

Have you ever heard of the term money can’t buy happiness? Well the person who made that up WAS POOR! Yea I said it they were fricking poor cause you know what MONEY CAN BUY ANYTHING! Things money can buy: 1. Fancy things 2. Affection 3. A private beach house 4. Everything after that BECAUSE MONEY IS ABOSOLUTE Shin was a poor man with burning ambitions, he didn’t sit around and cry about how life wasn’t fair NO he worked his ass off to succeed, architecture, e-commerce, land development, Shin gave everything for money because it was his one true love and in the end died. But was this the end of Shin’s life? NEVER, his soul burned through the natural chain and was reborn into a baby filled with magic, knight, and dragons. Now here's the question did he care about magic and other worldly things? NO, Because you can buy strength with MONEY follow Ramon's adventure on his never ending quest to become the richest man and buy all of his desires and the world. For those who enjoy massive amounts of action then this might not be for you, this story will be heavily focused on the logistics side of things, mc will rarely fight and focus more towards as the controller of everything. I want to make a novel about a guy taking over the world with money not just physical strength. Warning: MC ain't a good person, he's sleezy and greedy so don't justify him like he's some saint. There is no such thing as a genuine nice rich person also I want to make my story crazy because I'm doing this for fun and I'm the author and I can do what I want. I don't know what I'm doing nor do I own the cover art.

Dextrious · Kỳ huyễn
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5 Chs

Chapter 4: This Is Crazy

"When forming your first circle you must closely monitor the process as major drawbacks can appear if the circle is formed wrong." Devos instructed the two young children in front of him being Ramon and Scarlet.

A year had passed and many things happened in that time, the taxes took a steep drop but thanks to the influx of people they made up for it and didn't go negative.

The soil had recovered and the farmers were already seeing gains from Ramon's method as more livestock was being produced along with their soil becoming rich once more.

Count Faith was pushing for a territorial war after hearing of Ramons new subordinates but the kingdom sent a letter denying them as Ramon for the time being classified Devos as property and not a citizen so their cause would was unwarranted.

Devos didn't care already saying he belonged to Ramon so for the time being he couldn't move forward with his assassin force plan to further strengthen himself from neighboring lords.

Adventures and merchants flocked in like hungry wolves, Ramon also created a sub guild called Golden Sword which gave adventurers a yearly salary and didn't have them rely on commissions from their quests.

So far no sub guilds settled down in the golds territory and Ramon knew why, if they did Ramon would ask for them to defend their territory which was fine but the territory war halted all thoughts on migrating there.

Ramon knew this and could only relent as the stability of the territory would have to come first so he would slowly build up the Golden Sword.

In fact other lords were constantly provoking Ramon which he could only swallow the blatant acts for now, Ramon remembered debts and always paid back in full.

The twins and Orgels progress was crazy, they were already as powerful as the lowest knights in his order and they would only grow.

The problem was with the twins as they thirsted for vengeance and Ramon knew that they would most likely not extend their contract but there was nothing he could do, forcing them was not an option as that would lead to major blowback so he could only wait and see.

Hearing of the news of the new lord being okay with other species, Demi-humans started to migrate towards his lands which Ramon greatly encouraged.

Different species had different racial traits, humans were flexible and Demi-Humans specialized in the animal they took after, some even joined the guards and even a few made it into the knight order.

Diversity was a double edged sword and this only prompted Count Faith to further push the territory war to eradicate the heathens.

Ramon knew that the king could only sway them for another year or two before he had to relent, some nobles were even backing Count Faith to try and get their hands on a piece of the pie.

No nobles except his vassals would back him though wanting to wait and see if this new lord was worthy of the title and their time.

So far they could not find a teacher above the six circle so Devos stepped in to help as even though he was lacking he was a fourth circle at the age of 13 which was considered a genius.

Ramon was angry as his break time was replaced by magic lessons though Reginald stressed it was important for Ramon to learn even the tiniest bit of defense magic and after countless pleas Ramon gave in.

