
Monsternomicon: The Library of Monsters

An encyclopedia detailing multiple kinds of mythical creatures and the like.

FallenSilence23 · Kỳ huyễn
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29 Chs



Agnes are elemental beings native from the Sun. Their bodies have a humanoid shape, and they are entirely made of and enveloped by flames. It is believed they came into being after a Flame Dragon died in a battle against an extremely powerful mage from the Academy of Magic, in which the dragon's corpse fell into the surface of a giant planet, with its decays eventually merging with it and giving birth to the current Sun, among other organisms of esoteric physiology.

An Agnes' body is entirely made of flames, but that's not to say they don't feel the need to eat. They do not need to breathe but are constantly eating other weaker microorganisms whose physiology also adapted to the Sun. It was recently measured and proved that an Agnes' body is so hot to the point where it reaches 6000° Celsius, which would be capable of melting away most beings from Mundus in moments. In addition, their bodies boast of an aura that is extremely radioactive, which would kill even humans resistant to its heat in seconds.

It is unknown how much intellect they possess, but it is speculated that they are as smart as a 12-year-old human. Despite this, they can act in groups to ambush their prey and even perform nuclear fusion and nuclear fission. After they are satisfied from eating, their body will enter a state of hibernation, in which most of their current energy will be dispelled into the surroundings, giving the Sun extra fuel.

When in lack of organisms to eat, they seek out portions of oxygen spread out on the surface of the Sun, though not as enjoyable from their view compared to their main food.

Their method of reproduction is entirely asexual. After a certain point of their age, they become capable enough of duplicating themselves, with the new form being born weaker and smaller at first. They also possess a very long lifespan, being capable of living for billions of years.

Theoretically, an Agnes would also be capable of eating coal, ashes, carbon, and charcoal, but most of the beings it hunts do not burn into those due to their adaptation to the Sun's surface.


<<Elemental Physiology>>: The body of an Agnes is entirely made of flames, being impervious to conventional attacks.

<<Nuclear Physiology>>: An Agnes' body is extremely hot and radioactive. Their temperature reaches 6000° C and its radiation would kill humans in seconds even without taking the heat into account.

<<Nuclear Manipulation>>: Capable of performing nuclear fusion for sustenance and nuclear fission for vast scale energy attacks, akin to nuclear explosions.

<<Fire Control>>: Capable of manipulating the surrounding fire and their own.

----Modus Operandi----

Agnes will most of the time act in groups when hunting. If they are suddenly attacked, they'll use nuclear fission for a vast scale attack in a range of hundreds of kilometers to deal with their enemy quickly. When neither hunting nor hibernating, Agnes were seen seemingly talking with each other, but via an unknown language yet to be deciphered.