

Calax is haunted by a recurring dream in which he sits in his apartment, hearing mysterious voices. Fear grips him, but relief comes when he hears the voice of his beloved, Adelaide. She reassures him, promising her love and urging him to fight for their reunion. This dream is his solace amidst captivity and pain, a secret he guards fiercely from his captors.

EroMaster007 · Khoa huyễn
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16 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


We walked hand in hand down the hall and to another room. The tension between us hadn't completely abated - I hated being lied to more than anything - but we both knew it wasn't the end for us. Not by a long shot.

My nerves were haywire as we stepped inside a room similar to the one Fallon had been in. King-sized bed, a television mounted on the wall, two tables flanking the bed. Asher and Tamson sat on the bed, whispering to each other, while Declan leaned against the wall. Ronan and Ryder were resting on the two chairs positioned in the corner of the room. All five of them glanced up when we entered, eyes zeroing in on me with a heat and intensity that left me reeling.

Declan signed, "Did you work everything out?"

Only when we both nodded did the tension drain from their shoulders. I hadn't even realized how stressed they had been, how worried. I didn't know how much they knew about Fallon's secret (from his explanation, next to nothing), but they had obviously sensed the life-shattering news he had planned to drop.

"I'm happy I don't have to kill you for hurting my Kitten," Ryder joked, but it fell flat. The room was still amped up with a thickening tension. Ryder tried to smile, but it appeared more like a grimace. Ronan shifted from foot to foot.

Were they…?

Were they nervous?

"What's going on?"

Newton's Third Law of Physics or whatever: when your boyfriends were nervous, you get nervous as well. Fact.

I grabbed a strand of my brown hair and fiddled with the ends. It was in desperate need of a cut. My split ends were getting split ends.

"We have something we want to ask you," Tamson began softly. His cheeks, as usual, were a bright crimson. When I met his eyes, he ducked his head with a sheepish smile.


Oh god. Is this it? Are they breaking up with me?

"No!" Ronan said quickly, hands raised as if fending off an attack. "The exact opposite actually."

He exchanged a look with Declan who nodded. Fallon moved from behind me to stand beside Tamson and Asher, both of whom had risen from the bed. Ronan and Ryder joined the line of solid muscle. A sexy wall I wanted to climb like a rock wall…

As one, the men dropped to one knee.

I couldn't breathe, couldn't think, couldn't even hear over the erratic pounding of my heart. It thrummed against my rib cage, but instead of a soothing song, it was a cacophony of noise.

Tears pooled in my eyes, and like a protagonist from a cheesy eighties movie, I put my hand over my mouth.

My entire life, I dreamed of someone loving me enough to want to spend eternity with me. To see six men who had never knelt for anyone, six men who personified strength and love, on one knee for me? It was only a testament to how much they loved me.

It was Declan who procured a tiny, velvety box. With bated breath, he opened it to reveal a ring straight out of my dreams.

The band was silver, glinting like starlight in the candle glow. The center of the ring consisted of a shimmering amethyst stone surrounded by seven diamonds.

The tears in my eyes cascaded in a steady torrent, and I was helpless to stop their steady flow down my cheeks.

"We love you," Ryder said softly. The usual playful banter was gone from his voice. In its place was a tenderness and love that caused my heart to lurch.

"And it's only going to ever be you," Ronan added. I was stunned to see tears in his eyes.

"You brought me out of my shell," Tamson jumped in. His voice was quiet but sure. "Showed me love even when I was at my lowest." His eyes tightened with pain, and I knew he was thinking of the confrontation that had caused me to get shot. He had acted cruel, crass, and had treated me like a whore. It had all been an act, but I knew he was haunted by his actions despite my own forgiveness of them long ago.

"You're our world," Asher added simply. The tears were falling in earnest now down my face, and Asher flashed me a small smile. It was a smile he perfected, a smile he reserved only for me, a smile that made me feel comforted and warm and safe. Seeing that smile was coming home to a roaring fire and hot chocolate after trekking through a snowstorm for days.

Fallon grunted. He didn't like to show his feelings, especially in front of others, but our conversation reverberated through my mind. He loved me.

I glanced lastly at Declan. Ducky. My oldest friend. His brow was furrowed in concentration as he opened his mouth, and slurred, beautiful words escaped.

"Will you marry us?"

Time seemed to slow as I stared at my six lovers and the ring. All different. All perfect. All mine. I knew, innately, that there was supposed to be a seventh on one knee before me as well. Like a mirage, I visualized Calax on the other side of Fallon, his gruff face uncharacteristically warm. My gentle giant. My enemy.

My best friend.

He nodded his head once, encouraging me to follow my heart.

Like any mirage, he dematerialized in a cloud of gray smoke.

