
Monstrous Ascension: Endless Monster Evolution

The entire solar system was destroyed before anyone could notice or even understand what had happened. A massive comet changed its course and ended up hitting the sun, causing a chain reaction that made our biggest star expand and then become a supernova. Five hundred seconds later, Earth started to get hotter, and in five seconds, all the life on the planet burned and died. That was supposed to be the end of the human race, but for some reason, all the humans began to reincarnate as monsters in another world. Those who wanted to struggle and live for a while longer could fight and evolve, even reincarnate in other forms if they tried hard... Kane was one of them, he wouldn’t let himself be hunted without reason, and he was determined to climb up the food chain of that new world that had many fantasy races and monsters, gods and demons, hunters and overlords.

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The Society of the Crazy Goblins (5)

"The next group is about to come," Carl said while he saw some people leaving the huts and walking toward the entrance of the village. "You will be a new member of the fifth group. You will be the ninth member, so try hard to understand your new allies fighting styles in order to avoid future problems, Kane."

"Understood," Kane nodded.

Around twenty people left the huts… so Kane almost frowned when he heard that people who were in the sage mode would watch the village and hunt monsters with him. If anything, it couldn't be helped that they would have to decrease their lust bar, but it would be insane to fight monsters after having a wrestling match with the members of the opposite sex.

Regardless, Kane decided not to show what he was thinking because soon, he would understand the worries of everyone. Every hour, his lust bar increased by two points, and thanks to that, the goblins looked into his eyes more and more beautiful, even the males.

Kane thought Carl would introduce him to his teammates, but he actually left even before the group that would take his place could arrive. So, he was left alone, being stared at by the people who were on guard duty and the people who would hunt with him.

"Hey, there… My name is Kane," Kane forced a smile. "From today onward, I will be a member of your group."

It looks like ten days of living alone as a monster made his social skills grow rusty. Kane felt that way because he was also feeling quite awkward while introducing himself. He wasn't young anymore to feel like that, after all.

Regardless, not a single person in that group seemed really interested in the new member. Fortunately, that also meant that no one would try to mess with him for no reason… that being said, their teamwork would probably suck if they didn't interact with each other even for a while outside the battles.

Suddenly, almost all of them began to look at a woman who was armed with a wooden spear. For some reason, she just sighed as if she was about to do something troublesome.

"My name is Leia… and I guess I'm the leader of this group," Leia said after taking a step forward. "Today, just try to observe us and learn as much as you can just by doing that. We can't talk a lot while we hunt, or we will end up drawing the attention of too many enemies. That is the rule number one while we hunt, don't make any noise."

Kane nodded, it looked like Leia wasn't the leader because she wanted, but he decided to do what he was told, just observe and stay quiet while everyone worked. He never used a spear before, so it would be better to see someone experienced in handling that weapon in action… mastering a weapon like that wouldn't be easy, and the trick certainly wasn't just attacking with the pointy end, after all.

Leia and the others left the village without wasting time, and Kane followed them closely behind. Their attention wasn't that high, so he concluded that the monsters didn't live so close to the village, or at least they managed to hunt all the monsters that once lived nearby.

"Come to think of it, I wonder at what level Carl is… I thought monsters could evolve just by reaching level ten, but maybe I was wrong. After all, one month here is more than enough to reach that mark. Or maybe not... hunting with many allies should decrease the amount of experience that can be obtained. How could I forget such obvious things? Well... by fighting alongside others, I will be able to fight stronger opponents as well."

Given his past experience, Kane doubted that other monsters would leave humans to have a peaceful life. Also, considering the amount of food necessary to feed almost fifty monsters, it was clear that the battles were supposed to be constant. Regardless, maybe a goblin needs other requirements to evolve instead of just reaching level ten.

After observing his teammates for a while, Kane concluded that they weren't that reliable. Maybe it was because they were having fun a few minutes ago, but they looked exhausted and didn't have the energy or eagerness to hunt.

"They survived and obtained enough coins to become goblins, so they know how important it is to store energy and level up… so why are they looking like this when they can obtain both?"

Maybe those people got too relaxed now that they found a safe place that was maintained by humans and lost the wish to become stronger. Kane could understand, after dying several times, any person would become quite scared of fighting, but at that point in time, everyone must know that not fighting wasn't an option…

Kane would have to confirm that, but he couldn't imagine that group succeeding in hunting anything. They didn't even look like they were about to try, so it didn't make any sense that Carl would make rules to help them… if they had the bodies of kids and the elderly, Kane could understand that they might cause some problems. Still, everyone's bodies were basically the same and much stronger than their human bodies… so Kane couldn't understand their lack of enthusiasm.

After ten minutes of walking, Kane noticed that everyone suddenly grabbed their weapons. Even those who seemed new on the camp looked ready to fight… Kane did the same, but he didn't take any combat stance. He only grabbed his spear a bit more tightly in order to fight for his life if something went wrong.

Leia raised her right arm, and everyone stopped. Still, she alone continued to move forward and stopped a few meters ahead while checking the ground. It was barely noticeable, but he also saw some marks on the ground. The vegetation was somewhat crushed as if something large as Kane's head and very long had passed by there… It was clear that they finally reached the snakes' territory.

"Now, it is time to see how we can hunt snakes and if I can do it alone eventually…"