
Monarch of the Seven kingdoms

Raising his hand, he watched with fascination as flames swirled and danced in his palm. A serene smile graced his features, a stark contrast to the grim battlefield he had left behind. In this new world, he had been reborn into a realm filled with enchantment and magic. As he delved deeper into the mysteries of this magical world, he uncovered a startling truth – he was the renowned king of one of the seven kingdoms, a ruler of great power and influence. Walking to the balcony of his chamber, he inhaled the fresh, magical air that surrounded him. His laughter echoed through the palace as he proclaimed, "I won't make the same mistake again." A new era had dawned...

S_R_13 · Kỳ huyễn
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6 Chs


Aurelius, the commander-general, paces within his tent, deep in contemplation about his impending strategy. He exudes an aura of calmness and unwavering confidence. Seated at a table across from him are five subordinate generals, eagerly awaiting his words. After a prolonged silence, he finally addresses them, "Rest up, all of you. Tomorrow, we bring an end to this protracted war—I shall be the one to conclude it." Months have passed since the war's commencement, and he has faced no significant setbacks thus far, holding the situation firmly within his grasp. He envisions that, with everything proceeding as planned, the war will reach its conclusion in just another month.

The following day, the battle commences as General Aurelius and his forces confront the enemy head-on. Yet, in the midst of the chaos, a sudden and treacherous betrayal unfolds. From behind, a blade pierces through his chest, and he turns to confront his attackers, only to discover that these were the very generals he had confided in and shared his plans with the previous evening. They stand there, holding swords dripping with his own blood, and two more thrusts find their mark in his stomach, igniting searing pain.Summoning the last reserves of his strength, Aurelius fiercely defends himself, unleashing a relentless and brutal attack against both the traitorous generals and the enemy forces. In a frenzied killing spree, he slays numerous adversaries until his final breath is drawn. As the hours pass and dawn arrives,In a blood-soaked field of battle, he remains the sole figure standing while battles continue in other places of the warzone.. The sun sets, casting a final, solemn light on his lifeless form, His life departs the world with a heart heavy with regret and anger over the betrayal by those he once considered allies.


In a distant Another World, at the stroke of midnight, a man lies soundly asleep in a dark room. Suddenly, his body is lifted into the air, bathed in a brilliant light that surrounds him. Intense pain contorts his features as he knits his brow and struggles against this unexpected force. More lights encircle him, and flames seem to ignite within his very soul, causing him unbearable agony.

Amidst the searing pain, a voice speaks to him in his mind, its words cryptic and laden with profound meaning. "It's not over yet... Your destiny belongs..." The voice's message remains fragmented, with some words lost amid the intense pain. As the radiant light and fiery aura gradually dissipate into the air, the room falls into silence. With the arrival of the morning sun, its rays seep through the room's walls, casting a gentle glow that reveals the man has returned to his bed, lying there without the torment he had experienced earlier.

Echoing footsteps reverberate through the long, dimly lit hallway. A young maid, her footsteps soft and measured, follows the path, finally rounding a corner that leads her to a vast chamber. With a sense of propriety, she raises her hand and gently knocks on the imposing door. Initially met with silence, she knocks twice more, growing slightly more insistent with each tap.

The tranquility of the room is shattered by the sound of a persistent knock on the door. The man within the room stirs, slowly rousing from his deep, seemingly eternal slumber, and he startles awake with a sudden jolt. His breathing is labored as he gasps for air, and beads of sweat glisten on his forehead.

Disoriented and bewildered, the man mutters, "Where am I... What is this place?" His hand instinctively rises to his chest, where a deep-seated pain throbs. He clutches his chest and coughs, and it feels as if time has slowed within the room, creating an atmosphere thick with confusion and uncertainty.

Despite the disarray of his thoughts and the pain that lingers in his chest, the man displays an eerie calm and composure. With a deliberate resolve, he pushes himself to his feet and heads purposefully toward a tall, freestanding mirror in the room. As he gazes at his own reflection, he takes in the image of a tall, young man in his thirties, adorned in a simple nightgown. The gaping stab wound in the center of his chest serves as a constant reminder of his torment.

He reaches out and touches the mirror's surface slowly, contemplating his reflection and attempting to fathom the enigmatic circumstances that have brought him to this new existence. "So I died... Did I somehow reincarnate into this man's body..? How is this possible?" He grapples with the questions that flood his mind, his thoughts growing deeper and more intricate.

As he continues to ponder his situation, the door is knocked upon once again, further unsettling his thoughts and compelling him to take action, seeking answers in the midst of his profound disorientation.

Cloaked in a robe to conceal his chest wound, He opens the door of his chamber, revealing a young maid who greets him with a bow. Her formal address surprises him, "Greetings to my emperor. I am at your service and awaiting your orders." He remains silent, grappling with the unfamiliarity of the situation. After a few moments of contemplation, he dismisses the maid with a nod, closes the door, and makes his way to the balcony in his chamber.

After closing the door behind him, the man walks to the balcony, a sense of curiosity and an inexplicable new energy coursing through his body. The outside world before him captivates his senses, revealing a beauty he had never experienced before. As he gazes upon the surroundings, he becomes aware of a unique energy interwoven with the environment, something beyond his previous understanding. "As I thought, this is a world ruled by pure magic, and if I guess correctly, I am the emperor of this world," he muses, However, he acknowledges the clouded memories of both his present and past lives, which leave him with many unanswered questions. Determined to uncover more about this world, he heads to a small bookshelf in his room.Over the course of several days, He understands that He is King Aurelius Ignatius,He delves into the available resources to piece together information about his world and himself. Seated in a chair, he recites what he has learned from his fragmented memories. "I am the King of the Phoenix Empire, and there are six other empires, each ruled by their respective kings and queens. Each empire represents one of the elemental magics: Fire, Water, Metal, Earth, Wind, Darkness, and Light/Holy." He smiles at the intriguing knowledge before him, eagerly committing it to memory. "There are also rumors of rare elements, Lightning and Time/Space, which few are said to possess."

As his curiosity deepens, he begins to investigate why the previous king, his predecessor, was assassinated. Donning a robe, King Aurelius Ignatius leaves his chamber and is accompanied by two maids and two knights as he walks through the hallways, his journey into the mysteries of his new life and realm just beginning.

In a shadowy chamber elsewhere in this world, a figure remains shrouded in darkness. The room is devoid of any distinguishing features, and the person's gender is impossible to discern. A voice resonates through the obscurity, announcing, "The assassination attempt failed. The King of the Phoenix Empire is alive."

A hushed silence lingers, and then the obscured individual mumbles, "So he survived." Without further ado, the person vanishes from the chamber, dissipating into thin air. The implications of the failed assassination attempt weigh heavily in the atmosphere.

"Every end has a new beginning!!"

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