

Known in Greek mythology as the divinities in charge of threading the threads of life of human beings from birth to death, represented in a single female figure. … She smiled and said “Yes, I know, but you want to close the case, don't you?”, “Well, I want that for tomorrow, or I'll call a lawyer and we'll finish here”. Mason hit the bars furiously, but her look and her reaction were null, she just looked at him as if for her there were no more than her requests and somehow her blackmail, so Richardson at that moment took him by the arm and He told her “come on, you know what the prosecutor told us, come on, we still have a lot to do”. The detectives were amazed and stupefied with the way she told them the story, they observed the way she spoke, the facial gestures, the way she moved her hands, the tranquility and joy she showed in each act and situation she detailed. . They did not believe that she, a beautiful woman on the outside, intelligent, was a ruthless monster. They both looked at each other terrified, and although they wanted to stop for a moment, they wanted to finish to continue with the investigation of the missing data. Mason took a deep breath, exhaled, and then said, "Please continue." For now, let her sleep and leave the room until we hear from Chief Rammstein, it is important to know what the Clarks know about their son's whereabouts." Mason and Richardson quietly entered the interview room, collecting the documents and latex suit, and gently closing the door as she slept. They ended the day, heavy, feeling increasingly anxious about what would happen the next morning when they spoke to her again. Mason and Richardson hurried to the bunks and took a long rest after the day full of pain and hustle and bustle, they both lay down in their bunks and silence took place in that shared space, they wished each other goodnight and fell asleep with the conviction that something bad would happen once again. It was 7 a.m. on April 24, 2018, when Mason and Richardson saw Kiergan walk in agitated as they were getting ready to start the day questioning the suspect, Mason saw him and said “What's wrong Kiergan? Did you see a ghost?

Layla_Atenea · Thành thị
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On that May 4, 2018, the confession about the murders of the three men Olliver, Jack and Christian had left the detectives with more questions than answers, however they had something more to know before continuing with the interrogation the next day. . "tell me one thing, we already have 10 murders, where are the other 4" she looked at him and said "calm down Carter, you will know very soon, tomorrow or the day after tomorrow" Richardson asked her "so you planned to stay in the place and confess all ?" she looked at him, nodded her head and said "yes, she was tired of so much and wanted to rest" "of course! That's why you took all the time to plan to kill them, right?" "Yes" she affirmed once more. Mason covered his face with her hands and turned to her and said "you are manipulative!! Hubert was right! That's why you didn't want me to evaluate you!!" She smiled throwing her head back and replied "No Carter, you know well that when I told them I would speak you didn't need a lawyer, but here I am!" Mason got so desperate that he stomped on the floor causing Richardson to get up and lean him against the mirror, Mason seeing him directly told him "get her out of here or I'll kill her!" Richardson immediately approached her suspect, lifted her from the chair strongly, took the suitcase and took her to the cell, before leaving her she told him "I assure you that when this is over you will know more than the truth!" .

Already in the corridor she let go of Richardson's hand and went to the cell sector, she was tired, Richardson wanted to return soon with Mason, so when they arrived he immediately asked the officer on duty to open the cell for her. She entered and dropped her body on the bunk, Richardson placed the suitcase where he always placed it and left the cell, before closing the cell, Richardson paused with his head lowered and looking at the lock and said "Mason is a good man, even if he is brusque and a little rude, he is a good man, I have never seen him get out of his wits and less when he has heard confessions, but you have managed to take him to the deepest level of his personality, I hope that tomorrow you collaborate without your superiority" she laughed so hard that the officer on duty was surprised and she mockingly told him "awh! The tender George, worrying about his partner! How cute, but you know what? I was a good person too, but that was for nothing! So I don't care what you say to me now or later, take care George!" she answered her when Richardson already had his back to her.

