage?" The man asked looking down at him with a disgust.<br/>" Tell me the future of Analin, is it my son the one that will rule or not or is it me?" The man asked and the blind sage smiled<br/>"Your majesty, you will be the one that will still rule Analin" the blind sage paused.<br/>The man smiled.<br/>" Indeed I have a long life span don't you agree Dakota?" The man said to his right hand man and he respond with a smile<br/>" You have a long life span, you will be the king but the people will not worship you. The people will never consider you as their king." The blind sage paused and smile. <br/>" I could see the two moon, one for you and the other for the other king.<br/>The other moon is too bright for yours and slowly your own moon turned into darkness..." <br/><br/>"Shut it!" The man right hand man snapped at him, interrupting him in a mid sentence.<br/>" It's okay. Who is this powerful king?" The man asked curiously.<br/>"It's the MOONLIGHT" the blind sage said and the other two look puzzled.<br/>"Who is that moonlight?" The man asked, looking more curious then, the blind sage smiled<br/>"Though trapped inside a world of darkness, even that world cannot hide the brilliance of the moonlight" the blind sage said with a smile.<br/>"The moonlight will soon be born" the blind sage burst into a laughter. " And the worst thing is that, the moonlight will be born in the palace" he continue laughing and the man was fuming with anger.<br/>"King Zuni, you will Soon be replaced" then he burst into an humorless laughter.<br/>The man, king Zuni clenched his fist and he was breathing loudly and his expression clearly show he will soon do something bad. Knowing how furious he was, Dakota, his right hand man, removed his sword and behead the blind sage.<br/>King Zuni sighed, trying to calm himself. <br/>" Let head back to the palace, your majesty" Dakota bowed<br/>" Find out everyone that's pregnant except from the queen" king Zuni ordered, anger clearly showed in his voice. " I must clear any obstacles that block my way" King Zuni said without a trace of swaying and he left with his right hand man.....<br/>At the palace...<br/>Dakota rushed inside the court room and saw king Zuni going through some petition.<br/>" Your majesty" he bowed<br/>" What is it?" <br/>" About the moonlight, your brother, prince Elu's wife, is pregnant and she will soon give birth."<br/>On to hearing this, king Zuni hit his hand on the table. He clenched the book and gripped his fist hard that the bones on his knuckles were sticking out.<br/>" How dare him hide it from me!" King Zuni was still fuming with anger when he heard the court lady outside the court room announced the arrival of prince Eul. He cleared his throat and order him to come in. Coming in, Dakota bowed and left the court room.<br/>Prince Eul smiled at his brother. <br/>He bowed before him and sat down.<br/>" What bring you by prince Eul" king Zuni smile at him<br/>" Brother I came to tell you something, actually my wife is pregnant and according to the physician the pregnant is six months but I don't know, I mean we don't know. I'm scared brother, is this right? How..." He paused. " I'm confused brother" <br/>" What did you want me to do for you, brother?"<br/>" Please help my wife to get a good physician for the birth of the child. Brother please, I don't want to lose my wife, I have a feeling it was a sign but I don't know if it's a positive one or a negative one. Please brother" prince Eul pleaded his brother. <br/>" Don't worry, consider it done. How about throwing a banquet to celebrate your wife's pregnancy?"<br/>Prince Eul was speechless<br/>" Thank you for your boundless generosity your majesty" he bowed. King Zuni smile and a wicked smiled creep at the corner of his mouth.<br/>' Don't worry I will at least let you have your wife but your child?? Not at all, I'm not planning on letting go of my enemy because of a related blood. I did at least let you see your child before I clear that child of yours away' he smiled and there was no traces of softness or sympathy on his face. He smirked as he watched the retreating back of his brother. There was a trace of disgust on his face as he watched his brother leave the court room....</p>