
Monkey King in Marvel

After being killed by the gods, Sun Wukong, the legendary Monkey King, finds himself transmigrated into a human body... In the world of Marvel? Driven by his thrust for revenge, he must now aim to get stronger in this weak body so that he may not only achieve his goal, but so that he may also survive in this mysterious and unfriendly world. ***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***---***--- Authors Note: Front cover isn't mine. [DISCORD] https://discord.gg/f3Ent7KC

_MYSTERY · Tranh châm biếm
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25 Chs

Sun Wukong

Sun Wukong had always been a troublemaker, a rebel, a thorn in the side of the gods. He had been born from a rock, raised by a pack of monkeys, and had grown into a powerful and cunning warrior. He had challenged the gods themselves, seeking to overthrow their rule and establish himself as the ruler of heaven and earth.

But the gods had not taken kindly to his rebellion. They had sent armies of heavenly soldiers to defeat him, but he had defeated them all with his strength and his magic. They had tried to trick him with a magical contract, but he had outsmarted them and broke free. And finally, they had captured him and sentenced him to death.

Sun Wukong had accepted his fate with a heavy heart. He had known that his rebellion would eventually lead to his downfall, but he had hoped that his legacy would live on, that others would rise up to continue the fight for freedom and justice. But as he drew his last breath, he felt a strange energy coursing through his body, and then he was gone.

Sun Wukong's consciousness was pulled into a void, and he felt a strange energy coursing through his being. He was weightless and formless, and he could sense that his previous body was gone. He felt a sense of panic and confusion, wondering what was happening to him.

And then, suddenly, he was pulled into a new body, one that was small and weak, and that felt strange and unfamiliar. He felt his consciousness being crammed into a human body, and it was a sensation that was jarring and painful. He could feel his limbs being compressed, his skin changing, his senses becoming duller and less acute.

He opened his eyes to find himself in a classroom, surrounded by students who were doodling. He looked down at his hands and saw that they were small and human-like, with short fingers and smooth skin. He felt a surge of anger and confusion, wondering how he had been reduced to this.

As he tried to gather his bearings in the new body, he felt the memories of the person he had taken over flooding his mind. He saw flashes of a mundane life, of classes and homework, of friends and family. He felt a sense of disorientation and confusion, trying to separate his own memories from those of the person whose body he now occupied.

And then, searing pain shot through his head, causing him to cry out in agony. He felt as if his skull was being split open as if his consciousness was being ripped apart. He clutched his head, trying to block out the pain, but it was relentless.

The teacher noticed his distress and called out, "Illian, are you okay?"

Sun Wukong looked up, feeling a mix of confusion and annoyance. He had no idea who this Illian person was, but he knew that he needed to play along if he was to survive in this new world.

"I'm fine," he muttered, trying to keep his voice steady.

The teacher looked at him with concern, but then turned back to the class, continuing the lecture as if nothing had happened.

Sun Wukong took a deep breath, trying to steady himself. He knew that he needed to learn how to control this new body and these new memories if he was to succeed in his mission.

Despite his confusion and pain, he didn't forget his original goal to wipe out the gods. If anything he was more determined in his goal. However, this new body he had inherited would prove to be a problem. How was he supposed to fight gods with a fragile human body like this?

As he gripped his fists in rage, an unusual text appeared before his eyes.

[You are worthy to wield Ruyi Jingu Bang]

As he read this his mind started to go through the same excruciating pain that it did before.

Sun Wukong tried his best to mask his pain and when it was over, he stared at this text. He couldn't help but release a wide grin.

"So I can use my powers. However small they may be."

The searing pain he had felt was the new power of the staff being brought upon this new body.

Any more than that and he was afraid his body might explode. That was probably the reason he couldn't wield his full power.

"Hey, are you alright? You've been acting strangely for a while."

Sun Wukong turned his head to be met with a familiar boy that he recognised due to this host's memories. However, he had bigger problems to worry about. Therefore he decided to ignore this nosy pest.

He was delighted to receive his staff back, so without thinking much, he summoned it in class.

Sun Wukong however forgot one important detail. He had little control over the Ruyi in this body. Therefore when he summoned it, it was in its expanded form.

After an ear-piercing boom, the earthquake and the ceiling were destroyed by the summoned enormous object. The surroundings had been completely demolished as Ruyi stood in the middle of the class, reaching up as far as the eye could see. The school fell into panic as Sun Wukong was lost for words.

"Retract! I said Retract you piece of crap!!"

His supposed friend lied on the ground as he groaned. Slightly injured but not dead, he cried slightly, crawling away from the source of the destruction.

"Hey, are you alright?" Said Wukong as he tried to help him up.

"Stay away from me! This is all because of you. You're a mutant! A FREAK!"

Sun Wukong frowned upon his words. He didn't understand this "Mutant" he was talking about. However, the word freak struck a nerve.

He couldn't help but look around. Everyone, who was surprisingly less dead than they were supposed to be, stared at him. As if he was a creature, inhuman, a monster.

He then noticed that he was clearly unwanted there. Unknowingly, his staff retracted, leaving rumble and destruction in its wake. He bent over and picked up his weapon and proceeded to make his way to the exit.

As he walked across the corridor, everyone stared at him as they made way for the supposed monster.

Sun Wukong was unflinching. The feeling of being ostracised and rejected was not a new one to him.

Outside the school waited a dark-skinned female with white hair accompanied by a silver metal man. They witnessed the students and even teachers make way for something which they looked at with terrifying faces.

"Be prepared. The way they look, it might be something monstrous." Said the white-haired lady. Only to be proven wrong as a young boy, no older than 17, emerged from the crowd, carrying a pole.

They stared at this phenomenon with wide eyes, almost unwilling to accept that this young child could be responsible for such destruction. However, they didn't hold this expression for long, as they quickly recovered and walked over to the teen.

"Greetings, young one." She said as she extended her hand.

Sun Wukong stared at her. He was still unfamiliar with being called "young" and therefore scowled unknowingly. He reluctantly shook her hand, and as he did he started to remember something. Her face looked familiar.

"My name is Ororo Munroe. A fellow mutant like yourself. I understand that being different can be scary or that you may feel like you don't belong, but I am here to tell you that you are not alone."

"At the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters, we welcome mutants of all kinds and provide a safe and nurturing environment where you can learn to control your powers and use them for the greater good. You no longer need to be afraid of your abilities, for at the school, we will help you understand and harness them. So join us."

That's when it clicked. Sun Wukong remembered where he had seen her. She was from the peculiar world he liked to observe every now and then. Had he been brought to this playground of a world where there was a chance of an enormous being appearing from the sky, threatening to gobble the world?

Now he has no choice. He had to attain power as quickly as possible. He hadn't forgotten his goal, however, this was a more important matter. Now it was about survival.

He was all alone in this world, an orphan who didn't have a single penny to his name. All he had was his Ruyi which he couldn't even control.

"I'll join." Perhaps it's a blessing in disguise that they think he's a mutant or that he got the X-Men instead of others such as Shield. They would prove to be a good cover for him as he grew stronger.

"Wonderful. Then let us leave before we attract any more unwanted attention." Said Ororo as a jet appeared from nowhere as if it was invisible.

They quickly entered, made themselves at home, and took off into the unknown, ready for a new beginning and completely oblivious to the challenges that awaited in the future.