When Richardson left the cell area, Mason was already sitting at the desk they both shared, Richardson hurried to talk to him and touching his shoulder said "calm down Mason, this will be over soon and we can go have a few beers!" Mason only managed to give a small smile, he was trying to call his father with whom he had had contact days before, he just wanted to have a conversation with his father whom he missed a lot and whom he was worried about. his health. Captain Johnson saw them a little overwhelmed from the window of his office, as he was standing in front of the window and had opened the blind to watch them. He was also confused and annoyed, he still hadn't finished locating the look of the suspect, although in reality he was certain that she could be that girl he had met years ago.

He left his office straight to the detectives' desk, but he stopped at the door and just called them to his office, they both got up from their desks and went to Johnson, the captain left the door open and went straight to his desk , he arranged the chair to sit down and when they entered the office he told them to sit down, they both took a seat and the captain, organizing his desk, asked them "well? Why did they finish so early? Mason and Richardson looked at each other and Richardson took the floor "the confession was getting tense, Mason was getting desperate and was a little violent with her, besides the details of the case are driving us a little crazy captain, that's why we decided to finish early " The captain with his face looking at the desk and arranging the photo on his desk replied "I understand, I understand" passing his hand over his face, Richardson noticing this, he asked "are you alright captain?" He looked back at her and replied "yes, yes, only that everything I've experienced today has me a little overwhelmed and tired like you" he said, loosening his tie and giving a tired smile. While they were in the office with the door closed and discussing what the next step would be, they heard the voice of Chief Rammstein "Gentlemen, good afternoon!" They all turned their heads towards the Chief's presence and rose from their seats as a sign of respect for his authority, presence and rank. "Boss" they all replied, "Jonas, I'm here because we have to go to the mayor's office, we have to discuss your new position and management in 2 weeks" the captain let out a strong sigh and put his hands in his pockets and replied "ok, I'm done talking to these guys, see you tomorrow, I hope we have a better environment to finish all this" detectives left the office to their desks, while the captain took his belongings and left with the chief, both headed for the chief's car and everyone in the precinct remained attending to their work.

Already in the boss's car, Rammstein noticed the stillness and calm with which he had never seen him in a long time, so to break the ice he said "you know what? The mayor approved your appointment as the new chief of police, I highly recommend you because I know your work, why don't you feel happy about this new step?" Looking out the car window, Johnson replied, "Because I still feel uncomfortable with the suspect, the detectives let me know that she has been very sadistic and dangerous, I must admit that this case has us all crazy and overwhelmed!" him changing his posture to face Rammstein. Rammstein at some point understood what Johnson had confessed to him but refuted "come on Jonas! You have had countless cases like these, why do you give such importance to this? You know that the victims were somehow not good people, she did us a favor anyway!" Jonas shook his head what he had just heard and before saying another word Rammstein interrupted him "focus on what is happening now, I need you to focus on this and in the presence of the mayor" they continued 30 minutes on the road while they were in the car. Rammstein told his assistant and his driver to hurry up to the appointment, since they had been waiting for them for 10 minutes at the mayor's office, so he took a different route to speed up the arrival. Soon they arrived at the New York City Hall, which was located in the Civic Center neighborhood of Lower Manhattan between Broadway, Park Row and Chambers Street, they got out of the car and went up the stairs to then reach Mayor Williams' office, they walked a few meters and immediately they went up the stairs that took them to the second floor and continued along the corridor that took them to the end of the same corridor, directly to the mayor's office. Chief Rammstein knocked on the door and was spotted by Mayor Williams, who was answering a call. Seeing them come in, he hung up the call, saying "well honey, see you at the event." Williams came out of his desk to hug them both and shake their hands. hands, while he was doing it, he called his assistant to offer each of them a drink "Miss Garcia" he called and she appeared in an instant, and the mayor continued "please bring some drinks for them, eh, what are you going to eat?" Rammstein said "a double whiskey please" and pointing his hand towards Johnson he replied "the same, please and thank you!" Miss Garcia went to the bar that was inside the office and began to serve her drinks, the 3 men did not stop looking at her since for a 45-year-old woman, she still had a very well-cared body. Miss Garcia served them drinks and before leaving the office she commented to the mayor "sir in 40 minutes we must go out so that he can prepare for his wife's charity event" to which the mayor replied "perfect! "And turning to her guests, she said" Gentlemen, will you accompany me tonight, of course, "Miss Garcia handing them her respective invitations. After a long conversation and three drinks, the men finished finalizing the details of Johnson's position as the new police chief and announcing Rammstein's retirement, the three men were happy for the big event that was approaching, they said goodbye cordially and in the same way they did with Miss Garcia, before leaving through the door the mayor told them "Don't forget that I'll be waiting for you tonight at the event!" and both nodded showing their invitations, so they left the office more animated than ever and happy, Rammstein told Johnson as they left the building "I'll leave you at the precinct so you can go home, see you at the event" Johnson he nodded. Finally, at the entrance door of City Hall and while they were waiting for the car, Rammstein, putting on his gloves and hat, confessed to Johnson, "Jonas, I chose you as my successor not only because you are my lifelong friend, but also because we have spent many things together, also because you have done an excellent job, you represent me and you represent the values ​​of the institution, I hope that with this you can always count on me and not only that, you also know that I will be watching your back and therefore I know that You will never let me down, will you Jonas?" He finished saying with his hand on Captain Johnson's chest, Johnson gave a characteristic sigh and replied "yes, you can count on me and I assure you that I will not disappoint you!" " good thank you!" Rammstein said giving him a small pat on the chest, they got into Rammstein's car and drove to the 78th precinct leaving the captain near the parking lot to go prepare for the event.

