

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Võ hiệp
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24 Chs

Mojo Saves The Day

(Maul who was so desperate to have Mojo killed, he sent more guards to capture Mojo. Maza who is now old didn't follow because he doesn't want to die. The guards invaded the mermaids as they all swims to Mathias house for protection putting their hope on Mojo).

Meena: Good luck Mojo, may the gods be with you. (Mojo left the house to face the guards. He saw Milla beside him).

Mojo: Go back Milla, it's dangerous.

Milla: I will fight alongside with you. Let's face danger and overcome. I'm ready.

Mojo: Milla I said get inside

Milla: No! Forget the fact that I'm a girl, trust me on this. (A guard coming toward Milla as Mojo punched it so hard away from Milla).

Mojo:(In a deep angry voice). I said go inside. (Milla got scared as she ran into the house) Bring it on! (He holds his fist as the mark on his chest turns blue. The guards swims toward Mojo as he starts to fight them with his hands. The mark on his chest made him so strong that he broke the bones of the guards. He stretch his left hand as a sword appeared using It to kill the last guard. He took off the head of the last guard. He dropped the sword and went into the house. All the mermaids starts to rejoice immediately they sight Mojo alive).

Meena: Thank the gods you made it back alive. You have save us all.

Milla: What you did outside is beyond nature. You fought like the gods.

Mojo:(Giggles) Have you seen the gods fought before?

Milla: You have powers so as the gods too. You are like a god sent.

Mojo: I'm always here for you all. (The mermaids shouts for Joy as they danced to their various homes).

Milla:(About going but stops as she went to Mojo and hugs him). Thank you, I really appreciate.

Mojo: You are welcome but next time please learn to follow instructions.

Milla:(Giggles). Okay I will (She left the building as Mojo went to his room to rest. Meena followed him as light fades).