

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Võ hiệp
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24 Chs

"Home Sweet Home"

(In the evening, all mermaids came out to abide Mojo bye).

Mojo:(Kissed Meena on her head). I'll visit, I promise.

Meena: We all love you. (Mojo smiled as a blue light beamed out of his chest showing the way out of the sea).

Mojo: I've to go now, I love you all till infinity. (He swims following the light).

Milla: Bye! (She whispers as she went into her mum arm).

Minda: Don't worry Milla, he has promise he will visit.

(Mojo came out of the sea as he walks on land).

Mojo: This is so beautiful (He looks around still following the light to his parent. Randal is so sick due to over thinking. Sui became so scared).

Sui: Randal don't worry, you will be fine. Let me go call the priest. I'm sure you will be okay once he gets here. (He ran off the house as he meet a young man standing in front of him). Who are you?

Mojo: Good evening sir, I'm mojo.

Sui:(Notice the mark on Mojo's chest). How did you get that mark on your chest?

Mojo:(Touched his chest). Oh, that's my birthmark. The gods brought me here which implies this is where my parent lives.

(Sui recalls to the past of his baby born with a mark on his chest).

Sui:(Standing at the door looking so sad). it's time Randal (Randal stood up with the baby in her hands as she goes outside meeting the priest waiting).

Williams: The baby should be thrown into Sokpou sea, then your family will be cleansed. Go now and drop the baby in the sea. (Tears drop down Randal's cheek. She walk passed the priest going to the sea).

Sui:(Back to the present). Oh no!

Randal:(Talks from inside with a weak voice). Sui, what's going on there?

Sui:(Comes into the room with Mojo) Randal our son is alive. (Randal was shocked) This young man here is our son sent by the gods to locate us.

Randal:(She saw the mark on Mojo's chest) My son!? (She stretches her hand as Mojo came closer. Mojo touches her as Randal was healed from her illness).

Sui:(Shocked over what he saw). What the heck!

Mojo: I learnt that the mark gives me the ability to heal. (Randal was overwhelmed with joy as she hugs Mojo. Later on, Mojo discuss with them how he survived under the sea). All my life I actually thought my parent were mermaids. My home under the sea, a lot of things seems different from me in the sea.

Sui: How do you get the name... Mojo?

Mojo: Every creature under the sea must have a name starting with letter M. With my ability and powers, I was given the name Mojo which means powers.

Randal: I would love to see those mermaids.

Mojo: I promise them I'll visit, you will see them soon.

Randal: I'm glad the gods brought you back to me.

Mojo: Home sweet home. (They all hugged as light fades).