
02 | Accursed Gift


I even had to take a double look at the digital alarm clock that was sitting on top of my bedside drawer to make sure that my first glance at it when I woke up was correct. I doubted it when I opened the draperies in my room because when I first looked at the time it was only 9 o'clock in the morning but it seemed like 6 in the afternoon outside. That was probably because of the incessant rain and even now the dark sky was still mourning. And because of that, the classes are still suspended.

Before going out, I folded my bed first. Besides the fact that there is no one else to do it but me, I also don't have a habit of leaving my bed in a mess.

I folded the blankets properly and stacked the four pillows neatly at the head of the bed. After that, I went to the bathroom to do my morning routine. By the time I left my room, I was wearing a checkered white and black sweater, grey jogger pants and bunny-designed black cotton plush wool slippers as footwear. The weather is cold due to the current weather condition, so what I'm wearing is appropriate for today.

When I exited the hallway of the bedroom area, I was immediately greeted by the appetizing aroma of food being cooked in the kitchen. I also hear the happy and lively humming that I'm sure comes from Mama Amelia. Who else can I suspect when it's just the two of us here at home?

Before getting to the kitchen, I have to go through the living area. This house is not big, in fact, it is just a one-story Bungalow type house with two bedrooms which is just right for the two of us. It may look old and ordinary but for someone like me who has a strong sense of "things" beyond the comprehension of a normal person, you can tell that there is something special about this house. And only I know that the one responsible for it was none other than the woman who was now dancing in front of the stove.

"Are you the one responsible for the incessant rain? Did you cast a spell to call down bad weather to suspend classes?" I aimlessly accused which surprised her. She swiftly turned to face me and threw the potholder in her hand at me.

"How could you say that!? Of course not! What made you think that I have something to do with the bad weather?" She scowled defiantly. Left eyebrow raised.

I just shrugged. "Maybe because you're the only witch I know in this place? In our five years here, I haven't seen any other besides you."

Her jaw dropped at what she heard as if she couldn't believe it. I approached the table dully and took a hotdog. I even wondered why so many dishes were served on the table today.

"What's up? Is there an occasion, Ma? Why is there so much food?" I asked one question after another before taking a big bite of the hotdog.

"Hmm. It's not a very special occasion but I thought of cooking today," she replied, totally ignoring my teasing of her earlier.

"And so why is that?" I asked again. She didn't answer my question directly.

"Today is the sixth year we've moved to this place. I thought we should celebrate this day because of all the places we've moved to, this is the only place we've lasted this long!" she said, full of energy. I just kept my eyes fixed on her, watching her every move in front of the stove.

"What do you think, Makari? That safe and peaceful place we've been looking for for years, could we find that place here? Could it be here?" Mama Amelia suddenly asked, stopping me from my feet.

My eyes fell on the half-bitten hotdog in my hand. After she asked that, I could hear nothing but the small and faint crackling of what she was cooking in the pan.

When I looked back at her, I saw that she was also staring at me, silently and patiently waiting for my comment.

"I don't know, Ma," I sighed before turning away from him. "But let's hope so. Moving around is so tiring and I'm very tired of it. I'm tired of this setup."

I didn't hear anything from her when I walked out of the kitchen into the living room. I went straight outside the wide veranda that was wet from the rainwater carried by the harsh blow of the wind.

I let out a deep breath before looking into the distance. You can hardly see the other houses, even the trees that are being danced by the wind because of the thickness and heaviness of the downpour.

Sixth year. This is our sixth year in this place. I don't know, or should I say... I forgot.

Why should I remember this day if one of the next days there is a possibility that we leave again without leaving a trace? That's what always happens whenever Mama Amelia senses danger. And when I say danger, I mean Werewolves. Yes, they are the only threat to my life since the beginning.

Ever since I was born, it has been dangerous for me to stay in one place because of those loathsome beasts. I despise them for my whole existence! They are the reason why I didn't have a good childhood— good childhood memories, friends, and most of all, they are also the reason why I grew up without a mother and father. I abhor them!

But that's all I can do. My words won't be able to kill them and even if I face them, I won't either be able to do anything and they might even be happy that I came to them myself.

In the eighteen years of my life, I learned to live with fear and dread because of them. I didn't do much and learned to forget almost everything.

