
Monster in a world of heroes and villains [temporary break]

#slow romance (a romance that will take a long time to appear) #R-18 (seggs, although the sex scenes will be completely skippable if it ruins your fanfic experience, plus seggs will be completely secondary to the story) The slow romance and the Seggs will be completely secondary, if you read this it is because I already decided to post this! #NO HAREM :) SYNOPSYS: When people reincarnate into other worlds like Marvel, they often choose different powers—Dragon Ball abilities, anime skills, comic book powers, and even cartoon characters. But I wanted something different. I didn't aspire to be a hero; I craved to embody fear. There are countless terrifying stories and characters with immense potential—beings that are fear personified, controllers of reality, manipulators of minds, embodiments of darkness, murderers, monsters, and even creepypastas. You might argue, "But creepypastas are not serious..." To which I'd respond: Yes, most are not, but there are exceptions—some with unique narratives, hailing from different dimensions, striking pure terror into even the bravest hearts. An evil hedgehog? It sounds intriguing, with great potential. A deranged killer with a cut face and a white visage? The potential is there. Even SCPs hold promise—monstrous entities with incredible powers, god-like beings capable of anything. This is not the tale of a hero; it's the story of someone who wants to stand apart, eschewing anime and comics to become a true monster, the embodiment of darkness. Thanos? I'll crush him. Living Tribunal? A mere inconvenience. I shall be the true fear, the incarnation of terror—a genuine monster. Disclaimer: All characters are not mine; they belong to their respective creators, except the OCs. Warning: In this story, you will encounter SCP characters, creepypastas (which I believe have the potential to possess considerable power), as well as horror characters such as murderers, cosmic beings,monsters from videogames,monsters from movies,comics,mangas and more. This is a tale about monsters and terrifying entities.

tyronxxz · Anime & Comics
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63 Chs

a strange feeling. (edited)

If you are in any chapter between 41 and 49 before 'redoing'/(edited) I ask you to read chapter 41 again, or else you will get confused xd


(POV: Gwen stacy)

I lay in my bed with bandages on my back, which hurt like hell. I stared at the ceiling and thought about what happened. He... he's still alive...

"Haha... shit..." I muttered with a faltering smile.

I got up from my bed, wincing from the pain in my back, and muttered, "It's my fault... right?"

I started to laugh a little and gritted my teeth. I hated not being able to do anything. Peter came back, but now he's not the same...

I collapsed on the floor and said in a trembling voice, "I'm sorry... I'm really sorry... Peter..."

My chest was burning, it hurt a lot... I just wanted to save people... but now I feel like I can't even save my best friend... shit...

I hate this... maybe I can't even save anyone...

No, no!

I got up and murmured, "No... I'm not going to give up that easily... I promised I would never give up... I would get up no matter how many times I fall... I won't give up... never..."


(POV: Noah)

I walked through the dark streets of New York, entered an alley, and walked for a few minutes. In the distance, I saw a nostalgic door that I had not seen in months.

I knocked on the door rhythmically and waited a while. After a few seconds, a small metal gate opened, and blue eyes looked at me for a few seconds. "Password..." the person's hoarse voice spoke to me coldly as he watched me with half-closed eyes.

"Bad water," I said with a smile. The blue eyes continued watching me, and the small hatch was closed. I heard some locks slowly opening. The door opened, and a robust, very tall person in a formal black suit told me, "Come in, no problems, no fights... understood?"

"Yes sir!" I said with a casual smile and entered. I passed through a long hallway with metal walls, went down some stairs to an underground place, and found another hallway. I walked a little further and saw some double doors. I opened them and was greeted with euphoric screams. People were laughing non-stop, some drinking several glasses at once, others smoking cigarettes and eating hamburgers.

I walked to the drinks table and sat in a chair, fixed my glasses a little, and said, "Can you give me a glass full of coke?"

The bartender saw me for a second, furrowed his eyebrows, but sighed and said, "Well, wait a minute."

I waited a while and saw people playing tricks, some even playing poker. This place is really varied, huh?

I rubbed my eyes a little. I woke up a while ago and came here to get more powers and strength for Blacklight.

The bartender brought me a glass full of coke. I grabbed it and took a sip. Delicious.

I started drinking slowly, thinking about several things. I need to get information. Andrew has probably already followed me to New York.

While I was drinking my drink, someone interrupted me, "Oh... HEY GUYS!! LOOK!! A BOY!! HAHAHAHA!!"

People looked at me, and some started to laugh. How irritating... I just want to enjoy my drink in peace.