During all this time, Hubert was still in his office looking for a way to have access to the suspect, still with the idea in his mind of evaluating and interning her, he was desperate to achieve his mission and above all to believe that by doing so he would save many lives. more, he searched among his contacts and called each of the judges he knew but they had already been warned by prosecutor Cox, who had told them the danger that the case would run if they let Hubert evaluate it and that as the suspect he had manifested would stop confessing the remaining 4 crimes, most of the judges agreed with her and at the time of receiving the call from Hubert, some refused to attend him and others simply denied the request, from calling the judges so much that Hubert almost he gives up, until he met an old friend of his, Judge Smith, this was the ideal judge that Hubert needed to achieve his mission, he immediately dialed the number d Judge Smith. The judge had already heard several circuit judges talk about Cox's threats to have their licenses suspended or to have them suspended indefinitely from their positions if any of them collaborated with Dr. Cox, most of them refused to attend him, except the Judge Smith, who believed that a woman like prosecutor Cox was nothing more than an insignificant person and that she should only be in another job other than the one she has, for him a macho and misogynist man, the authority of prosecutor Cox was null and is That's why I answer Hubert's call. When Hubert heard a response from the other end of the line, he said "Hello Charles, how are you?... I need you to see me tomorrow morning, can you?" Judge Smith, although he hesitated for a minute, replied "okay! Come to my office at 8 in the morning, I'll wait for you!" and hung up the call, Hubert was more than excited because he had managed to contact someone to help him in this step, he was so excited that he took several drinks of his favorite whiskey, he did not care about the time, he just dedicated himself to drinking several drinks, two hours then I ask for a taxi service to get to his house, because he was a little dizzy from drinking, when the taxi was in front of his office, he left it in the direction of his apartment near the City Hall, so he practically went to the area of ​​Broadway where his apartment was almost in the area of ​​theaters. He got into the taxi with the happiness of having managed to have Judge Smith on his side, who had been his friend for 5 years and with whom he had forged a close friendship full of hypocrisy, already accommodated in the back of the taxi, Hubert was humming and thinking how he would get to the precinct with the judge's order and his eyes filled with happiness knowing that soon he would do what he wanted to do with her. Soon I arrive at his apartment and pay the taxi driver before getting off "keep the change" he told her and then continued "today has been a very good day. He finished smiling and got off heading for the stairs to enter his apartment. He went upstairs to the 4th floor, opened the door, picked up his mail from the floor, turned on the lights in the living room, put the mail on the living room table and went straight to his room to change and sleep, turned off all the lights from the hallway of his house and got into bed with the happiness of a 5-year-old child, hoping that it would be dawn soon to go get his evaluation order.