I couldn't play like a normal kid. I was not able to experience a good night's sleep and even more so I was not able to even tell my real parents that I love them. I wasn't even able to show them and make them feel everything I wanted to show and make them feel.

I forgot the feeling of being complacent, free, and confident. I forgot to trust. I forgot to be a child and was forced to mature. I forgot about trying to make friends because even if I do, it doesn't matter if one day we leave again and move places. And all that is because of them. They are to blame!

But why? Why are they chasing me? What do they need from me? It's simple, that's because of the blood running through me— with the gift, I inherited from my mother; from our clan.

Many people will probably be happy to receive a gift. Maybe many people will be happy that they have something unique that no one else has. But for me, sometimes a blessing becomes a curse and that's what I proved, actually not only me but my whole clan that now has been forgotten by time.

This blood I have; this gift I'm referring to is from an extinct clan that was blessed with the unique ability to heal any illness and even lift a powerful curse— the Cohen clan.

My clan did nothing but share and not deprive their gift to the needy. They were good to all races but it was also their goodness that caused their extinction.

In the old story, the gift we have is a blessing from the Moon Goddess in gratitude for our clan's relentless and pure worship of Her. She gave it to us so that we could help others better but it didn't last long because of the greed of the werewolves.

We are all the same children of the Moon Goddess but they became greedy and hungry for power that's why they took our hearts to gain strength and power more than others. Because of them, there are no Cohens left today and we have been completely forgotten by all the rest of the races in this world.

My Mother and I would have been the remaining of our clan but unfortunately, she also met the same fate as our clan. To make matters worse, on the very day of my birth, that was also the very day that my father and mother died because of a black werewolf that attacked that night.

All this was clear to me, clearer than the clean water on the riverbank. Mama Amelia— my mother's good friend to whom I owe my life— did not withhold the true story of my true identity, origin, and the secret that lies in my blood that must be preserved and hidden.

That's why even though Mama Amelia often annoyed and teased me, I never got angry or held a grudge against her, but instead, I was very grateful to her for all the sacrifices and care she gave for me like her own.

She was the only one who witnessed my birth and the day my parents died. As my mother's close friend, she accepted the responsibility of taking care of me even though she knew that her life could also be put in danger because of me.

She saved me when I was about to be eaten by the same black werewolf that killed my parents. It was not difficult for her to escape from the hand of death then and until now because she is a powerful witch. Yeah, she's a witch but the good kind though not the evil laughing-broom-riding kind.

After that night, she gave me her last name, Milhart, to hide my real last name which brings nothing but danger and I have lived as her son.

I looked down and raised my right hand, silently observing the glowing symbol engraved on my wrist. This is the seal Mama Amelia put on me when I was a baby to hide the smell of my accursed gift from those disgusting creatures.

"Because of this seal, I'm still alive and safe... but for how long?" I whispered into the air before looking off into the distance again, wiping the tears that fell from my eyes like the rain that was also pouring down without stopping along with the flood of bitter memories of the past.

I don't know if Mama Amelia's seal can hide me as long as necessary. Right now, I'm thankful that we haven't seen any werewolves yet, and if there are, I know that Mama Amelia won't let me down, as she's proven to me throughout my life.

That's why it's better if I'm careful not only around but also with the people I meet on a daily basis. I can't depend on Mama Amelia forever. If by being cautious I can reduce Mama Amelia's potential problems, I'll do it, even if I look like a weirdo in front of a lot of people, it's fine.

We can't gamble everything we have in one place. Each day, we have to be ready and alert because the proof that I'm still breathing is also proof that my inevitable fate is still not yet done.

If you look at the world, it looks ordinary but there are many hidden things that ordinary people cannot fully understand. And in every dark corner, we don't know what creature lurks, waiting for an opportunity to get you and just leave without a trace.

If only I could wish and turn back time, I would rather be ordinary and have a normal family like many. If it wasn't for the blood that runs to us, my parents would be alive now.

But it's over. Everything has happened and what happened cannot be changed. All that needs to be done is to continue living in the present and be prepared for the next tomorrow.

I let out a deep breath after wiping my face. Made sure there were no obvious signs of me crying. In our six years here, this is the first time I shed a tear and I hope it will be the last.

When I heard Mama Amelia calling me, I decided to go back inside wearing the mask I had adopted for so long and wear to cover my true feelings.

"I'm coming, Ma! Jeez! You don't have to scream! You're only making the storm worst!"