
Chapter 5 : Her Dream

The room was filled with a unique scent and it was more stronger on the man who was before her. Her heart couldn't stop melting to that scent. His piercing eyes glowed in a bright golden colour, His eye balls had a coating of red colour.

She slowly stepped back as his legs moved towards her. A strong arm wrapped around her waist and pulled her forward. She slammed into his chest and clenched his shirt's hem.

Her nostrils filled with his mere scent again. He snuggled his head in her neck and his grip got tightened around her waist tightly.

He liked the way she snuggled into him. But her heart was chanting something and she could hear it too. She doesn't want to trust him.

_I know. He just need me for his needs. For fate sake he wills to live with me. Im an unlucky fellow. I lost my love. He'll throw me out after his particular needs. He doesn't have any feeling about me. He used me. Through my whole life I'm gonna live with the betrayed feel _

Her thoughts were vanished when she felt his soft lips on her neck. His hands caressed her cheeks and now he looked straight at her glossy eyes.

" Sarangae " His deep cold voice send chill over her Spine and her confused gaze landed on him.

" sara- what?? " her voice was so soft and It was like when she speaks loud that frequency could break other glasses which would make her shiver.

He softly chuckled and said again " sarangae " but she still can't understand what he meant. Before she could ask him again

" I can't control myself around you little bun. Need to mark you soon. May I?? " His deep voice cut her off. His hot breath hit her neck as well. She wrapped her hands around his neck as she agreed .

He leaned and pushed her on the wall. His soft lips brushed her neck she closed her eyes and felt his soft kisses on her neck while drifting into a magical Island which just contain those two and all of a sudden she hissed in pain and tilt her head when his fangs pierced inside her neck.

Natasha woke from her bed while screaming loud and heavily breathed . She touched her neck and noticed her surroundings. She was in her room and its still all dark outside, May be midnight.

Natasha was still breathing heavily as she felt that dream was not just a dream as it almost resembled like real. But she couldn't figure any mark on her neck.

Daniel burst into her room and rushed towards her hearing her loud scream which she uttered before waking up. Natasha hugged Daniel suddenly and made him feel strange.

" Princess, Are you alright? Is there anything wrong ?? would you please to tell me about that?? " he slowly asked and caressed her hair

Natasha nodded in response but she didn't utter a single word. Each and every second made Daniel to tremble and at last Natasha opened her mouth.

" I had a dream " her voice was very low which is not familiar to Daniel.

" Dream... May I know about that sweetie?? " he asked hesitantly and Natasha shook her head

" I-im.. litt-le bit scared Hyung " she said with a Stutter without recognising how she mentioned Daniel. " Its okay sweetie. Let me help you to sleep. lay down, And close your eyes " he instructed and she obeyed

" Please Dan, don't leave me. I'm scared to be alone " she stretched her hand and grabbed his. Daniel smiled and nodded.

He caressed her hair and to his surprise Natasha fell asleep soon. He went out of the room without making any notice of a golden and crimson red layered eyes which were on Natasha from their terrace .

It was a night club where so much of men and women were half conscious and unconscious because of their drinks. Through one of the bar a black haired man entered in and took a seat in corner.

His eyes roamed all over the club and suddenly his phone ringed which was in his pocket. He answered the call and said " hello " in a harsh tone.

But with in a minute a piercing bullet's shot whined in his ear drum and the said man was on the floor surrounded by blood

The people surrounding him began to scream and moved away. A dark figure looked at the dead man and went out without bothering.

The dark figure was suddenly wrapped by a well bulit arm and before he took position to attack, he heard a giggle and whined in a low voice.

" Hyunggggg .. Could you just come in front and greet like everyone else rather than trying to surprise me, which will finish on you getting your nose puncher by my punch someday." he madly said to his brother.