It was 6:30 in the morning of the next day and Hubert was already up, he rubbed his eyes to greet the new day and prepared to go into the bathroom to relieve himself, take a shower and brush his teeth, he came out of the shower happy and happy as if he was going to receive a lot of sweets, dancing and celebrating, he took clothes from the closet, matched some clothes, checked his underwear and started dressing impeccably as always, had time to make himself a coffee, left his apartment and went straight to his favorite cafeteria for breakfast, when ordering as usual, he looked at his watch and realized that he had an hour to spare for breakfast, since Judge Smith's office was relatively close to where he lived, the waitress who was Hubert's favorite I bring him breakfast with a big smile, so I give it to him saying 2 good appetite" and he left, Hubert enjoyed his breakfast and finished as satisfied, he called the waitress to pay him and give him a big tip. Hubert arrived at the office at 8 o'clock in the morning, just as Judge Smith had asked him, Judge Smith had arrived just a few minutes ago and was talking to one of his colleagues, who was warning him not to do what he did. that Hubert was going to ask him when he noticed Hubert's presence in court, Smith turned a deaf ear to the warning, saying goodbye to his colleague and heading towards Hubert. They both greeted each other in front of the door of Smith's office, Smith opened the door and they entered the office, Smith went to his desk and indicated Hubert with his right hand to sit down, when he sat down he asked him directly "What is it?" what do you really want Hubert?" Hubert excitedly told him "I want a warrant to evaluate the suspect from the 78th precinct, Cox prevented me but it is necessary to evaluate her and enter her urgently!!!" Smith thought about it and said "you know I risk losing everything to help you?" Hubert immediately approached Smith and replied "do you know that if you don't help me I will disclose your addiction to Vicodin and the abuse you expose to your wife?" Surprised and scared Smith told him "Cox has the power to ruin my career for this, but under your threat it doesn't matter anymore, anyway Cox is a plague for me" and got up from his seat to call his secretary and approached to the adjoining door that was in the office where his secretary worked, and told him "make an order to Hubert giving access to the detainee in the 78th precinct, for right now!!" Hubert couldn't be happier. 15 minutes later the order was already in the hands of Judge Smith who, upon reading and reviewing it, signed it without hesitation while he spoke to Hubert "if you have to lock up the dog, keep her drugged so she doesn't bite!" he said smiling and giving him the order, Hubert took the order as if it were his most precious treasure and immediately got up from the chair to put it in the pocket of his jacket, ecstatic he said goodbye to Smith, not without first hearing him say "another thing Hubert, I want one more recipe and after that I don't want to see you again in my life" Hubert turned around and said "sure!!". Hubert left the office very happy, but not before noticing the presence of prosecutor Cox, whom I greeted effusively, "Hello Miss Cox, do you know something? Now that I have the order, you won't be able to stop me from evaluating it, this time I'll win!!"" she said with a smile that lit up her face, Cox who was surprised and just shouted "WHAT? can be !!" at that moment Smith's secretary was leaving her and seeing Cox's reaction, he ran towards her and pulled her towards him while Hubert left happy circuit of the court, while Cox watched as he walked away, she, Miss Brown told him "it was my boss, Judge Smith, he gave him the order under pressure from Dr. Hubert, he threatened to uncover his addictions and drug abuse." who submits to his wife, Mrs. Smith" Cox could only say "thank you" and went to Smith's office, opened the door without knocking and immediately yelled at him "what the hell have you done? Why did you give Hubert that order? Do you know what he has done?... He delayed an investigation for almost three years just because of Hubert's madness!!" Smith only listened to her from his desk without looking at her and showing displeasure at her presence "say something!!!"" demanded Cox, Smith got up from his chair and said "well I don't care, anyway that murderer is a bitch that must be tamed, just like you!!" Cox felt the impulse to slap him but he stopped and calming down little by little said "Mr. Smith, from this moment you are no longer a judge and a lawyer, you will no longer work as a lawyer or legal representative in the city of New York and from this moment all your cases will be handed over to another judge, even Miss Brown will become part of another department... Oh, and count on the fact that I myself will make your wife denounce you, divorce you and finish your days in jail! !" Prosecutor Cox finished and then called Miss Brown, she appeared at the joint door in the office of the now former Judge Smith and told her "tell Judge Nelson to come immediately!" " Yes ma'am!" said Miss Brown closing the door and going out the other that led her towards the corridors.

