
Not so powerful ability

Cheng Qiang was driving out from the ranch now. He had followed his pets for some time before he went back. Even though their body is far smaller than the cattle, their strength was out of sense. The weakest of his pets could easily bring down the ordinary cattle there. And when they were facing the cattle that had advanced, their excellent teamwork could take it down in a short moment. So he just left them in there to continue enjoying their feast.

He looked at his smartwatch. Now is at 08:50 a.m. fifty minutes have passed since the apocalypse began. He now must show all the people in here the change of the world they were living in. But because it's still not passed for one hour since he said to gather in the helipad, he went back to the house first.

He first parked the truck, then he walked back to his house. After he arrived, all the people in there seem has been ready. However, now most of them have uptight expressions. Some of them were shaking their phones in the air while the others seemed in deep thought.

They realized how grave the situation was now. After all, it was too sudden. They just woke up from the confusing situation at that time and couldn't comprehend any more outrageous things Cheng Qiang had uttered.

Zhang Mu, Bai Mei, Lan Yue, and Li Wei keep shaking and checking their phone with worry. They seem wanted to contact other people and browsing to know exactly what happened. While some of the mercenaries were seemed pondering something.

However, all of their eyes immediately directed at him when they realized he had come back.

"Brother Mu, don't there a virus disaster happening on the outside right now? Will we be okay?" Lan Yue approached him and asked worriedly.

She still can't believe all of this. Or more precisely, she didn't want to. But she is getting more anxious as the time went on. She didn't know exactly what happened at the outside to make every telecommunication not working anymore. The tv, internet, smartphone, and even the satellite phone. All of them became useless.

He stopped on his track and looked at her. She was looking so apprehensive. After that, he calmly said to her, "If you worry about the virus, we will be fine, it only attacked you for one time. It has been happening when you lose control over your body at that time.

"Ok, we should go now."

He ignored her eyes that were still glued to him and said to all the peoples in here. Immediately, all the mercenaries stood up from their seats. Then followed by the rest. Afterward, they walked out of the house.

"Mom, no matter what happens, I will protect you." The ten years old boy, Chang Zai said to his mother while walking to the outside.

The mother, Huang Si smiled when she heard her son's words. While still holding his hand she said to him, "Alright, I believe you. But we now have your father right here. So, just be a good boy okay?"

"O-ok" He replied slightly dispirited.

While other people were walking out, he continues walking to both his sisters. Different than the other, they were just relaxedly sitting at their couch when he entered. They now have standing up and walking toward him.

Then after he was close with them. He immediately analyzed Chen Qing first. Soon, he could see her information.


Name: Chen Qing

Kind: Human

Strength: Initial-phase of the rank 1

Ability :

1. Ice Manipulating

• She can create, shape and manipulate ice.

2. Enhanced vision

• Allowing her to see with amazing clarity, distance and in the dark

State: Fine


"Wh-What, what happens? Why do you see me like that?" Chen Qing Flusteredly said.

Her brother's sudden actions made her embarrassed. They were so close to each other and she never saw her brother viewing all over her body in a manner like that. It was like he was appraising her body. She didn't know what he was doing right now. Moreover, when she looked to his eye. His gaze seemed fixed to her chest... It was the main reason which made her flustered.

"Ah... It is not what you think. I'm only using my ability on you."

Chen Qiang had been looking at the window in front of him before he heard Chen Qing questions. He looked at her; her head was slightly hung down while having a flustered face. He immediately realized his gaze was directed to where when he was viewing the window. It seems she has misunderstood him. Though, he was really improper this time.

'I have to start practicing this ability to make it more efficient. But I should make this clear first.'

He wanted to explain this to Chen Qing. It only he didn't know where he has to begin with. However, In the side Chen Xi suddenly asked with a wondering expression, "Ability?"

'Oh thank goodness. You are really my angel.'

"Yes, it is ability. Do you feel something different after you regained your body control at that time?"

"Hmm, my body seems more energic I think."

Although what happened at that time was so strange, she still didn't feel the obvious change in her body.

"It's more than energic, you will know it when you test your strength. Do you remember the warm feeling inside your body? Let's suppose it was the virus, but you didn't get infected by it. So it instead made your body stronger and unlocked the gift inside your body."


However, his explanation only made her more confused when he said his last words.

"Ugh, I will show it to you later. Let me check you first."

'Arrgh I really didn't good at this.'


Name: Chen Xi

Kind: Human

Strength: Initial-phase of the rank 1

Ability :

1. Darkness Manipulation

• She can create, shape and manipulate darkness.

State: Fine


'This... Oh my goodness. Their abilities are so freaking powerful. But why is mine so ordinary?

After all with his two abilities, he didn't have advantages except his raw strength, technique, and experience. He is bound to cower in the back of his pets when he faces the enemy who holds the ability like both of his sisters. It was because the power of the ability was playing too much importance to its holder.

In his past life, the people who used the pet as their main strength rarely have been talked. He didn't know if they had the same skill as him or not, but many of them had the difficulty of handling their own pet. Not to mention their pet, even to make themselves full was hard. Well, he knew it because he saw this situation himself.

However, there are still many of them became well known because they could control a large number of vicious monsters. But not even one of their pets had the strength that same as the holder, it proved how hard it is to tame the monster if it is not weaker than the tamer. He also remembered one of them easily killed by the opponent who wanted to roast the tamer's pet and that person strength didn't even above the tamer. Although he himself didn't know how the tamer died.

By being able to see the information about his ability he sure that his strength and defense would be very dependent on his pets. Although his dogs were promising. He still found it hard for him relying upon other than himself.

'Ahh, whatever. In the first place, my skill was obsolete at best. It is still good enough to get the better ability. I should have been glad that my sister got amazing ability rather than complaining about how not-powerful my ability is'

Chen Xi titled her head in a confused expression. Her brother action was too strange for her to comprehend. She didn't know what he's doing right now. He said that he was checking on her, but checking what? He just keeps looking at her, then his expression changes at every moment.

"Brother do you alright? Why are you just daydreaming?" She asked while checking his forehead temperature.

"I-I'm alright. But, let's move first or there some peoples will be complaining."