
She is Awake

Apart from her usual day that day was so different, she woke up in the morning as usual,did her morning ritual but that day she felt like she was actually born on that day.she felt like waking up after so many years of deep sleep.She felt so refreshed,full of life and she was overwhelmed for being alive.That was the first day of her spiritual journey.She started meditating to connect with the nature to understand her purpose of life.She is journaling,tracking her goals and plans,trying to manifest positive energy.Actually this was her healing phase of life.

Living in the busiest city,Kathmandu city she was kinda lost in her 9-5 jobs,busy schedules and chaos.Life was going on and on and on with same routine every day but after working 6 years in kindergarten,she has finally decided to quit her job.So this was the turning point of her life.