The ring was a perfect representation of our relationship. As unconventional as being the lover of seven - six - men was. The gem in the middle was my birthstone, and the diamonds that sprouted from it like the legs on a spider represented each of my guys.

They hadn't forgotten Calax, even though he was no longer with us. They knew he would always hold an irreplaceable piece of me.

"Yes," I whispered softly. And then, louder, "Yes."

The guys converged on me, kissing any bare skin they could find. I felt so loved in their arms. Safe. Protected.

My loves.

My boyfriends.

My soon-to-be husbands.


* * *


The others retired for the night to the rooms nearby, each pressing a kiss to Addie's lips. While we all agreed we wanted to see where the group aspect of our relationship went, we knew now wasn't the time. She was still fragile, still hurting, and despite her strength both physically and mentally, it wasn't the time to test her.

Her eyes remained locked on the ring as she stripped out of her clothes. Declan had been the one to find the ring during his separation from Addie. When he'd showed it to us, we all knew that it was now or never. We loved her, and we wanted to spend the rest of our lives by her side.

It didn't bother me that I would be sharing my wife with five other men. They weren't just strangers, but my best friends. My brothers. They could protect her when I couldn't, could offer her stuff I never could.

Heat rose to my cheeks as I took in her creamy, voluptuous skin. Her breasts barely covered by the scrap of material she called a bra. Her panties that showed more than they hid.

My cock was suddenly unbearably hard.

"This is a dream. A freaking dream. Am I Cinderella? Am I going to wake up at midnight and find myself back with my parents at the resort?" she murmured to herself.

Standing there in her bra and panties, hand extended as she looked at the ring, I had never been so turned on in my life. The ring was a symbol of our forever. Of the fact she was ours, mine, and we were hers.

She didn't seem to know how fucking beautiful, how sexy, she truly was. I was intoxicated by her presence, lost in sensations only she had ever evoked from me.

Her head tilted in my direction before dipping lower. I didn't even have time to cover the obvious tent in my boxer briefs - what I usually wore to bed - before she raised a single eyebrow.

Spinning completely, she placed both hands on her slender waist.

"Tamson," she said softly. Sultry. Huskily. The noise sent heat straight to my cock. The beast was standing at attention, waiting for my command. "We haven't had time to be together. Just the two of us." She took a step closer, and I could've been mistaken, but I would've sworn she added an extra sway to her hips.

When she pressed her lips to mine in a teasingly slow kiss, I thought I would come in my pants.

Still, I clenched my hands into fists to keep from touching her.


She must've heard something in my voice, for she pulled away abruptly and her eyes flashed with hurt. I hated that I was the one who did that to her. Again.

"I want you, my love. More than anything. But…" I rubbed a hand down my face.

"But?" she pressed.

"I don't think you're ready for me."

At that, her eyebrows rose in what appeared to be a challenge. "Are you super big? Because my vagina is fully equipped to handle big cocks, let me tell you. This isn't my first rodeo, cowboy."

I frowned. "No...I mean yes, it's big...I mean...look, I don't want you talking about any cocks near you or inside you that's not one of ours. Got it?" My tone turned unintentionally authoritative, but the mere thought of someone kissing her, loving her,touchingher, made me see red.

Her breath hitched at my voice, eyes flaring with desire and carnal hunger.

My own breath caught at the wanton expression on her face. Addie hadlikedwhen I had commanded her. My skin heated, a blazing inferno growing inside me, and my balls clenched painfully.

"I'm not like the others," I said slowly, carefully, gauging her reaction. She tilted her head to the side curiously but otherwise did not react. Face flaming, I added, "I like control."

"Control," she repeated.

I nodded once. "Being in control of your pleasure and my own. What I like to do requires a certain level of trust-"

"I trust you," she broke in, and my lips curled.

I wanted to resist, but she was standing before me like some decadent treat. A forbidden fruit.

Her eyes were hooded with desire, her thighs rubbing together to alleviate the tension, and I knew there was no denying her.

What my queen wanted, my queen would get.

"At any time you want me to stop, say so," I told her hoarsely. The whimper she released was music to my ears. "Now, be a good girl and get on the bed."

With a coy smile on her lips, Addie did as instructed.

My eyes trailed over her perfect form, those heaving breasts just begging to be sucked, the wetness seeping through her panties.

"You're so wet for me," I murmured huskily.

That small hand of hers trailed down her stomach and towards her pussy. Before she could touch herself, I draped my body over hers and kissed her senseless. That same hand fisted in my red hair, tangling the strands.

I allowed her to. For now.

Soon, she would learn what she could and couldn't touch without my permission.

"Do you trust me?" I whispered against her mouth. Chest heaving, she nodded. "I need words, Addie, or else this isn't going to work."

"Yes, I trust you," she rasped. Nodding seriously, I moved from the bed, ignoring her cry of protest, and grabbed two of my clean shirts from my suitcase. They weren't ideal, but they would have to do until I could get adequate supplies.

