
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Tranh châm biếm
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Hero Names

Isabella was on the break and walked out with Izuku and a few other, talking to Mei and the rest when an orange haired girl stopped her and said "Stop! Why did you do that to Neito!" Isabella was stunned and said "Huh?"

Everybody looked over and the girl said "You didn't have to do that." Isabella blinked and said "Um.. Who are you?" the girl said "Itsuka from Class 1-B." Isabella said "Um. He's annoying. He's always trying to touch me and ask me out. I deny him maybe like 5 times a day... It's better like this, if my dad found ou-"

Itsuka said angrily "You hurt him! What do you mean it's better like this!?" Isabella frowned and said "I just explained th-" Itsuka didn't listen and said "Apologize." Isabella's eyes widened and she said "Excuse me?"

Ochako got in between them and said "Why don't we all just calm down..." Katsuki and Shoto watched from the side silently and the 1-B class stood on the opposite side of them. Katsuki's palms crackled and he grinned.

Itsuka grew her hand and said "You heard me." Isabella directly grew to 10 feet tall and looked down at her saying "No, I'm pretty sure I didn't." Itsuka looked up at Isabella and the atmosphere got tense.

Tenya walked over and said "What's the problem here." Itsuka said "This bitch won't apologize." Isabella retorted "I'm not apologizing for nothing. You can go and comfort that creep by yourself, keep me out of it." Tenya was confused as he had just arrived and Ochako explained the situation, he nodded and pushed up his glasses saying "Tension are high during this time. I can understand everyone is frustrated etc, but fighting like this is unacceptable. We all go to the same school, we're all comrades."

Isabella clicked her tongue and shrank back down to normal before saying "Next time you get in my way, I'll kill you." as she walked away. Katsuki blinked and shouted "You stole my catchphrase, bitch!" Isabella replied "Fuck off, edge lord." before disappearing around a corner.

Katsuki clicked his tongue and muttered "What a cunt."

Isabella found Hiro and ran over saying "Daddy!" Hiro turned around and smiled as he caught her in his arms. He put her down and said "You're doing good." Isabella smiled sweetly and nodded, Himiko said with a smile "Good job!" Isabella hugged her and said "Thanks!" as they started talking.

Hiro watched them with a smile as he led them to a food stand where Zerotwo and Yami were, they all ate together and talked about the Festival, Hiro told Isabella that the next thing was going to be a fight.

Isabella was pumped and ready for the fight as the students were called back to the waiting rooms. Hiro watched as Isabella went out and fought against the other kids, luckily she wasn't against any of the stronger kids. She took out the competition very easily, merely flying them out of bounds and dropping them there before flying back to the arena.

Hiro watched Mei with his clone as she advertised her inventions. The battles continued and Izuku lost to Shoto just like in the anime, he still couldn't control his Quirk. Hiro thought about giving Izuku the PSSS, maybe. Who knows.

Himiko had it and she was currently cheering for Isabella next to him.

Isabella fought Bakugo in the semi finals and beat him senseless, speeding up her arms and making herself stronger as she blasted, what Hiro could only describe as, 'Gum-Gum gattling' at Bakugo. He took multiple body shots and flew out of the arena, landing on his back, unconscious.

Isabella moved on to the finals and was up against Shoto.

It was a classic fight and Isabella stepped on the ground, making a barrage of sand cannons shot out loose sand, creating a sand wall that came in waves. The sand was extremely fine and was traveling fast enough to pierce Shoto's Ice wall.

In the end, Shoto used his fire side and threw a fire blast at her. Isabella flew out of the way and clasped her hands together, forming a cannon made of sand on her arms before blasting out a black mass of sandstone. Shoto put up an ice barrier but it was crushed by the massive speed and weight on the ball.

It exploded right in front of him, blowing into a sand tornado and shooting Shoto out of the ring.

Isabella landed on the arena and waved to the crowd, smiling as they cheered for her and she was announced the winner. She ran over and stretched out her hand to Shoto, smiling. He grabbed her hand and she pulled him up saying "You're great!"

Shoto said softly "You could've beat me immediately." Isabella smiled saying "But then you would've gotten hurt! I don't want to hurt my friends." Shoto mumbled "Friends..." Isabella dragged him along to the awards stand and they were awarded with medals.

Isabella was first, Shoto was second, and Katsuki was third.

Isabella went home with a gold medal and a hug from All Might, what could be better?!

Maybe a hug from Small Might.



The kids had a few days off and they came to the shop again. Himiko served them coffees and Hiro slept on the chair. He stopped Izuku from leaving and stabbed him with the injection after everyone was gone.

He put Izuku to sleep before he did it and then changed his memories to believe that he didn't actually fall asleep but Hiro gave him a coffee to bring to his mother. Izuku went back to his house with the coffee before feeling very tired and going to sleep.

Who would've thought, the next day, he grew a few inches and was packed with muscles, effectively being reborn! He didn't know what to do so he called Isabella, who said "Same thing happened to me after I was exhausted! Cool!" he calmed down and accepted this fact, it wasn't a bad thing at all.


Isabella and Himiko were working serving coffees as Hiro was resting while literally hundreds of thousands of shadow clones were travelling the world, recording quirks from everyone on the planet.

