
Monsters Online

In the year 2040 a new game had been released it had become the hottest topic among gamers. The game is called Monsters Online it was the most advanced game in the world using VR technology the gamer goes into the game itself and experience the game as if it was real life. They feel everything that they would in real life but in a fantasy world a gamers dream come true. Join Jack a orphan on his own journey throughout Monsters Online as he learns the truth of the game and the changes that it promises to bring the players as well as experience VR for the first time.

Jacko91 · Kỳ huyễn
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The Golden Ticket

I was in amazement at how great the town looked despite being the starter town it was big bigger than some small towns in the real world I noticed that the town was full of people they were all NPCs I didn't notice a single player which is understandable as they would be in towns or cities further in the game instead of this one. I guess what Lisa said was actually true then that a lot of players actually did knock up a lot of female NPCs cause I don't remember a game that had this many NPCs before it was like I was in a town in the real world given how many people there were out and about, I really should believe what Lisa told me cause if not I'm going to be surprised every time something she told stares me right in the face.

"That's enough standing around like a statue" I muttered

I checked my mini map at the bottom right of my field of vision to see where the closest side quest to me was and luck me it was just up the street that I'm currently on, I made my way up that street to the destination of the side quest it's there that I noticed that the quest giver was a elderly woman standing next to a store. Potion store.

"O great adventure" spoke the elderly woman as she walked up to me "please won't you hear a only lady out in her time of need"

"Sure" I said "let's hear your request"

Why did I just get into role playing as a great adventure? I'm a novice mage I just started this game so acting like a great adventure is just silly to be honest but I guess I just went along with it as the elderly woman did address me as a great adventure and all, I think she might of been programmed to say that to any player that passes by but then again talking to Lisa felt too real and I did hear that talking to NPCs felt like talking to real people in the real world. I guess it must be my equipment that made her think I was a adventurer despite being dressed as a mage.

"In the forest just outside the city gates lies a herb garden" explained the elderly woman "I own a potion shop so of course I go there to collect the herbs"

"But lately I've been unable to go there" added the elderly woman "a dire wolf has made our herb garden its home"

It's not that rare for animals like wolfs to live in forests I believe I heard someone tell me that but can't remember how accurate it is. Growing a herb garden in a forest isn't the brightest idea mainly cause animals or monsters live in the forest so it's not guaranteed that the herb garden will be okay it would of been a better idea to grow it in the town itself than in the forest.

"That indeed does sounds bad" I asked "haven't you asked the guards for help? "

"Unfortunately we don't have any guards in our town" replied the elderly woman "and all requests to the capital have gone ignored"

I guess it wouldn't be a quest if they could just ask the guards but still you would expect a town like this to at least have a few guards. I have a feeling the reason her request to the capital going ignored will probably be another quest later on but for now let's just focus on this quest as it will be my first official quest within Monsters Online and to be honest I want to see how the combat works before accepting any harder quests.

"Very well, Ma'am " I said "I shall deal with your wolf"

"Thank you" thanked the elderly woman "I shall have a reward for you upon your return"

According to the elderly woman the forest is just outside the northern gate from my current location I'm near that very gate. I just need to walk to the very that Lisa had transported me to then carry on walking north from there it should only take me about five minutes to reach the northern gate. Once at the gate I'm supposed to take a left once I leave the town and once I do so walk straight I can't miss the forest according to the elderly woman.

"The elderly woman wasn't kidding" I muttered "you really can't miss the forest"

I entered the forest without a second thought and began searching for the herb garden that the elderly woman spoke of she didn't give good directions to the herb garden I did get lost in this forest. Which should of only took me thirty minutes at best took me over a hour to locate the herb garden at first glance it does look beautiful but I don't have time to take in the sight I have a quest to do.How did the elderly woman keep making the trip to this herb garden? Cause for me it was one heck of a walk to get here even if I didn't get lost it is still quite some distance to walk. The moment I entered the herb garden I located the wolf she was talking about it wasn't the normal wolf that I thought it was but in fact it was a dire wolf which shouldn't of been a surprise given that this is monsters online.

"Grrr" growled the dire wolf as it spots me.

The dire wolf wasn't like your typical wolf it was bigger judging by size alone it comes up to my waist in height, it was very muscular as you could see the muscles on its four legs, it has black and grey fur and golden eyes. This thing would definitely be terrifying to come across in the real world as it makes normal wolfs look like just a puppy compared to this wolf you wouldn't want to see this strolling around in the woods or anywhere for that matter.

"My first quest had to put me up against this thing" I muttered

Looks like my first combat experience in this game is going to be up against this dire wolf let's just see if what I've heard about the combat is true or not. Apparently the combat in this game is very similar to combat in real life from hand to hand, using a sword and even using a shield everything is what can be used in the real world except for the mage class which is a given due to the fact that we can't use magic in the real.

"This is really going to be interesting" I muttered

The dire wolf charged at me with incredible speed I just barely managed to dodge. That was close I hadn't expected it to be that fast but then again it's not like I've ever fought a wolf in the real world so I can't be sure if wolves aren't this fast naturally or if it's only this dire wolf that's fast. I readied myself for another attack from the dire wolf I kept my eyes on the dire wolf looking for a opening the dire wolf charged at me yet again I dodged again I kept doing this for a few minutes mainly cause I don't have the speed that the dire wolf has.

"Zap zap zippy bolt!" I shouted the moment I saw an opening.

