
Soul Corrupting Flames II  

I couldn't help but get shocked by the fearsome soul corrupting flames, which is unlike anything I had experienced before.

I wanted to repel them away from my strings, but I could not. I wish I had access to full rule-bending power, but 80% of it had already been busy elsewhere, so I could not even take 1% from it, and 20% is not enough.

I am fucked!

I thought about what to do when the soul corrupting flames reached me, and they had taken a moment before they had completely covered me. 

They did not even give me time to summon my shields which are equally good as defending against the soul energy as it is physical and energy attacks before they showed their horror.


It immediately started to attack my soul defenses and begin to burn them, and that is not an even worse thing; every moment, more and more soul corruption would accumulate and burn my defenses even faster.