
Moonlight ( Trapped in the world of darkness)

Though the moon was trapped inside the world of darkness, even that world cannot hide the brilliance of the moonlight........ Anne was sent to the world to lift the curse that was cast onto the earth years ago and she had been living in darkness as she finds it difficult to know who she was, then she meets him... The one destined to kill her, a demon as well as the crown prince of the moon, it became ironic to her when she fell in love with him, and her once dark world became a very bright world......

Tife_7736 · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs


<p>THE MAN IN MY DREAM… <br/>Jerking out of the bed, she yawned, her whole body sore, and she almost fell back on the bed. She managed to sit on a chair and called her slave, but there was no response. Instead, another maid came in and bowed <br/>" you are finally awake, your highness" She bowed <br/>"Who are you?" Anne asked, her throat was dry and her body was so weak <br/>" your highness, I am a new maid assigned to your chamber"<br/>Anne couldn't believe it <br/>"How can this change overnight how… " She was saying when she suddenly remembered where she was going last night, right, she was going to Mona, why is she here? How is she here? Arthur will be mad at her. She needs to go to his chamber and explain to him though she didn't remember what happened, she will give an excuse. She stood up, using all her strength, and walked toward the door when the maid stopped her <br/>" Your Highness, I was given an order not to let you leave your chamber" " I need to go, Arthur, Prince Arthur, my twin brother. I have to tell him something very urgent, so please let me sneak out I…. "She was saying, then she stopped <br/>"I want to meet with maid Ruth, where is she?" Anne asked, knowing this new maid won't understand her <br/>" Maid Ruth has been forbidden to come here, and she has been in the prison since a month ago," The new maid said, and she bowed <br/>Anne burst into humorless laughter. She fell back to the bed, laughing hard, <br/>" what are you saying? Maid Ruth? In prison? Are you sure you are not mistaken? I saw her yesterday, she served me tea and helped me with my clothes. What are you saying?" she said laughing hard <br/>" Your Highness, Maid Ruth has been in prison for a month now. You have been sleeping for a month" <br/>Anne stopped laughing <br/>"What did you say? A month? Are you okay?" she snapped at her, <br/>" Who are you? Where are you from? Who the hell assigned you here? " Anne was angry, she shouted at her, <br/>" your highness you have been sleeping since that night your family passed away. Everyone was worried, and Maid Ruth was arrested as one of the suspects" <br/>" What… My family or what? Are you out of your mind? I… " Anne was saying when she fell on her ground and bowed down <br/>" Your Highness, A month ago, your mother, father, and your twin brother were murdered, and you have been sleeping for a month. You just woke up now, Maid Ruth will be glad" <br/>" What are you talking about? Who…." she stopped abruptly and stared at her, <br/>"Where are my parents? I would at least believe it a bit if I see their corpse. I… " She fell on the floor, <br/>"No, never, I can't believe it. NEVER!!! I need to meet them now! " <br/>"your highness the king himself forbids you from leaving your chamber" <br/>Anne smirked. <br/>" I need to meet the king" <br/>" Your Highness, please, it would be better if you stayed in. Your brother is the moonlight and I think…." she stopped and bent to Anne who was sitting on the floor. <br/>" Your Highness, Maid Ruth will be executed tomorrow at the market. Until then, please stay in. Maid Ruth is my mother, but… She… Keep it a secret, so I can serve you after she was gone. Your Highness, please stay hidden for now. I will make sure to keep it a secret about what happened" she said and Anne stared at her. She needs to sleep again, it's all a dream, a horrible dream she wants to make up from. She fell on her arms and closed her eyes and darkness embraced her..... <br/> ********* <br/>A week later, maid Ruth had been beheaded and King Zuni had heard that Anne had been awake. Anne was forced to believe that her family was dead, though she never believed this, not evens for a second. She cried all day in her room, refusing to eat or drink anything. <br/>After days she visited her family's grave, and she bowed in front of it according to their traditions, paying her respect. She didn't believe this never will she, she said to herself <br/> **** <br/>Some days later, Anne was inside her chamber, lying lifeless on the bed, she was weak, and she wasn't herself as she had refused to eat anything or drink anything. Suddenly, her maid, Maid Yuna opened the door and went to her, Anne stared at her looking dead. <br/>" Your Highness, you have a visitor"<br/>Anne jerked up, forgetting how weak she was. <br/>" Is it my father? Or Arthur? Or my mother? Where are they? I knew it. They're not dead." <br/>" Your Highness, It's not them. Your parents are dead and your brother. You need to believe this"<br/>" Never!!" She turned back to her. <br/>Maid Yuna sighed and opened the door, then a small thin figure came in. Maid Yuna left both of them alone. <br/>Anne was sobbing quietly when she suddenly heard that voice <br/>" Greetings to you your Highness, I am here as one of your slaves, but I will be delighted to also work as your bodyguard," She said, showing all her teeth <br/>Anne was forced to turn at the small thin figure, a girl around her age, dressed in male cloth with a wooden stick shaped like that of a sword beside her waist. <br/>' she is strange' Anne tell herself <br/>" Your Highness, are you looking down on my skills? Let me show