My breath left me at the thought of Addie in a sex store with me.


Returning to the bed, I raised both of her hands above her head and used the first shirt to tie them together. My good girl didn't struggle.

I had feared, with her past, she would be hesitant about being tied up and dominated. I may have loved this type of sex, but I loved Addie more. I would've been more than willing to give up this control in order to be with her.

But having her at my mercy…

Fuck me. This was every fantasy I'd ever had come to life.

"You need to rely on your senses," I told her as I used the second shirt as a makeshift blindfold. "Your hearing." I caressed her cheek with my lips before moving to her sensitive earlobe. Nibbling once, I sat back, watching her. Her lips were parted as she panted. "Your smell." I leaned back down to lick from the tip of her nose to between her eyes, stopping before I reached the blindfold.

"Tam…" she moaned, gyrating against my hip.

"Touch." I grabbed her dainty hand and brought it to my mouth, swirling my tongue over each digit before taking her thumb completely in my mouth. My eyes locked on the ring declaring her as ours, and I couldn't stop myself from planting a soft kiss to the stone. "And, finally, taste." My tongue prodded her lips until she opened for me. I took her tongue between my lips and sucked, reveling in the low moan emanating from her chest.

Releasing her, I sat back once more, positioning my body so I was overtop of hers. Usually, I would take my time, tease her, bring her to the precipice of pleasure before sending her stumbling over.

But she wasn't any girl. She wasAddie. The love of my life. The love of my fucking existence.

I needed her, craved her, too badly for extensive foreplay.

Heart hammering like a schoolboy with a crush, I unhooked her bra straps. With her hands still tied together, it was impossible to remove it completely, so I allowed the fabric to settle just above her wrists.

Fucking glorious. Perfect.

Palming her heavy breasts, I allowed my thumb to caress her beaded, light pink nipple. Hungry for her, I ducked my head and took one in my mouth. She groaned my name, hips moving, as I devoured her breast. My other hand worked the neglected tit, kneading the tender flesh.

Planting kisses in the crevice between both breasts, I whispered, "Usually, I would take my time. Worship your body, my goddess. My queen. But I'm not going to last much longer if I'm not inside you. Do you want that, baby? For me to be inside you? To feel how much I love you?"

"Yes," she whimpered.

Smiling softly, I pretended to cup my ear despite knowing she couldn't see me. "What was that?"

"Yes! Fuck me, Tamson! Show me you love me."

My hands moved to remove my boxer briefs and her own pesky underwear. Tired of the bra, I ripped it from her body, ignoring her half-hearted cry of protest. I quickly placed a condom over my throbbing cock. "Who do you belong to?"


Abruptly, I grabbed her now bare ass and spun her around, positioning her so she was on her elbows and knees. My hand curved around her ass cheek before I pulled back and slapped it. Not enough to hurt, but enough to leave a red handprint on the creamy white skin.

"Fuck, Tam," she moaned, thrusting her hips. I immediately leaned forward to kiss the red mark, soothing away the sting.

"Tell me you love me," I whispered darkly, backing up so I could line myself up with her wet entrance. My cock settled at the edge of her wet folds, waiting.

"I love you," she cried. "So fucking much."

That did it. I thrust into her with one, smooth stroke - a stroke that belied my experience. She felt so fucking good. Heavenly.

"Fuckkkk," I drawled out, pounding into her. I curled my hand around her throat, pulling her backwards until my chest was aligned with her back. The new angle allowed me to go even deeper. I rolled her nipples between my fingers as I fucked her. "Do you know how much I love you? Can you feel it?" I demanded.

"Tamson!" Her pussy clenched around my cock as she exploded around me. I continued fucking her through her release even as my own balls tightened and I orgasmed like I never had before.

We both collapsed in a sated heap on the bed, skin slick with sweat. I removed the condom and tossed it in the garbage before settling back in beside Addie. Gently, I removed the blindfold and the restraints.

She cuddled against me, her head on my chest. I pressed a kiss to her hair.

"That was amazing," she stated, voice awed.

I tried not to feel smug, but…she had said it was amazing, and I was only a man.

"I didn't hurt you, did I?" I whispered, rubbing at her wrists.

"Not at all. I'm not gonna lie, I didn't think I would enjoy something like that, but…"

"But?" I asked, scarcely believing what I was hearing.

"But I loved it. I wouldn't love it with anyone else, I don't think, but there was something so incredibly sexy about seeing you dominate me like that. Breaking out of your timid shell. I fucking loved it."

My heart swelled with love for this woman.

"So you would want to do it again?" I asked hopefully. She laughed.

"Or ten more times." Her smile was mischievous. Smiling as well, I pulled her into a feverish kiss.

"I can arrange that."

And so I did.