
Round 3: A Big Gap

After three days, the third round of deathmatch has begun. With team Ryuma's entry the Deathless World.

"Okay, everybody. Do you guys already know the function of those gadgets?" Rio asks the others. Kiyo is the first one to answer.

"Not everything but I can make use of what I have right now."

"I have brought everything in my bag! I'm sure I already tested it once."

"I'm fine. By the way, Rio, since you're already here before us, do you know how those two fight?"

"Hmm? Do you mean Rudy and Hutogi? About Rudy, I didn't really get to see much he fights but about Hutogi... It's best if we avoid him at all costs."

"Now this is interesting, how strong is that guy?"

"Hutogi is a swordsman. And a really strong and fast one. Once you're in his range, even if you tried to block his attack with anything, it feels like he can cut through it, along with its users as well. As for my record with him, 0 wins and 13 losses. Does that make your eyes open yet?"

A sweat flows through Ryuma as he listens to Rio. Deep in mind he really wants to have a match with him at least once. Ryuma reminiscences the moment Hutogi grabbed his shoulder.

("There's no doubt about it. That guy is strong, especially in close-range combat. The strongest guys I always fought, that's always been Rio, Mika, and Kiyo. But since they are the ones I always fought, I always think it's better to have a new pattern.")(He got bored quickly)

As the team is walking inside the Deathless World, they stumble upon a huge building.

"What's this building?" The three stop walking except Mika. But Rio grabbed Mika by the collar.

"Stop you idiot! They might be waiting behind that door right now!" Mika turned to Rio and opened a zip of the bag he was carrying.

"Of course, I know that Mr. Obvious. This is why I bring this with me." Mika took something out from the bag...

"Ta-da~ With this Thermal Vision, we can detect any enemy's heat with no problem!" With the Thermal Vision that has the same shape as the camera, Mika pointed it to Ryuma and Kiyo.

"Look, you can see their heat. What's more, you can even see them through the wall. Isn't that amazing?!" Mika rushed to the door and scanned the area around the door.

"The enemies are not here, it's safe to go now." Mika tried to open the door but as he tried to pull it..."

"BOOOM!!!" The black smoke covered the area and its sound echoed in their ears.

"Fuck that was loud! Mika! You okay there?!" The black smoke started to disappear, and there was Mika who was covered in black.

"*Cough**Cough* I just bought this clothes. And it's already covered in smoke..."

"That's what happens when you're not a cautious dumbass." Rio lent Mika his hand to get him up.

"Even so, you're right. They're not here. It's weird, now is probably the best chance to ambush us." Ryuma walked past Rio to the broken door.

"They probably are waiting for us to ambush inside." The four went passed the door. What's waiting for them is a darkness gleaming in every corner.

"I can't see anything... Ah! That means it's time for that!" Mika searched through the bag.

"The Flashlight! We can use it to light up the darkness!" Mika presses the switch. And the darkness which they can't see became visible. 

"Then... Let's go..." Ryuma walked in the front while the others walked behind. A minute passes, and there is not yet a presence from Rudy's team. But Ryuma has a good grasp of what the purpose of this building is.

"Rio, look."

"Yes, a mass produce gadgets. Mostly it's a gun and armor. But from the looks of it, they're not the same type Rudy is using."

"So this place used to be a factory." Ryuma took one of the guns and examined it. As he examined it, Ryuma pulled the trigger to the wall.

"Hmm? It feels different. It's different from the gun from Herreson. It feels like the recoil is a bit smaller."

"I heard it before, The Twin Kingdom has invented a gun using mana. The mana is stored inside that magazine and the energy output coming out from this guy can at least penetrate the iron wall. That means this gun isn't using any bullet at all." Said Rio to Ryuma.

"Huh? So the world is progressing as we speak. But I wish they would invent something where people can acknowledge that information from far you know?"

"Well, we'll wait at least one generation for that." At the same time, Mika shouts as he detects something from his Thermal vision.

"Found it! A heat detected from that direction!" Kiyo pointed the Flashlight to where the direction Mika detected the heat. 

"Second floor. They've probably already found us by now." Rio and Ryuma dash towards the enemy's location. At the same time, Mika noticed something...

"This is weird, this heat does not move at all. And I feel like this isn't what a human's temperature looks like." On the thermal screen, the heat became redder as the second went by. Kiyo realized it and dashed to Ryuma and Rio. The same goes for Mika.

Ryuma and Rio have arrived at the said location. But they didn't find the enemy. Kiyo and Mika too just arrived and saw Ryuma and Rio staring at the barrel with fire on it. As they were staring at it silently, Rio was the first one to talk...

"Ryuma, I just remembered just now. I think it's when Velina talks about the first time she joined others on a hunting quest.'About Rudy... If I wanna specify him, it would be a strategist'."

"Hahaha! That's indeed true!" The familiar voices can be heard. It was Rudy, behind the glass called TV.

"Ahh! He's hiding behind the box!" Before they know it, all the TV is been turned on and showing Rudy on the other side. 

"I hear one of you is being cautious and had his guard up to not get found out. But that's useless. The moment you all step inside this building, I will have my eyes on you for 24 hours. Regardless if you're in a corner or inside the toilet!"

Ryuma recognized the CCTV since it was the same as the one installed in his old school. 

("Fuck, how did I did not realized this?")

"You may say what you want, but how are you supposed to reach all four of us?" Rudy who's crunching the food swallows it and speaks...

"Are you dumb? I have many ways to kill all of you. But it wouldn't be fun if I had to go out swinging right off the bat. Huuuh~ For now let's go with this." Rudy pushed one of the many buttons. The floor on Ryuma's team explodes. 

"Have a safe travel~ Aah, meanwhile you're down there, make sure to use my creation wisely, please?" The four have fallen into the big hole, filled with darkness. What's besides the said darkness? Can Ryuma's team pass through this voided darkness?"