
The Palace Of Eonic Blessing I

Without wasting any time, I removed the swirling armor and the Sunfire Rule and completly covered myself with the killing energy of the killing Rule.

After I had done that, I found the thicked shrubs and bushes around me and hit myself between them.

Let's hope this cover of Killing Energy will stop whatever terrifying danger that coming toward us.

Killing energy of Killing rule had many uses and one of them is stealth, as long as I do not make any sound. The killing energy will stop any of my vital leakings.

It acts like invisibility cloak against the senses, if the energy power is not much stronger than me then it will be very difficult for the enemy to find me if the enemy is totally depended on his soul sense.

But the enemy that is coming toward us seemed to be very strong, otherwise, she would not have behaved this terrified.

I controlled my breathing as much as possible and waited.