I don't know what the person behind naming spells was thinking but they are lame names that it's kind of embarrassing to be seen saying this spells especially in front of people you actually know but unfortunately that's the only spell I know as of right now. The dire wolf's hp had decreased only by twenty hp from being hit by my spell it originally had sixty hp but now after my spell it's only got forty hp left just two more hits from my spell and it should be done for. The dire wolf sure didn't look too happy about it as it charged at me again and just like before I dodged but this time the dire wolf changed its pattern as it landed a kick on me just as I dodged its charge talk about a smart AI in older games the monsters just kept to the same pattern it never changed that pattern that's another thing that Monsters Online is doing right.

"I'm down to forty hp myself" I muttered

I need to be very cautious about how I deal with this dire wolf now given that it has changed its pattern in which it attacks. It charged at me but this time I didn't just dodge I rolled away out of its reach anyway I let off another Zap zap zippy which reduced the dire wolf's even more but of course this made the dire wolf furious at me. The dire wolf was now attacking with even more speed than before which was insane I barely dodge all of its attacks but this also meant it didn't give me time to counterattack at all. I was running low on stamina I might not need stamina like the warrior class or rouge class but that also means that the longer the fight carries on the faster I will become tired I definitely need to put some points in stamina the next time I get any points. I decided to not dodge its charge this time instead I let out my final zap zap zippy if the dire wolf dodged this I would loose but if it didn't I would win it was a gamble the moment I saw the dire wolf's hp drop to zero I knew I had won I let out a sigh of relief a relief that my first fight was over and that I had won.

"That was tough" I muttered

The moment I defeated the dire wolf I got a notification stating I had levelled up to level two which is good news considering that if the dire wolf gave me this much trouble just how much trouble will stronger enemies give me. I had received four points which I instantly put two in my stamina and two into my hp cause they are definitely a mandatory if playing the mage class in monsters Online cause these monsters are stronger than you expect for level one monsters unfortunately I didn't get any skill points cause I could really do with another skill right about now. I just hope I don't come across any enemies that are immune to lightning base spells or I'm done for as that's exactly what my spell element is.

"You're kidding me right?" I asked to no one

The moment the dire wolf disappeared into thin air it left a lot of items behind like monsters tend to do in older games but among the items they were your typical drop items like: potions which I could of done with before the fight, some useless stuff, in game currency not much and things like that. Among all the items there was one item that stood among an item that I couldn't believe my eyes mainly cause it's an extremely rare item: a golden ticket. It's one of the rarest items in the game I've heard people playing for the game hours straight and still not obtaining one that's just how rare and hard it is to obtain a golden ticket but here I am just started the game and just defeated my first my monster and obtaining a golden ticket as a drop item I can just hear all those people that spent hours playing crying tears of jealousy right about now.

"I wonder what effects it will have?" I asked curiously

Golden tickets are what made this game very popular as the effects of the golden tickets are applied to our real bodies as well so you can imagine why everyone that plays this game is out defeating monsters in hopes they drop a golden ticket. Some tickets grant increase strength while some grant you the ability to use special abilities similar to magic or at least that's what I've heard it would be amazing to have superpowers. Just thinking about it is making me excited to see what effect the golden ticket has. It would be so cool to turn up at school with abilities or increased strength or speed I mean I would be the talk of the school I'm getting ahead of myself I need to see what effect this ticket has first.

"Unfortunately there's no writing or symbol on the ticket itself nor is there any description from the game about what ticket this is" I spoke

Usually in older games when you obtain an item it has a description about the item or the effect of the item like: cursed or even poison. Unfortunately there's no such description for this item while every other item has a description my guess is the developers wanted to keep the tickets effect a surprise until it is used. That's only theory but never mind that my first priority is to use this ticket I mean I won't know what's it's effect is until I use the thing and it would be such a waste not to use it as it is a very rare item the chance of obtaining another is near impossible as I've never heard of anyone obtaining more than one ticket as of yet.

"Here goes nothing" I muttered

I opened my inventory yet again this time however I nervous selected the option to use the golden ticket instead of just viewing the golden ticket I was nervous as I didn't know what effect I might get from this golden ticket it literally could be anything as there is endless possibilities of effect the golden ticket could give. The instantly I used the golden ticket I was enveloped in a golden light the light enveloped me for what felt for a while at least to me anyway it was probably only for a few moments that the light enveloped me when the light disappeared a notification appeared in front of my eyes.

Congratulations! the ???? Ticket has been used.

The effects of ???? Will take some time to appear on your avatar and physical body. Please note that any changes the golden ticket has made are permanent and can never be undone. Thank you for playing Monsters Online.

"Looks like I've got to wait" I muttered

I've never heard of a golden ticket taking time to take effect but then again I've only information about the golden tickets from fellow gamers that I know who haven't obtained a golden ticket themselves so its not clear if they all the details on how long the effect takes to be applied. Since I've got to wait might as well return to that elderly woman and complete this quest I started making my way back to the town which isn't going to be that much trouble it was harder locating the herb garden than it would be to find the town upon returning to the town I headed straight to that elder woman's location.

"I've slain that wolf for you" I spoke

"Thank you O great adventure" thanked the elderly woman "this is your reward please take it"

The reward was decent at least I was give a hundred Moc which is in game currency it stands for Monsters Online Currency, two small health potion and two small mp potions which are definitely needed given that I'm playing as a mage. I bid farewell to the elderly woman the effect of the golden ticket haven't applied yet and unfortunately there isn't any more side quests I can do however there is the bulletin board which has a few quests to be done but I was going to do them once the golden ticket effects have been applied I decided to log out for the night hopefully the effect of the golden ticket has been applied by tomorrow.

"Log out" I muttered

My vision returned to my room I removed the visor before sitting up on my bed I then removed the VR connectors I then look at my clock and saw it was getting on for 8pm so I decided to get myself a sandwich I headed downstairs to the kitchen where I made a simple sandwich after eating I returned upstairs and got ready for bed once ready I jumped straight in it doesn't take me long to drift off to sleep.