
Monster Card

Ayyur Layl, Died and have been reincarnated in a fantasy world! The world seem to be filled with strong warriors called Monster Artist who are able to tame and use in battle strong Beast who live in this world. This story is a reboot of my previous "Work" I don't really know how much i will upload per week

Skyrimeur · Kỳ huyễn
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4 Chs


Ayyur was seeing with a bewildered expression, the air magic that Julia was using to clean the house.

After some hours, Ayyur felt really close to the girl, and he learned a lot from her.

"Julia tell me, but it seem strange to me you said that my parent died of food poisoning how did it exactly happen?'

Julia looked troubled by the question and a trace of sadness was seen on her face.

"I-i don't know... I found it really strange but no examination was made. and the official of [Blue keep] didn't care at all about their death!" she said the second sentence with visible rage, grinding her teeth as she spoke.

'It strange..was it a murder?..Thinking about it even my condition was a bit strange..if i was really afflicted with a hereditary illness why did i was bed ridden at thirteen year old and not before? And how come i am okay now?'

Ayyur was thinking hard about his situation, all of this seemed really fishy. And his instinct told him that all of this wasn't a coincidence.

Without looking at him, Julia continued to clean the bedroom who used to be used by Ayyur parent.

"I already told you that you're parent were officials right? they were from the justice department. It is one of the two most important department of the city hall.'

All of the cities held inside them, a Justice department and a civil department. the two of them were instances held by civilian of the city and worked alongside the mayor to rule the city.

The Justice department hold the power of the Justice guards who are basically the jail keeper. And the judges who hold the task to judge criminal cases in the city and their investigation.

The civil department hold the power of the city guards who patrol the city and guard the main gates. And represent merchant and artisans in politics and different conflicts.

In each department there was ten low-officials who though vote can become the head of the department and hold all the power. beyond that the low-official could lightly restrict the head department.

Competition and deceit is common in this places.

"You're parents..It impossible that their death could be ignored like that with no reasons! They were two low-officials..but their death was mostly ignored now that you woke up.. you should pay attention! Their death was surely not natural or food poisoning as they claim."

Ayyur, knew from the start that the whole affair was fishy. And just nodded his head.

All the neighbors were surprised at the sight of Ayyur, all of them already forgot of his existence.

Seeing him various reaction was observed by Ayyur, some of them were genuinely happy for his recovery and surprised of his growth. other were more fake as they were strangely much more surprised than the others.

His first exploration of the city didn't disappoint him, [Blue Keep] was a beautiful and simple city. His neighborhood was actually on of the best in the city, his neighbors were mostly officials like his parent were or successful merchants.

Some houses were actually guarded by fierce looking men and woman.


Ayyur was training his sword skills, as he remembered those memory of his.

Nothing really changed, he lived frugally with all the money that his parent left him, and was searching for a job opportunity in one of the mercenary group in the city.

He didn't try to investigate more about his parent death, knowing that he didn't have neither the strange or the influence to discover anything or to survive against the potential murderers of his parent. Julia didn't come to his house anymore since he was able to take care of himself but she still dropped off every week or so to check up on him.

His life was calm and simple. But he couldn't shake off the persistent discomfort