Unlike Scarlet who formed her first circle fast Ramon was having troubles however it didn't bother him because he recruited these people for the sole purpose that they protected him.

"Devos I need to go back to work, just tell me the easiest path that requires the least amount of studying." Ramon interrupted Devos on different offensive magic.

"Master to answer your question, each path is hard to trek upon though what requires the least amount of studying would be being a tamer." Ramon raised an eyebrow and Devos continued.

"A tamer forms a magical contract with a magical animal which allows them to use part of their power in exchange for feeding upon their magic." Devos calmly instructed pulling out a book from a nearby shelf.

"It requires time and resources to locate magical animals though that should be easy for you with your resources." Devos handed Ramon the book and he smiled.

"Thank you Devos."

"It is only my job master." Devos bowed elegantly.

"Wow my lord you're going to be a tamer." Scarlet looked up at Ramon in wonder.

"Yep but it's not as cool as Scarlet." Ramon patted her head making her smile before he immediately excused himself.

"I'm going to leave early today. I have much to do." Ramon stated before closing his door and making his way back to his office.

"Is the lord okay?" Scarlet asked, twiddling her fingers.

"No, a lot of pressure is on master right now and even neighboring lords want to claw at Master's land." Devos stated as he wasn't an idiot to understand his master's troubles, even occasionally roaming the street at night for spies so as to deal with them to ease his master's burdens.

"Is there anything I can do?" Scarlet asked, looking up at Devos.

"Get stronger."

Ramon was now sending a messenger to Elenor to bring any magical animals she currently has in stock to him.

Ramon was quickly memorizing the bonding spell required for tamers to learn so he could have a head start for when Elenor brings the animals to him.

"Master another priest from the church of light has come to the territory trying to invoke discourse." Reginald reported and Ramon slammed his hand on the desk.

'F*cking bastards! Now the church is getting directly involved. Now I will be lucky if I get a year.' Ramon messaged his forehead in clear anger.

"Also Lord a cloaked individual is requesting a audience with you and its words were and I quote 'The curse has been lifted and the visions point towards Gold'.'' Reginald read the message in an obviously confused tone.

Ramon lifted his head up and ran over to the note, snatching it away from Reginald's eyes before a huge smile formed on his face.

"Grant their request at once." Ramon said in excitement and Reginald bowed and headed out.

A few moments later a knock on the door resounded and Reginald escorted a fully clocked individual with the only other discernible object being a cane the rest of its body was clocked in darkness.

"Reginald leave us." Ramon answered immediately, Reginald hesitated looking at the suspicious clocked person before nodding and leaving them alone.

"Please sit." Ramon smiled and the clocked individual promptly sat.

"The clock is useless in front of someone who knows your true identity."

The clock individual remained silent before the clock was pulled back revealing a very old 'cursed' dark elf.

"Greeting Count Gold I am the elder of the one of the last remaining Cursed dark elf tribes." The old lady bowed respectively and Ramon's grin became even larger stretching towards his whole face.

The big reason why count faith had been pushing for the war was that rumor that Ramon spread being that he didn't discriminate against cursed elves and saw it as a fierce over exaggeration.

It was a gamble no it was a huge one as he would be adding fire to the flames but the profit was immeasurable if it could reach a single tribe of cursed dark elves.

Ramon wasn't stupid to belive that there wasnt at least one around, there abilities were too OP when it came to hiding so he was banking on them making contact with him and it paid off.

"I have received a vision from the world tree that you would house and lead our tribe and finally release us from our cursed shackles." THe elder started putting both hands on her cane.

"Your efforts to reach us were warranted and we have been monitoring you and confirmed you truly don't see your servant Devos as a tool but a living being to which we were fond of." The elder stated again as the happiness built up inside Ramon.