The said man chuckled at his little brother and ruffled his hair with a smile

" Cool Rayon. Give me some mercy . " the black figure Rayon just growled in a low voice at his brother Tenison

" Whatever. What made you to come here Hyung. I expected Jackson Hyung to be here " and the said man was already behind him

Jackson and Tenison were both twins and elder brothers of Rayon.

Tenison ruffled his hair and smiled at his little brother. Rayon rolled his eyes but hugged his brothers.

He felt home after 6 cruel months. The twins were also happy to see their younger in person after this break

Rayon " Then, What's the next mission? " asked in his usual cold tone . Jackson rubbed his neck and looked at his twin. Tenison signaled his eyes and stayed quiet which made Jackson sigh.

" Tell me the mission Hyung " Rayon stood and turn back to his Hyungs

" This time it isn't a mission Rayon. Ahmm its going to be an order- " Jackson got cut off by Rayon's flinch " From whom? "

" None other than The heads " Tenison said and rolled his eyes

" What was the order then ?? " the twins looked at Rayon like he was a new species from space . Usually Rayon would never listen to them when it is an order from anyone. But they changed their expression as soon as rayon began to grit his teeth.

" Ahm.. It was to you to bring a nerd college student named Kim Erik Taison to our pack " Jackson answered in a hurried tone . Rayon looked at them with a Really-thats-all look .

Tenison nodded and Rayon just sighed and continued his walk . The twins followed him and they were aware of his activities.

Natasha's POV

Today I woke up in my bed alone. Maybe Dan left at night after I fell asleep.

Speaking of yesterday's night, I remembered my dream. I turned to my left and picked my sticky notes.

I started to write whatever I remembered. But to my bad luck I just remembered something and his red and golden eyes.

I looked down at my sticky note which says Golden eyes

A unique scent

I didn't trust him

He called me little bun

He talked something about Mark or he needed to mark

I felt a piercing pain

He had sharp fangs

What does these clues mean. Nothing. With brief sigh I dragged myself to my bathroom to get bath, which was attached to my bedroom

Reena's POV

I'm now at the cabin just looking at my nervous mate Daniel who was in search for an realistic lie.

" That's enough Mr Dark. I'm bored of waiting. Don't you know that Im your Mate and you are mine? " I literally yelled as I already knew that his little sis wasn't here.

Daniel looked at me and nodded his head " I do know Reena. But- " he Stopped I sighed loudly

" Why can't you just spill out everything Mr. Dark. Don't you trust me? Since I met you I couldn't sense a scent from Natasha. I thought that you're just pretending yourselves not to show you as an werewolf. But its not like that. Natasha didn't know that you, her brother, is a whole alpha where she, his sister is a NORMAL HUMAN " he flinched at my tone

_I think I'm just making him mad again. Yaa I don't wanna die soon and definitely not in my own Mate's hands_ While I was wandering around my thoughts

" Stop it Reena. I trust you more than anything. But I can't tell you those confidential matters about my sis now " He tried not to yell at me. I folded my hands across my chest and raised my eyebrow

" Then why didn't you tell her? " he looked all over the room to avoid eye contact. But then sighed and came closer towards me. He touched my chin and looked at my eyes

" Trust me Reena. This is not the right time to you to know about these things, either her. I will make sure the things become right which isn't now. Natasha isn't like us. She is somewhat unique. I don't want my sister to get hurt because of me. I need to protect her. Protect her from everything. From this cruel world, From this wolves and also humans " I didn't meant to hurt him but somewhat I did.

I jumped and wrapped my arms around his shoulders. He hugged and lifted me carefully. He buried his face in my neck and intensely calmed by my scent.

" I'm sorry for everything Dark. Whatever happens, I'll always stay behind you and Natasha to support you both " he closed his eyes and breathed " I'll always protect my family from being before you both . Love you Reena " I didn't expect him to say this now. But I smiled

" love u too "

To be continued

Hey Hearts. I hope that this isn't much boring . Care to tell my mistakes and I'll surely correct it. Thanks for your support❤
