
Death Of Grand Lord I

The moment I woke up, I felt bad; there was this ominous feeling clouding my mind, telling me something bad was going to happen, and thing, everything was going good.

The project is going fine; more than just fine, the resources like nine blood-burning essence, blood wine, everessence vines crystals, and a few more are helping a lot with the resources I am growing in my core.

The council is also helping a lot, even risking their lives; in one month, they have sent the team to the navar ruin three times already to get the vine crystals, and these risks are paying off greatly; I will have no problem in completing my target.

Still, this ominous feeling was clouding me; I tried to forget it, get away from it, but it was not going away, even when I meditated, which usually helps, but this time, it was not helping, and it was frustrating me.