
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

FallenSilence23 · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs



[Presence]: 4

A goblin is a small, grotesque, and mischievous green creature, a small humanoid monster who is often known to be extremely hostile to humans. Most of them vary in height from about 90 to 120 cm, weighing 40 kg. They walk upright even though their arms nearly reach their knees. Their eyes vary from red to yellow and are usually dull and glazed. They have a broad nose that sits on a flat face with pointed ears and a wide mouth with sharp fangs.

A hobgoblin is an advanced type of goblin, in which they are bigger, stronger, and faster. They are roughly 3 meters tall, weighing around 200 kg. A single one can easily take out a group of adventures by themselves, and they can gather fighting and magic experience, whereas normal goblins only know how to fight with simplistic moves.

Goblins will always be seen living in tribes, where a hobgoblin will act as the leader. If there is no hobgoblin present to lead said tribe, a trial between the current goblins will be made in which the strongest and more well-adapted will become the leader. The tribes usually vary in size, ranging from 40 to 200 members. The larger tribes have been seen using wolves and horses as mounts.

The tribes are usually set up near civilizations so they can raid food, tools, weapons, and humans of their liking. No female goblin exist, and as such, they don't conventionally reproduce by themselves. To circumvent this, they can either request the creation of new goblins to a hobgoblin who has learned summoning magic (which is extremely rare) or kidnap young human women so they can bear their child. Due to this, one might wonder how goblins even came to be. Perhaps they were initially a different, but normal race, who eventually downgraded into lacking a way of reproduction.

Despite most of them being small, goblins should not be underestimated by any means if they are in group. They are fast and extremely cunning. If they are familiarized with the terrain they are fighting on, they will use all tricks at their disposal to get rid of their target as quickly as possible. For them, dirty tactics are their standard way of dealing with their prey, and they are not ashamed of it.

A standard goblin knows how to use swords, axes, daggers, blowguns, and slingshots. In addition, they are smart enough to refine and sharpen their own weapons while also applying poison to the tips. When it comes to hobgoblins, the same applies to them, in addition to knowing how to perform magic and use physical moves that were used against them before.


<<Agility>>: While lacking in the strength department, goblins are extremely agile, being able to perform a myriad of acrobatics to dodge their enemies' attacks and confuse them while they keep striking. A normal goblin theoretically should have the same strength as a 14-year-old human.

<<Superhuman Strength>>: Hobgoblins have extreme physical power, being able to destroy boulders when swinging their weapons, as well as easily tearing a human in half with their bare hands.

<<Magic>>: Hobgoblins have been seen using simple magic such as fireballs, lightning spears, and strength augmentation. Normal goblins can potentially use these as well but it's rare.

<<Move Mimicry>>: Hobgoblins can copy physical moves that were once used against them. Although they can't perfectly perform like the real thing, it's still just enough to be a good skill under their arsenal.

----Modus Operandi----

Goblins and hobgoblins are monsters that only care about themselves and nothing else. When in need of food or human hostages, they attack in groups and perform ambushes with sheer numbers, attacking the target from every direction. They can also perform traps in advance to save the job from hunting by themselves. Hobgoblins may also opt to attack alone on their own, as they are aware of their sheer strength, which may cause them to become full of overconfidence.