
Monkey in the Multiverse

My computer exploded, next thing I know, I'm in a new world with a system! Patre.on: patr.eon.com/MonkeyGodking

Monkey_Godking · Tranh châm biếm
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371 Chs

First Day!


14 chaps ahead on Pat.reon: pat.reon.com/MonkeyGodking

I'm back~! I still have stuff to do, but some of you my think I dropped the story so I'm coming back...

I think only 1 chapter today... I still have stuff to do, I don't have much time to write in three days I only managed to squeeze out 5 chaps. It depends when I'm finished calling all the people and talking to everyone I have to talk to.


Hiro definitely, 100%, did not fall asleep after seeing the light screen.

Not a chance!

He was a professional!

A student knocked on the table, Hiro woke up and said "Hm?" the student's mouth twitched and he said "I'm finished." Hiro looked at the Frittata and poked it with a fork before frowning. He cut the egg and tasted it before spitting it out and saying "What was that?! Are you trying to poison me?! F! Super F! Get out!"

The students were stunned and looked at Hiro, the student who served him said "Wh-What!?" Hiro growled and pointed at the frittata with a fork, saying angrily "You fool! Look closely at this dish! Is it an Omelet? Did I ask for an Omelet!? There's no bacon bits or even sausage bits, you used potatoes, which is fine, but the potatoes are softer than the egg! Like! What are you thinking!?"

He flipped the frittata over and explained "The bottom is supposed to be a lighter golden brown, not like a crust! It's not a Quiche! It's all the same dish, Egg! The inside is too runny, the potatoes are too mushy, there's no meat... You tried to make it fancy with cilantro... Sigh* Just go home, there's no need for you to stay here. I don't know if you're blind, deaf, or just plain stupid."

The student teared up and ran out of the classroom with their partner.

Hiro clicked his tongue and threw the food right in the garbage, making the students tremble in fear.

That's right!

They were terrified!

It seemed this teacher was hyper-critical!

Even a single mistake will get you expelled!

The only one who got excited was Soma, Megumi was already calling a tombstone company secretly with tears in her eyes.

Slowly, More students came up.

"F, too hard."

"E, too much meat."

"F! Is this soup!?"

"B+, not bad. I'll pass you, you have potential. The meat was just a second over cooked otherwise you would get an A. Good job."

"FFFFFFFFFFF! Do you think I don't know what pizza is!?"

The students were discouraged, only 2 groups passed and by the skin of their teeth at that! Hiro told them not to leave even if they were expelled. They were sad and confused, Hiro paid no attention to them and looked at the frittata in front of him.

It was Soma's.

He took a fork and cut the front piece off, he raised a brow. Apart from the initial springy texture of the egg, the rest went right through! Hiro looked at the inside of the frittata, there were little sparkles of different colors inside!

Almost like stars!

He looked at Soma, who moved to the side and revealed Megumi, who was so scared, she nearly fainted. Hiro pursed his lips in amusement and said "Was this your idea? What is it called." Megumi was terrified and spat out "S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S-S"

Hiro blinked and watched her say 'S' for around 20 minutes, Soma stepped in with a wry smile and said "She called it Shining Star Frittata, please try it." Hiro ate the bit with a dubious expression. He bit through the fluffy egg and felt the explosion of the stars in his mouth.

He was stunned and seemed to be transported to a different world! He floated in space, stars shooting next to him and circling around him like he was the center of the universe!

He blinked and everyone was looking at him. He had his arms stretched out with a stunned look on his face. He looked at Soma and sighed "You're a lot better than I was at the same age." he turned to Megumi and said "You too, little girl. Stop being so shy, your ideas are very good!"

He smiled and looked at the dish before saying seriously "This is very good! The best I've had today. But! There are still some problems! The vegetables and meta used as the 'Stars' in the dish are very well picked and compliment each other but it also takes away from the egg portion. Albeit, not too much, but still. The main star should be the egg, not the auxiliary vegetable and meats."

He cut another piece and laid it down, pointing at it with a fork as he said "Look carefully. The egg around the stars is a bit darker than the rest of the frittata. This is because the meats and vegetables contain their own juices, they all have to be cooked at a different temperature and a different way."

He suddenly frowned and looked around the room before standing up and saying "Forget it, I'll just show you." he looked at Megumi and smiled "May I borrow your idea, little miss?" Megumi nodded in a daze and Hiro smiled saying "I was planning on teaching all of you today anyway, watch carefully. Even if you're expelled, it doesn't mean you should quit. Plenty of chefs make a name for themselves and haven't graduated!"

He walked to the stove and started cooking.

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