While she was searching for Judge Nelson, District Attorney Cox made a call to various branches of the Circuit Courts, as well as several police officers to arrest Judge Smith. Smith saw how the prosecutor called and reported what happened with Smith, finally she called two police officers who had gone to the courts to give their testimony about various crimes and told them to enter Smith's office, when they entered she ordered them to "stop Mr. Smith and read him his Miranda rights" both officers stared but the prosecutor yelled at them "do it!! That's an order!!" The officers immediately approached and although Smith told them "don't come near me!!" They complied with the order, handcuffing him while they read him his rights. At that moment, Miss Brown appeared at the door along with Judge Nelson, who although he was a young judge by his appearance and his eyes, was capable of leading a trial very well and applying the law, Cox looked at him carefully and said "Judge Nelson, from now on you will be in charge of Mr. Smith's cases and you will also have Miss Brown as your secretary, since she knows them all, I assure you that you will not regret having her by your side" Judge Nelson still Surprised by the situation he was experiencing, he tried to say a word but prosecutor Cox told him "don't worry, I know you will be able to do it well!" and while Mr. Smith was led away in handcuffs, still wearing the toga, prosecutor Cox continued on her way, but before continuing, she turned on her heel and told Judge Nelson "if she wants she can use this office… Congratulations!" Nelson was thoughtful about what had happened and although he did not understand everything at first, he went to the chair that Mr. Smith previously occupied, when Miss Brown sat down, she closed the door and said "calm down, let's start!" implying that she had started a new path for Nelson.

Already almost on the outskirts of the judicial circuit, Cox was in charge of keeping his word, he had called the disciplinary board of law to remove Smith's license, requesting the hearing for the next day, in the same way he called one of the deputy prosecutors and asked him to file charges against Smith, and to request that the trial be carried out as quickly as possible, he contacted Smith's wife, Mrs. Smith, and told her that her husband would go to jail and that if he wanted to request the divorce and file the lawsuit for domestic violence that she would gladly help, from the other side of the line Mrs. Smith replied "where do I sign prosecutor Cox?" all this happened in the presence of Smith who did not give credit as his career and his life was going overboard by helping Hubert under threat, Cox seeing him crestfallen told him "calm down, Hubert is going the same way" for what Smith achieved He let go of the hands of the officers and took the pistol from the right side of one of them, pointed the weapon at them, but seeing that they all ran to seek cover and that the other officers who were visiting the building pointed at him, he took the gun and pointed to his temple shooting himself causing his death instantly, Cox scared watched him fall and without choice called 911 to request an ambulance, and then exclaim "coward!" Everyone at the entrance to the office was stunned by such a situation, no one imagined that on that morning they would see the fall of one of the judges, whom each and every one of them despised because it was an open secret that the now deceased Smith , was an evil, despicable and even corrupt being. Although the confusion continued in the hall of the circuit court, Cox made sure to call the medical disciplinary board to request an emergency hearing to present the case against Hubert, since the case against Smith was over or rather he himself was finished.

Later, Hubert was arriving at his office where he collected some documents, some psychotechnical tests, a notebook to write down the results, he checked his phone and his agenda to call and cancel scheduled appointments, all this because of the emotion that he was finally going to study. an unusual case for him hoping to write an article and even win a prize in the field of psychiatric medicine, those were his aspirations and he had managed to take his first step and he did not care that to achieve it he blackmailed a person to have what that I had longed for. An hour later he left his office in the direction of the 78th precinct to begin his evaluation of the suspect, without imagining, and not knowing what had happened with Smith, he continued on his way with hope to get there as soon as possible.

