
Monster Link: How I became the King of Monsters (Harem x Fantasy)

In the year 2000, Monsters reappeared on the surface of Earth. Through the paranormal link of minds created by Monsters with a chosen human in the human society, they were able to create a bridge from their encapsulated spirit domain back to the real world. The ones who summoned these Monsters to the real world were natural enemies of Humanity, according to the Monster Hunter Society. These humans with the Monster Link were called the Linked. *** In the year 2023, one student named Hideyaki Meme began his internship after his three-year-long study at the Monster Hunter Academy. However… his internship doesn’t go as normally as planned. It was quite the opposite. When he meets a few girls at his new job who treat him differently than the rest of the world, his life is fated to change forever. Who’s right? Who’s wrong? Which side should he be fighting on, really? Everything comes into question as he experiences his time of life filled with Lust and the harsh truth that is the “Reality” of things.

VagabondVI · Kỳ huyễn
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15 Chs

Jogu's Advice

[You: Dude, I'm telling you… There's some real weird shit that happened to me today on the window scrubbing job. Just come - I'll tell you]

[Jogu: Weird shit? How weird is it?] 

[You: Just come, fool.] 

[Jogu: Jeez… ok. Caster's Blue Balls right?] 

[You: Obviously] 

15 minutes later, the two friends were holding two blue bowling balls in their hands inside the Caster's Blue Balls cafe. The place wasn't too crowded, as always. 

It wasn't a high-end cafe. It was a cafe that served cheap wine affordable for students in debt and it had a bowling alley. There were loads of slutty waitresses in there too. Most uni students came here to experience their first time. 

Jogu raised his eyebrow at Meme, holding the bowling ball in his hand.

"I still have a hard time believing that man. That is just too weird." 

Meme shook his head and sighed. "That's what I'm telling you. It's weird. So give me your Jogu advice like you always do. I can always count on you for relationship advice, right?" 

Jogu slid the ball down the bowling alley and it didn't even get halfway through to even reach a single skittle. His focus was clearly off. And Jogu hardly misses. 

"A girl kissing you right after you lick a wall because she did the same…" The young man fixed his glasses as sweat drops trickled down his forehead. "This is a serious matter." 

Meme stood before the bowling alley after Jogu and picked up his blue ball for his turn. "It is… So, any advice?" 

Meme threw the ball down the alley and for the very first time, it was a strike. "Oh shit – did you see that?" 

Jogu narrowed his eyes, gazing at Meme's first strike in his entire life. 'Damn… he has changed,' he figured. 

Rubbing his chin, he pondered how this mystical phenomenon was brought upon his best friend. 

"What was her age again?" 

Meme sipped on his glass of cheap wine. "Um, sixteen, I think." 

Jogu smirked when he heard this. "If you should be scared of anything my friend, it's that your ass might be jumped from the FBI at night." 

Meme nodded. "True true. I won't sleep tonight."

Jogu threw his ball down the bowling alley once more. Yet again - not a single skittle. 

"Give me a second to think about this. Meanwhile, tell me how the rest of your day went." 

Meme looked back on his day. 

"I wore my favorite suit for my first day of the internship. Totally ruined it, as you can see before you. But yeah – Professor Jane sent me 500$ as promised for my window cleaning job. Said she was impressed by my work and she needed to reward me for it. Oh, and -- I forgot to ask you, Jogu. Do you like her?" 

Jogu fixed his glasses. "Who? Professor Jane?" 


"With that big of an ass and those breasts, how could I not? But yeah – she's the most fun Professor I've met in the Academy so far. And she took the responsibility of taking care of your internship and not mine… Be honored, my friend. Be honored." 

The image of Professor Jane formed in Meme's mind. 

Her big ass, her massive breasts unparalleled to none, her smirk, her dark blue eyes, and the way her long blue hair danced in the wind. The way she flutters her eyes as if they were a butterfly's wings. 

It was all too perfect to ask for. Only if he could ask her out… 

Too risky. There was a slight possibility of her kicking him out of the Monster Hunter Academy. 

