

In order to avoid competitions of supernatural powers, a law was made that every baby born with a mark on its body must be killed. He had contact with Maul and he changed it from been killed immediately to be thrown into the Sokpou Sea. Unluckily for Mojo who was born with a mark on his chest was thrown into the sea. He was rescued and taken into the sea.

Ayomide_Emma · Võ hiệp
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24 Chs

"... A Rule Have Been Violated".

(Maul on his throne with a bowl in hand filled with blood. Maza came in as he bows).

Maza: My king a rule have been violated.

Maul: What! how is it possible? What rule have been violated?

Maza: A creature from the land is under the sea.

Maul: Really? How is that possible?

Maza: I saw him been welcomed by one of the mermaids.

Maul: No one breaks a rule and go scot free. Can you tell if you see the boy again?

Maza: Yes my king. He is just a kid but what amazed me is that he is breathing fine under the sea.

Maul: The mermaids really welcomed a human into their house. (He laughs) I need more blood of a child, get me that boy and those mermaids keeping him.

Maza: Consider it done my king. (He stood up and left).

Maul:(Dip his hands into the blood in a bowl as he licked his fingers one after the other). More blood, more strength. Soon another blood will be brought in. (He laughed sarcastically).


(Maza gathered all the guards for a meeting).

Maza: The king has ordered we should attack the mermaids and bring back a human and his backbone which is the mermaids that brought him in. Now listen to me, this is our chance for more blood, any mermaids that comes our way we kill them. We attack at night For Blood!

Guards:(All chorused) For Blood!!! (Light fades).