"Elder that story is obviously false and it doesn't take a genius to see through it, your race is obviously a scapegoat so the elven race can have a reason to stand united." The elder nodded at his words.

"Yes it is false, although we cannot communicate with nature, the world tree has never severed their connection with us and continues to guide us." The elder started tapping her cane, swirling the room in darkness.

"We of the Cursed clan have been persecuted for 1000 years, I am only 600 years old and have lived solely through my innate connection with our mother world tree." The elder explained as the darkness formed images of figures being slaughtered.

"I was blessed by the world tree for the sole purpose of leading the cursed elves to safety and I have failed." The elder sadness was apparent on her face.

"No matter my efforts we are drawing closer to extinction and I can only ease it, that was before I saw the vision." The images changed showing Ramon holding out a hand to countless others.

"The world tree knows of your intentions and does not frown on it, we know you are using us so as to strengthen your own power." Ramon hearing this didn't show it on his face but he was feeling immense weariness right now.

"Your greed has been seen but not frowned upon, give and take is natural in this world and has been the law since the dawn of creation." Ramon for the first time in his new life felt anxious though maintaining a perfect poker face, this situation was progressing further than he anticipated.

Ramon anticipated blow back for his abrupt actions but even a godly existence like the world tree was watching him that made him worried.

"The reason the world tree has sent me here was because you do not view us as cursed nor as filth, you see us as living beings like any other elf which is what the world tree desires most."

"Thus our tribe will make a bloodline pledge to the Gold family for lifetime loyalty; however you Count must also pledge your bloodline that ensures our protection and incorporates us as citizens under your rule as well as treating us like you would a normal citizen."

Ramon took in a cold breath after hearing her offer, a bloodline pledge was no laughing matter.

Breaking this pledge even after numerous generations resulted in massive drawbacks and even death, it was why people never made these pledges unless forced into a corner.

Even now there were only two bloodline pledges in the kingdom, one was for the Bloodfallens towards the Reinstar family and the other was for the Edenberg family towards, you guessed it, the gold family.

Though the pledges were not as strict as the one the elder was asking for no in fact if it was simplified all it said was 'We will never stand against you no loyalty or trust was asked for only that you will never harm the family unless attacked first'.

This bloodline oath was way more complex and gave Ramon a headache, the elder waited quietly as Ramon listed all the pro's and con's.

If he made this oath and the Count found out about it, not even the king could stop his advances and would even question his own methods.

The elven empire would most likely not stand by and try to attack the gold territory as much as possible.

'F*ck I might even need to support a prince or princess.'

The implications this involved was something that even might require the royal families support, this could potentially start a f*cking war between kingdoms.

That's why the king would question his judgment as he would be literally bringing death to his doorstep which is why he would have to support a prince or princess in hopes they are crowned and will aid them.

Ramon originally wanted to stay neutral in the battle of succession but right now it looked impossible as the holy kingdom and elven kingdom would most likely declare war on the Reinhart kingdom if they became Cursed elf sympathizers.

This also was a plus as other races considered cursed would seek refuge in the gold territory and their attributes would bring immense gains as well.

For example another 'cursed' race would be vampires, they are categorized as a cursed demon race as their lifespans last longer than normal demons with the small factor being that they must consume blood and can turn people into vampires.

This is obviously persecuted by a lot of kingdoms and people though the Demon continent does not care that much like the elven continent does since they are divided like human kingdoms and share lands with other races.

They just don't allow and oppose the vampires but don't actively hunt them like the elves do to the cursed dark elves.

If Ramon did this he could not turn back, the marker on his back would become huge to the point where even kingdoms would wage war on him.

However Ramon was in a bind, the count will almost certainly attack him with the full power of the church and neighboring lords and Ramon will most likely lose.


"Very well let us begin the blood ritual."

Upon his words the elders smiled and snapped her fingers and numerous cursed dark elves appeared out of the shadows around him causing Ramon to stand up in weariness putting his guard up.

"Let us begin, Lord."