"She is cool," Meme added. "I mean, without her, we wouldn't have survived the day before our internship. When the butterfly smoke rose, she was the one who found us sleeping on the top of that building. If we were found by someone else – they would've kicked us out for disobeying orders." 

"Too true. That was a close call," Jogu chuckled. The very next moment, he frowned, recalling how deeply frightened he was when they woke up inside a medical bed in the Monster Hunter Society. 

At that moment, he thought he was getting kicked out. Thankfully,  Miss Jane had taken care of things.

Their conversation continued for a while, until Jogu's mind came up with an answer to his best friend's problem. The moment he had the idea and rolled the ball down the alley, it was a strike. 

"Hm. I came up with an answer, Meme." 

Meme shifted his blue eyes toward his friend. "Tell me." 

"If the girl calls you... Answer it, most definitely. And as you say she is sexy, I believe that she is probably fine. I mean, your tastes in women are pretty good. I know that much after being your friend over the years. If she kissed you – there's a reason. If she has your number, she will speak to you quite soon, I figure." 

With a serious look on his face, Jogu averted his gaze to his friend. He rested his hand on Meme's shoulder and stared straight ahead as his glasses sparked. 

"You're weird, Meme. But that girl is too weird… and Heaven has brought you the right woman to your doorstep. But – we don't know what had driven her to succumb to her desire of savoring your lips so fast. So we must wait… until she calls you at least." 

"When that call happens. You must tell me every little detail for you to move forward with this relationship. It all depends on that call," he continued, turning around and grasping the glass of wine. 

"If she just texts you. Leave her on seen. Make her more desperate. If fate tells it's the one for you, Meme. She will encounter you once more in life. But what the fuck do I know? I've just been your horny friend since middle school who taught you the birds and bees and corrupted your life." He sipped his wine. 

"But I do know this, Meme. Those that rise too fast fall down even faster. Cheers to your love life if this is the one for you," Jogu raised his glass to his friend. 

Meme was left in awe as his friend finished his speech. "Jogu. You know. You are good at what you do." 

"I'm born to do what I do," Jogu smirked at him. That same flashy smirk he always gave him.


Same day, at Meme's tiny room.

Time: 11:17 PM

Meme opened the door of his bathroom and stepped onto an old shirt lying on the floor. All his dirty laundry was lying around in his bedroom, and the bedside lantern was the only source of light inside. 

He had to minimize his electricity bills. So he was using methods to ease the weight on his pocket. 


Groaning sleepily, he threw his half-wet towel on his cloth rack and fell on his back on the bed. 

"Man… My arms aren't made for scrubbing windows all day. Even sword fighting could've been easier. What the heck is with window scrubbing?" He asked himself, placing his pillow over his head. 

Ding. Ding. Ding. 

Three notifications came to his phone continuously. He threw the pillow off his face and gazed at the phone. 


He picked it up and gazed at the texts. 

[Yuna: Hey Meme] 

[Yuna: Good evening. Also, sorry it took this much time to send you a text.] 

[Yuna: About that… thing I did. I'm sorry for doing it so suddenly. At that moment, it felt kind of right. I might be stupid… But was I wrong?] 

Reading the texts made Meme sit back up on the bed. 

Images of the kiss flashed in his mind. The way she licked his lips to savor the taste. 

'Yeah… I didn't describe every little detail of the kiss to Jogu,' he reminded himself. 

He clicked on the texts and opened the keyboard. Yet – his finger was shivering when he was about to type. Why couldn't he just type it out? The texts sound insanely normal… doesn't it? 

If not for the eeriness of the context.


"Those that rise fast fall even faster." Jogu's words came back to his mind. 

He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "Wait for a call. If she really wants you… wait for the call. Don't jump to conclusions, Meme. Take it slow." 

Meme lay back on his bed, switching off his phone. He left the girl on seen. 

'If she calls now… she's probably desperate. I'd pick up then. It's the right choice, isn't it? I don't want a stupid relationship so I can just be blindly in love for a week!'