
The Pure Lightning


At that moment, the purple aura surged around Derugo, giving a powerful force that almost pushed both Rio and Mika away.

"Khk, Hot!" They both closed their eyes while taking cover with both their arm as they were in close range with Derugo. 

Derugo's powerful force also released the gas from his body which is coming from the boiling blood pressure and also the Purple Fire itself. Rio and Mika also can feel themself burning at the same time. Bit by bit the burning marks appeared on them.

As they both seem to defend themself from Derugo's perspective, for starter, Derugo raises his claws on Rio. But a second later, Derugo was hit by something sharp on his shoulder, soon to be filled by a sense of electricity which made Derugo miss Rio by an inch.

"This sword is..." Derugo's eyes were diverted to his shoulder, it was a sword imbued by electricity. Even though the sword barely penetrates his skin, Derugo can feel the pain coming from its electricity as his muscles spasm. Furthermore, the sword has only one color and it's light blue, the same color as the electricity surrounding Rio's body.

"Pure Lightning Sword, that's the name of this magic I came up with just now. Which is the sword form materialized by the pure lightning itself. Its hilt, its blade, everything was made from the pure lightning!"

The moment Rio finished his sentence, Derugo at the same time was hit by another Pure Lightning Sword right on his left chest. At that time Derugo realized as he looked up. Few but more than Ten of the pure sword floating in the air. 'But how? How is my skin that's supposed to be invulnerable weakened?' The thought comes to Derugo's mind as he tries to pull the pure sword from himself.

(From the looks of it, he can't figure it out. The reason for his vulnerability is coming from his muscles. Except for the part that's scaled like his hand and his wings part, everything else is only his brown, bare skin in the open. At first, the skin was supposed to be harder than Mythril. But because my electricity keeps hitting the outer part of his skin, the muscle beneathe it will loosen and became soft.)

Blessed by Pride Of Lightning And Thunder, Rio slashes Derugo on his body, the slashes soon leave an obvious mark on Derugo's body but Rio still doesn't feel comfortable with the result. 

(Although I said it became softer, it barely penetrates his skin and gives him a scar. The only moves that seem efficient are stabbing. But that thought was distracted as Derugo somehow managed to free himself from the paralyzing state as he gave the devastating blow to Rio. Sending him upwards.

Derugo could barely move his wings as he jumped high to where Rio was. 

"There won't be a second time! This time I'll make sure to pierce your heart and crush your brains out!" Said Derugo as he tried to reach for Rio midair. But his depth perception failed him as he didn't realize that Rio had stopped in midair at the last second.

"Yeah? I'd like to see you try..." As words come out from Rio, some kind of small dagger in pure lightning stabs Derugo in his hand, preventing him from laying his hand on Rio. Rio on the other hand, gains his footing in midair by standing on the pure sword. With that, he charged Derugo while he was distracted.

"Piercing Thunder!" Rio in midair, stabbed Derugo right in the heart which part that wasn't covered with purple scales. The sword, Inazumei didn't go all through but Derugo could feel the tip of the sword touching his heart.

Feeling harmed, the Purple Fire lit from Derugo's hand. With the same hand, he used it to hit Rio on the side. Rio sees the attack and blocks it with his arm, but because it was imbued by the Purple Fire, the attack is certainly fatal as Rio greets his teeth in pain while he is on his way to the ground.

Derugo, tried to close the bleeding in his heart with only his hand. But the blood soonly came out more in a large volume as he vomited in from his mouth. Reveals the dark, purple blood.


(It hurts! It hurts! IT HURTS!!!) Screaming in thought, Rio held his arm that got hit by Purple Fire for dear life. The kind of pain he never received in his entire life despite all the harsh training he got from his family. The pain that he can never get used to. 

Every second passed, Rio can feel the most torturous burning sensation in his life. Showing how different Purple Fire is from a normal fire. The devastating blow which broke most of the torso bones almost got to him as the blood came out of his mouth in small volume.

Mika who watched the whole thing hurried to Rio with a burning mark caused by Derugo. But Derugo saw Mika as he sprayed the Purple Fire, blocking Mika's route to reach Rio. But, Derugo didn't expect Mikage's ignorance.

Mika runs across the Sea of Purple Fire, burning his foot along the way. Even so, he grits his teeth as he makes his way to Rio. Derugo sees Mika get closer to Rio and tries to fire the Purple Fire towards him instead. But Rio's last attack seemed to be effective as Derugo dropped to the ground flat front.


"You damn risky bastard you are! That's why you're the one who always injured the most... But that's also why that's the coolest thing I can think about you..." With a smile, the burned hand reached for Rio. Gleaming in the green light, Rio can feel a sense of warmth, the pain fades away before he knows it...


The figure watching from afar while smoking. As the cigarette leaves its lips, the smoke comes out from beneath, feeling the air along his breath.

"The legends of Purple Fire only exaggerate its real ability. Although most of it is true, the Purple Fire burns away the concept of physical and soul. And the damage is not permanent. That's only it."

As the figure takes another sip of cigarette, the door which is the only entrance is opened. Ryuma Ochirou, while carrying his companion on his shoulder, gazes upon the figure on the fence.

"Now then, it's time to decide... Your Ending..."