Hiro even got All For One too. It just merged into his All For One and added all the Quirks Hiro didn't have yet.

This would take some time so Hiro was just chilling for now.

The next day

Isabella was sleeping on her desk as Izuku got compliments and questions about how he suddenly grew randomly. Izuku was flustered and Aizawa walked in saying "Good Morning." Isabella was sleeping when a book hit her in the head.

She rubbed her head and opened her eyes, seeing Aizawa. She pouted and he said "No sleeping in homeroom..." before getting in a sleeping bag and falling asleep. Isabella choked and pointed at him saying "YOU'RE THE ONE SLEEPING!"

Midnight walked in saying "Now it's time for your hero names! As Aizawa-sand already said, your Hero names are related to your future. They are what the public will call you so, they better be good! I'll be here to judge along with..."

Hiro as Hephaestus walked in and exhaled a mouthful of smoke as he said "Me too. I guess." the students said "Midnight?! Hephaestus?!" Hiro complained "I don't know why I'm here also..." Midnight hugged his arm saying "Because I needed help, Hephaestus-kun~"

The class said "Hephaestus-kun?!" Hiro said "I have a wife." and pushed her off him as the class said "HE HAS A WIFE?!" Midnight pouted and Hiro tapped on the board saying "Aizawa was tired and forgot, so I'll do it. These are your offers."

Isabella, Bakugo, and Shoto had the most offers while the rest had some, except Midoriya, who had 0. Isabella was first with so many offers, she couldn't even count them all. Hiro sat down and leaned back, kicking his feet up as Midnight took over.

Isabella helped Izuku with a name to go with his costume "How about Wings of Justice? Or! Or! Super man!" Hiro's mouth twitched, she's gonna get copyright striked... Izuku was thoughtful and Isabella kept spewing out names like a machine gun "Sentry! King! Tempest! Demon! Killer! Nightwave! Batman! Citadel! Meteor! Asteroid! Starflare! Dragon Fist! The Wet Bandit! Hammer! Mammoth! Phoenix! Ryu! Nightwing! Bolt!"

Izuku's head was muddled and the other kids took some names from Isabella as their own. Isabella gasped and said "What about, Senor Muscle?" Ochako said "Senor Muscle?" Izuku mumbled "I don't like Senor Muscle... What's yours?" Isabella held up her sign and it said 'Super Girl'.

Ochako pouted saying "You're Super Girl and you wanted Izuku to be Super Man?" Isabella replied "Why? Jealous?" Ochako blushed and waved her hands quickly, Isabell spat out her tongue and Izuku said "Nightwing sounds cool..."

Isabella wrote it down for him and said "There you go!" Izuku sighed and looked at his new name, Isabella said "Hmph! Better than Deku, that's for sure!" Izuku chuckled and they all chose their names.

Isabella presented hers saying "Super Girl! Because I'm SUUUUUUUUUUPERRRRRRRR!" as she did a cute pose. the class clapped and Isabella bounced back to her seat before knocking out and falling asleep.

She took the internship from Miro, The Rabbit Hero. Or Rumi.

Hiro as Hephaestus went to Mei and said "Pack your stuff. You're coming with me for your 'internship'." he threw a letter and added "Give this to your parents." before leaving. Mei held the letter and her eyes sparkled as she jumped around and danced happily.

Hiro returned home and 2 days passed.

Isabella got her hero costume and went to where Rumi told her to meet her. Himiko was in the shop and 'Hephaestus' brought Mei to the shop. Mei followed him with a big backpack, looking around curiously.

He walked inside and Mei looked around, suddenly the shadow clone disappeared into a puff of smoke and Hiro stood up from behind the counter saying "Hello, Mei." Mei was stunned and said "Wah!~ Where did Hephaestus go!?" Hiro bonked her head and said "I'm Hephaestus. I own God Slayer Goods."

Mei was stunned and Hiro transformed into Hephaestus before changing back again as he said "This is a secret only a few other people know, now you know." Mei gawked and Hiro's tail shot out as he left another shadow clone to take care of the shop and grabbed Mei and Himiko, walking down stairs as he said "I'll show you the peak of Mechanics and what can be possible using only technology."

He opened the basement and walked inside before closing the door. He continued "Just with science and mechanics you can become even stronger than most heroes! I'm not just saying that. Take Himiko for example, her quirk lets her transform into other people after drinking their blood. Normally, even just getting blood would be a massive pain."

He pulled out a belt with tons of canisters on the sides along with a scarf like mask. He fitted the gear to Himiko and patted her head as he said "When you fight with others, not only does your Quirk matter, but the gear you use as well. With this, Himiko can take blood from her opponent while fighting them, allowing her to quick switch to whatever she wants. When she unlocks her ability to use the quirks of transformed people, she'll be an Omni Talented Hero."

He looked at Mei and said "You see what I'm getting at here?" Mei nodded and looked around with sparkling eyes, Hiro smiled and said "For now..." he carried them into a room as he said "I'll trouble you to keep this a secret..."

Mei asked "Why?" Hiro smiled and said "Because, this room will stretch one week into one year." as he brought them inside.

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