I looked at the guy and he was quite tall. He had a scar over his eye, as well as some interesting feathers on his neck. What kind of mutant could he be...?

Or rather, what will his ability be? I watched him and continued drinking my drink. "Shut up, featherless chicken..."

People started laughing even harder. The guy looked at me with half-closed eyes, smiled, and said, "AHAHAHA!! IT LOOKS LIKE THE BOY HAS BALLS!"

He approached me and said with a smile, "Hey boy... how old are you...?"

"Probably the same age as your mother, although I fucked her so much that I don't even remember..." I said with a small smile.

People started laughing even harder. The guy in front of me turned red with anger and said with a forced smile, "Haha... boy... do you want to die...?"

"Nah, I want to fuck your mother, even though maybe you don't even have one anymore..." I told him while I drank my drink.

The laughter continued to echo through the place. The guy in front of me looked at me with a dark look and said, "Son of a..."

He tried to hit me, but my spider sense made me dodge him without difficulty. I just moved my head to the side and his fist passed by me.

The laughter stopped abruptly. I looked at the guy in front of me, sighed, and said, "You're annoying, you know...? I just wanted to enjoy my drink... but now I'm a little angry..."

I grabbed his face and said, "Shut your mouth... chicken man."

I slammed him to the ground and heard the sound of something breaking.

The sounds of the place stopped, and the people looked at me. I ignored them and sat back in my chair, grabbed my drink, and continued sipping.

Suddenly, the double doors burst open. I looked up and saw it was the same guy from the entrance. He looked at the chicken man with his face on the ground and said, "Who did this?"

People started pointing at me. I sighed and said, "I did it... any problem? I just defended myself."

The guy looked at me and said, "Get out..."

I looked at him and said with a small smile, "What if I don't want to?" I was going to stay here... probably because this place had decent power... right?

The guy approached me and stood in front of my chair. "Go away, or I will have to use force."

I watched as his nails changed, and it seemed like he was going to transform into something.

I snapped my fingers and said, "That... that looks useful!"

The guy looked at me with his eyes narrowed. I smiled and quickly ran towards him, clenched my fist, and hit him in the chest. The guy went flying and crashed against the wall. I approached the chicken guy and crushed his head with my foot. Blood splashed on the floor, and slowly, the chicken man began to be absorbed by me. I felt good, relaxed.

"What the hell did he do...?" I heard a voice in the now almost silent room. I looked at the person and it was a woman. I smiled and moved my hand. I saw black feathers with slightly red veins coming out of my hand. I pointed at the woman and moved my hand. Several feathers flew towards her and pierced her face. She fell to the ground dead. I looked at the feathers, and they seemed as hard as steel...

I dodged a blow to my side and turned around. It was the guard from the entrance. His eyes had changed and now looked like a lion's. He had fur on his neck and arms, and his claws were long. It also seemed that his face had shifted slightly. I dodged several attacks while jumping back, crouched down, and grabbed his hand. I squeezed hard, and the guy spun twice in the air. I clenched my fist and hit him in the chest. He crashed into the ground, and the floor sank a little.

The people gasped in amazement. I grabbed the guy by the face and lifted him up. "So you can only do this?"

He opened his eyes slowly and said, "You... bastard..."

I smiled and said, "Haha... now have some good food and shut up..."

I grabbed his head with both hands and began to squeeze it slowly. He hit me non-stop, but slowly his eyes began to pop out of their sockets, his skin began to tear slowly. "Explode like a balloon!"

His head exploded between my hands like a water balloon, but instead of water, blood came out.

I began to absorb everything slowly. I was going to absorb everyone here. I wasn't going to leave even one of them. I wasn't going to let anyone escape. I'm not an idiot.

"God... what the fuck...?" I heard gasps and frightened voices. I began to slowly absorb the guy. I sighed and murmured, "Yes... this feels very good..."

My spider sense alerted me. I heard a gunshot. I quickly grabbed something in the air, and my hand felt hot. I looked at my hand, and there was a bullet. I looked at the bartender, and he had a gun in his hand. I smiled and said, "Bad luck... very bad luck... now you die... and I'm sorry for this."

I ran up to him like a blur, grabbed him by the head, and pinned him against the wall. I pressed his head against the wall and said, "The drink tasted good... thank you for that."

