
Monster Of School

The colour, that indicates the one attribute for one person... This world value attribute than anything. The more color in one person has the more value he was. On the other hand, the one with no color are called attributless, was treated like a disgrace to society. The main character, Ryuma Ochirou who was attributless has been make fun of since he was a child. But because of his violent personality he quickly takes revenge to those who have trample on him once. How will Ryuma Ochirou face against the fate of being attributless?

Cryosts · Kỳ huyễn
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38 Chs

Under the 'Blue' rain

Ryuma is standing under the rain. Staring at Line and Valena. Valena who's on her knees could only stare back at Ryuma. She then take her rapier at the floor. Noticing the colour on the rapier has change, Valena's right hand was holding the sword. Meanwhile her left hand was glowing in colour of dark blue and amplify it on the rapier. 

"Tools From The Void!" The rapier then when back to the same colour Ryuma has seen first time. 

("W-what was that ability?! Also, what happened to the 'line' I binded him a while ago?!" Line who's holding her bloody ears looking at Ryuma with anxious feeling. She then cast a magic to Ryuma. 

"Linette's Binding Love~" The pink line were moving on the floor towards Ryuma. The line were moving at slow paced or more like it's been 'distrupting' by something. 

("Ugh! I can't control the line properly!) As the line were about to coming to Ryuma's range, it's been cutted by something. 

("T-the line... were cutted? This guy can see my line? That's impossible! Only a person with special observation ability can see through my line! Does that mean this guy has one too?!") 

Line look at the rain and immediately recognize it. ("W-wait?! THE RAIN! The rain is exposing my line! because the rain has mana in every drop of water, And my 'line' ability only amplify the line with 'my own mana' so it collided with the rain and distrupt my ability!") 

Line sees something were launched towards her but couldn't avoid it in time. Line can feel that her face were slashed as she look at the pile of blood that were coming from her face. 

"Y-YOU BASTARD! YOU FUCKING CUTTED MY FACE!" As she complained about her face being cutted she immediately sees the 'waterball' in front of her moving at moderate speed. But she definitely couldn't see it coming until it was in front of her. The waterball send her flying at quite the distance. Only to found herself to be lying on the ground. 

It was happen only in less than 15 seconds. Valena can't process what is actually happened. She then tried to get up but her leg were being attacked by a 'blunt' attack. It was most likely a waterball. Even though, she still couldn't see the attack. 

Was the rain to heavy for us to see it? Or was it the attack were too fast enough for us to see? Valena thinking, she immediately get up and run towards Ryuma. When she gets close to him she sees the drop of water floating around him. But she wasn't thinking much about the floating water. She's still decides to charged towards Ryuma. 

She is in close distance with Ryuma. She's still didn't think much and horizontally swing the rapier with all her might. Cutting him and the droplets of water around him. Only to be found Ryuma was actually on the outside of her attack range. 

(W-what?! But he was close to me just now! How's is he actually is on outside of my attack range?!") 

Valena is almost out of breath. Knowing she misses an opportunity againts Ryuma. She's already prepared for the counterattack. But Ryuma just jump back a little. 

(He's not attacking!?) Valena once again decides to take a deep breath. She jumped towards Ryuma. The rain is getting heavier. And she could barely only seen Ryuma among the hundred couple of droplets of water. Valena onto Ryuma's direction, she swing vertically. Cutting the droplets of water that were blocking her vision to see Ryuma. 

The attack did not hit. The attack was an inch from Ryuma. Valena thought Ryuma had dodged her attack but apparently it wasn't the case. Ryuma hasn't move since Valena started jumping towards him. From Line's perspective, she figured it out the bizzare phenomenon behind the reason Valena couldn't reached Ryuma. 

("It was a water illusion... It's not exactly water illusion but... he basically control the vision of Valena towards him. With the heavy rain right now, he keeps her eyes almost closed. And the floating droplets of water, I realized... they've been aligning on each other using mana. Creating a water mirror using a water droplets.") 

("First when Valena attack him, he purposely moved the water mirror ahead. It looked like he was close to Valena but she wasn't. Second, when she jumped towards him, he spin the water mirror a little bit. It's like a sundial, he makes Valena as the sun and himself as a shadow. And the sun only see the shadow but not the real body.") 

("Ryuma Ochirou... he's a man with a hundred tricks. Like a trickster, he's dangerous to be around... I wonder, what will happen if he joined one of those syndicates. He'll be promoted as an elite immediately. Sooner or later he'll become one of the king one day.") 

Back to Valena, she just misses her chances twice. Her void rapier were stuck in the ground of cement. As she looked up, on her right, Ryuma who was looking down on her. 

"Yo, princess... where do you think you're swinging?" Knowing from his stare, Valena knows she definitely couldn't get out of that one. She clenches her teeth and her stomach. Knowing that's where he's probably gonna hit her next. 

Ryuma's hand were covered with the water from the rain. Immediately created an aura from his fist. 

"Serpent punch..." Ryuma punch her on the stomach. Sending her flying, crashing onto the wall. 

"Valena!" Line who was worried immediately run to Valena and healed her. 

"Linette Injection!" Line pierce Valena's hand. Observe and repair every damage Ryuma had done to her body. 

"Nurse Line..." Valena who's just woke up from the strong attack Ryuma has given her. 

"Don't wake up now! You're still not fully healed yet. more importantly is that guy..." 

Ryuma who's just standing under the heavy rain, looking upwards. Embrace every droplets of water that was fall on his face. 

"This feeling... yes! this is it... This is the feeling I've got a long while ago! This feeling... I've felt it! It's flowing on every nerves and muscle on my body! This is... THE BEST FEELING EVER!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!" 

Ryuma is laughing under the rain. Some people who come across there might think of him as crazy person. However Line, might had learn something to not ever goes to far to provoking someone because she just changed him to a madman. 

"This guy... is high!"