you" She removed her sword-like wooden stick and started fighting an invisible person. Anne has so carried away with what she was doing that she saw her hit the wood on her head. <br/>Anne burst into laughter forgetting what had happened. <br/>" well, that is not the case I'm a good fighter. it's just an accident, a mistake, you know everyone makes a mistake"<br/>"I know," She said, laughing. Then she suddenly stopped laughing and was surprised she laughed, Maid Yuna had done everything to make her laugh, but she didn't laugh nor smile. She stares at the thin figure in front of her. She has good energy, she can feel it, and she needs to keep her beside her. She looked up at her, <br/>" What is your name?" <br/>"My name is Navi"<br/>"You are hired" she said and watched her grinned, thrilled. Though she was being hired by the Queen, the queen must have seen that good energy flowing within her. She knew if she rejects her the queen will respect her choice and send her away either back to their house or to one of the concubine chamber. <br/>No she is not for anyone but for her. She smiled at the Tomboy girl in front of her. She will keep her by her side. It definitely a good omen..... <br/> **************** <br/> Jumping out of the palace fence, she rushed to the market. Navi was frustrated. <br/>" Your highness" she rushed after her. She was tired of being scolded every time because of her. She stares at her, dressing as a regular villager. <br/>It's been four years already, and she knew she was sneaking out in thoughts of meeting her parents or one of them or her brother. But nothing has changed since the past four years of sneaking out. She sighed and walked up to her. <br/>" Your Highness" Navi, Anne's tomboy bodyguard as well as slave, stared at her, worried. <br/>" Okay, I will go after trying that woman's wine"<br/>"You want to drink a..... "she was saying when Anne covered her mouth. <br/>" Your marriage is near, what will happen if they saw you drinking wine" Navi said with a nagging tone. <br/>" let me enjoy it when I can, I will end up getting lockup when I got married to that old man. So let me enjoy this when I can" she said, sad, her heart sank with sorrow, and she turned away, heading to the woman's store. <br/>Navi sighed. She knew Anne wasn't okay with this. Getting married to someone she loved is all she wished for but getting married to an old man with 73 concubines and after getting married to him, she will be the 74th concubine. This was not what she wanted. Navi knew that, and this hurt so much because she couldn't do anything to stop this. She knew the king was doing this to gain partnership with the country. <br/>He was greedy for power, not thinking about others's feelings. <br/>She sighed again and rushed after Anne. She will let her enjoy herself to the fullest. She told herself, rushing after her. <br/> At night, it's already 7:00 and Navi was worried, she knew Maid Yuna would have noticed his absence by now. She will soon be worried, but Anne wasn't ready to go home but Navi was so angry that she yelled at her. She then stopped drinking and promised to go home. Navi was excited and wait until Anne arrived back as she said she wants to ease herself. She waited anxiously for her arrival, but she didn't see anyone. <br/> Anne on her own went all the way to the forest, she was a little tipsy. Her eyes were blurry, and she slipped, rolling down on the slide road, falling deeper into the forest. She hit her head on the tree, and she opens her eyes, her body was weak, she couldn't move her body. She has hurt her leg too. She groaned in pain, her leg is now bleeding. She shouted for help, but the forest was dark, and she shivered in fear until she heard footsteps of people coming through different directions. She smiled, relieved, and she shouted for help, then they all come in her direction. She shouted "Here". She was relieved, also trying to stand up until She saw their faces, thanks to the full moon in the sky that night. She was shocked as they have no faces, some have faces, but she could feel that bad energy in them. She shifts back, scared, she has never seen this in her life. She ran away into the dark forest. She forgot she hurt her leg, she was scared as was breathing heavily and running as fast as she could with her remaining energy. <br/> Navi has also start searching for her everywhere since she did not see her. She has never been like this, or was she harsh too much on her? She is going to apologize when she saw her. She was petrified of losing her. <br/> Anne fell down and gave up after some minutes running. Her energy has all drained away, she can't move herself again as she watched the evil like person as she called it approached her. She sighed, giving in. All she except next is to attack her, but suddenly, she heard all of them falling down then she opened her eyes and saw the tall figure in front of her, <br/>' Who is this? Is he her savior or an evil like them? Is he killing them all, so he can have her all by himself.? He is not an ordinary person, as the energy she felt in him was strong and dangerous. He killed them all in a roll without stressing himself or removing his sword. Then he turned to her, he was wearing a hood, and she could not see his face, but she could only see a thing which was the sliver eye!!!!!. She watched as he moved close to her and crouch to her level, she stares at him, but she could only see his sliver eye. He looks familiar, she was sure of that, but she wasn't in her right mind now. She looked up at him. <br/>" Please save me" She muttered to him, and she heard him smirked. <br/>" Of course I will save you. Because you are my PREY" He said and pick her up. Then she fell asleep, feeling safe in his arms...</p>