I pierced his stomach with my hand and began to absorb him slowly. I ignored the screams of pain. In seconds, I finished absorbing him. I sighed and looked at the people inside the bar. I smiled and said, "Hello~"

People started running to escape, but I quickly reached the exit. "No~"

I ran towards them and started punching them quickly. I dodged a blow and punched someone through their chest, absorbing them quickly. I grabbed a metal stick with my hand and crushed it with my strength. I felt my blood boil. I smiled and noticed how my hands began to mutate quickly, super sharp, black claws and sharp black spikes coming out of my shoulders. My arms were black and sharp.

I saw a guy nearby and I cut him. His head was sliced into several parts, and blood splashed on the faces of several people. I only felt satisfaction.

I began to cut everything in my path. I even saw someone grab a piece of metal from a chair and slowly begin to freeze it. That power looks interesting. I cut down the people around me, grabbed someone's head, and threw it at the ceiling. The sound of bones breaking was heard. I dodged by doing a somersault and landed on a table. My arms returned to normal, and I decided to have a little more fun. I grabbed a bottle and threw it at someone's head.

A person fell to the ground with their head full of blood. I dodged an attack with a stick and kicked the assailant in the face. The guy flew and crashed into the wall, which cracked. I jumped again, this time landing behind someone—the guy who froze the piece of metal. I grabbed him by the back of the head and threw him at the other people. He flew like a rocket, and some people died due to the speed of the impact.

I dodged an attack aimed at my face by moving my head to the right. I grabbed the attacker's arm and ripped it out with a strong grip. "AAAAAHHHRRRGGG!!" The guy screamed as I tore off his arm. I looked at him with some annoyance and kicked him in the face. The guy crashed into the drinks table where the bartender had been before.

I sighed and said, "Isn't there anyone decent here...?"

Nobody responded. Those who remained were injured and had cuts on their bodies. I moved my arms, and black feathers began to come out of my hands. "Dodge!" I heard someone scream. Some people reacted and threw themselves to the ground, but others weren't fast enough and were pierced by the black feathers.

"Luck!" I said with a smile. I ran towards them and kicked one in the face. The guy flew and crashed into a table. I grabbed another's head and threw him at the ceiling. No one here could stop me...

I saw someone going for a gun on the floor—the bartender's gun. The guy grabbed the gun and pointed it at me. "Die!"

A bullet was fired. I wanted to try something, so...

I opened my mouth and caught the bullet with my teeth. I felt my mouth tear a little from the force of the bullet, but it wasn't difficult; it was easy.

I spat the bullet out of my mouth and said, "Hey... my teeth are a little crooked now... you'll pay for my dentist, right?"

The guy started shooting at me several times. I just walked towards him. The bullets bounced off my body. It seems that my body adapted to the bullets because it sensed they were dangerous... even though they were from a handgun.

I stood in front of the guy who kept pulling the trigger, even though the magazine was already empty.

"You used up all the bullets... you idiot," I said to the guy on the ground. I kicked his face, and his head exploded. I looked behind me and saw only a few people left.

Well, it's time to do this quickly.

My arms mutated, and long blades appeared in my hands. I ran towards them and impaled a person on the wall with my hands. He began to vomit blood from his mouth. I removed one hand from his stomach and used it to cut his face. I dropped the guy's dead body and looked at the last ones.

I ran towards them, jumping into the air. I kicked two of them in the face simultaneously. They crashed against the wall. I approached one and cut his face in two. There was a big gash on the wall from my attack. I ignored it and looked behind me. I saw the last few. I ran and decided to kill them quickly.


I sat in a chair and grabbed a glass full of Coke. I took a drink and burped a little, looking at what I had done. There were irregular cuts on the walls, some corpses, broken tables, and even a chair embedded in the wall. There were no bodies left; I had absorbed them all. I finished my drink, set the glass on the table, got up from my seat, and headed for the exit. I went up the stairs and down the hallway.

I walked out the door and inhaled the cold night air, then walked down the alley and out onto the street.


(POV: Andrew Bloodburn)

I sat on a park bench. So this is New York... it doesn't look that bad.

Even though I had the blindfold covering my eyes, I could still "see" around me.

I got up from my bench and decided to walk a little through the park. "That garbage... I will destroy it. I will destroy it... and finally, I will dismember it. You are going to pay for having killed my friend..."

I clenched my teeth. "I hope you're ready... because it's very close until I see you. I hope you enjoy my gift..."



here the author!!

I hope you enjoy this chapter, I did not modify this chapter much, it is almost the same as the original, although the actions of the MC and his personality changed, although it is almost the same, in fact this chapter was not going to change it much, if you have already seen the chapters previous because there are different things and others the same.