
Monster’s keeper

A story I’ll be basing on a TRPG YouTube series I watch where I’ll try my best to keep myself and anyone who finds this entertained. As the title (and the other settings whose purpose is not yet clear to me) might have told you my insert into the story will be a monster tamer but I’ll be adding a few twists to liven up the normal D&D monster tamer system so it is more practical and fun for the future of the story (and convenient for me) (For romance I have a character planned but it will probably be slow burn if I do end up doing any romance I didn’t put it in the tags because I’m not confident in writing that) (One finale thing I upload when I finish writing a chapter doesn’t matter what day or what time it is, so sorry if I upload at 12am one day and 3:30 pm the next I can’t be consistent with anything and I don’t trust the upload timer it scares me)

JesseTheHorse · Diễn sinh trò chơi
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
22 Chs

Chapter 1.1 (2)

"We live in a world carved by adventure crafted by heroes and sages who's great deeds have defined generations. You come now to the Free Isles because you too share the spark of courage and believe this world must be defended that mysteries must not remain unsolved. This is the beginning of your chapter in the ever growing chapter of humanity." With that the narrator ends his speak and a red outfitted man begins his sales pitch to the idiotic people of the audience.

"That was a little speech from our house narrator if I could get a round of applause, gentlemen?" *clapping* "thank you, thank you and welcome to MeadShire! That's just a small preview of what we have in store for you For a small donation of.... er.... you life savings .. you too can pretend to be an adventurer. Go on EPIC adventures here in our installation.

One of the men in the crowd raises his hand"Eh, sir,errm...adventure is great and all but will it be safe"

The guild master continues by answering his question" safety is NOT part of the life of an adventurer. Constantly at risk. Danger around every corner." The man behind the guild master elbows him " but of course everything is, erm *cough* levelbalanced, so it's fair and your not at risk at all, no."

"So what about the massive lose of life we have heard about on this island?"

The guild master is quick to reassure the man "Ah, ya no, you see we're taking care of that . See we hired an actual, professional adventurer." He motions to the man behind him "Thog bring them in."

Through the door steps two individuals one a horned beautiful blonde man in a a dark green shirt, dark purple pantaloons, and a black cape which from underneath sweeps a small purplish tail the color matching his relatively small horns beside him steps a young blacked hair individual who wears a black sleeveless turtleneck and a pair of black pants

The guild master motions to the to first to the blond man then to our MC " this is Marcus Velafi and Alexander Harleaux" Marcus quickly pick up after him " Marcus Velafi I know that you have heard of me but please autographs can wait." After Marcus's introduction I pick up "Alexander Harleaux I'll be making whatever monster is killing people on this island is stopped"

The guild master continues his sales pitch after our introductions "yeah see, their going to solve our little, ah ongoing growing number of fatalities by dealing with whatever weirdness is on the islands, so feel free to start writing your checks now. Hey Marcus wanna so them a little magic?"

"Weeelll I suppose that it couldn't hurt." Marcus step forward and raises his hand and a violent and maroon spark ignites on the tip of his finger whizzing briefly around his head before popping into a puff of smoke

Clapping ensues as the crowd begins to fall your the guild master's play "you can be just like our friend Marcus here for erm all your money and you too can pretend to be adventurers like Marcus over here" Marcus holding back a sigh replies quickly before following Thog out the door we just came in " of course you can. Just believe hard enough and anybody can do magic."

I ask Thog quickly before we leave the tower" so do they buy all that 'this is your story Schlick from the ridiculously dressed man" Marcus quickly also curious of the same question asks also" do they actually believe that?"

Thog letting off a soft laugh replies "eh you'd be surprised people are hungry for adventure they wanna feel powerful even if they are only fighting manufactured monsters and sheep painted different colors." Marcus quickly picks up after him " so level with me here how many still die to the cheap paper man made monsters?" This gets quite a bolder laugh from Thog " Heh heh heh, oh you're gonna see for yourself." With that we are lead out of the tower into MeadShire proper we stand above the town held aloft by cobbled together boards

Marcus seeing the support of the balcony quickly states "there is no way this platform can be safe" Thog paying him little mind continues walking "absolutely not so move quickly. The names Thog by the way." Marcus humorously comments "Ah Thog a lyrical name if there ever was one! Marcus a pleasure, and you would be?" I answer him quickly "Alexander it's good to meet you" Thog quickly cute in "alright let's walk and talk shall we. I'm the regional director of this facility, MeadShire number 7. So if we'll move quickly around this walkway as you can see as you can see back there, that's MeadShire down below. They down see this part so we make it as crappy as we can." Marcus looking over the edge comments on the quality of it all "You can really see all of the support struts and poorly made three dimensional facades." "You going to want to step away from the edge" I remind him

Wit's that we are led down the balconyway taking us to the foot of the tower and with that we begin to make our way down a lonely path and to our next party member.