On his way to the precinct, he received a call from the medical disciplinary board, indicating that he would have to appear the next day for a case against him, Hubert shrugged it off and before hanging up told him that he would be there, he continued walking in a hurry since he wanted to get to the precinct quickly, when he did, he reached the desk where Mason and Richardson were preparing for a new day of confessions and said, waving the order, "here I have an order from Judge Smith to evaluate the suspect , so take her immediately to the interrogation room, immediately" pressing the order on Mason's chest, who in turn received it and began to read it, he handed it to Richardson and in the same way as Mason had acted , I act in amazement. Mason collected himself and then said I'll call Cox, and retreated for a moment as he made the call, Richardson looked around for Kiergan and motioned for her to go to the cells section and take her to the interrogation room, Kiergan immediately went in the direction of the cell section and when she arrived she spoke to the officer to open the cell, she was ready to continue, she looked at Kiergan, greeted him and asked "What's going on? Why so much commotion? Kiergan looked up before opening the cell and said "Dr. Hubert is coming to evaluate her and maybe they will take her to a psychiatric hospital" she looked at him and exclaimed "ah! How Hubert's rat took the strength out of her!!" Kiergan looked at her and when she felt her gaze, she asked "do you have your phone at hand?" Kiergan nodded and she said "well I have never made my call, I would like to use it officer Kiergan, is it my right or not?" Kiergan, knowing the law and the rights of detainees, could not refuse such a request and handed her the phone he had with himself, she held out her hand and dialed the number she needed at that moment, she left the door for a moment from the cell and hearing that they said "alo?" She told him "it's time, can you come for me?" On the other side of the line I hear "yes, give me 40 minutes, where are you?" she replied "in the 78th precinct, you should ask for detectives Mason and Richardson" he asked her "has he identified you? Have you signed any confessions? "No and no, I have only spoken and given details, nothing more!" she said "well, I'll be there soon.. what room are you in?" She hesitated for a moment and said "wait" she turned to Kiergan and asked "interrogation room number?" Kiergan told her "room 2" she confirmed the information to her lawyer "room 2" "ok, I'll see you soon!" ending the call and she handed the phone to Kiergan walking out of the cell.

Dr. Hubert was already sitting in the room waiting for the suspect, while Mason finished talking with prosecutor Cox, she from the other side of the line informed him of the situation "don't tell Hubert anything yet, Smith has just commit suicide in front of everyone present, so the order is invalid, also I already requested a hearing with the disciplinary medical board, I think you already received the call, ask her... Please wait for me in the room with the suspect to see her face and inform her directly " "Ok, thanks" Mason said with relief in his voice, at the moment of hanging up, Kiergan was taking the suspect to the room and Mason approached to ask him to let her take her himself, Kiergan released her and approached Mason to speak in private and inform him "she just called her lawyer" "what?!! What?!!" Kiergan replied "I let him know what Dr. Hubert wants to do with her." Mason looked at him furiously but at the same time he understood that they had to do it so as not to override the rights of the suspect, Mason calmed down and looked at Richardson who was at the so much of the conversation and he could only say "damn!!" and in a furious way he slammed his fists on the desk and shouted even more "FUCK!! SHIT!!" documents flying off the desk, everyone was surprised to see how Richardson lost his composure at what he had discussed with Mason and Kiergan. She watched them and formed a slightly malevolent smile on her face but at the same time she was calm, implying that she kept her word and that she handled the situation. Mason yanked her off the ship and said as he led her into the interrogation room, "Are you happy?" She looked at him and replied "oh Carter, don't blame me, blame Hubert's rat!" while she smiled.

They finally reached the interrogation room Mason next to the suspect and before entering she told him "Carter, I promise you will hear from me very soon after this" giving him the last smile he would see on her face. When Dr. Hubert entered, he already had everything prepared and ready to begin his evaluation, the recorder, the tests, the notebook and his posture was upright showing himself as a savior, Mason when he saw him let out a laugh of contempt, but when trying to close the door of the room Richardson appeared with the documents in his hands and he looked at the painting that was in the room, he tried to take a step towards Dr. Hubert but Mason stopped him, while she sat in the chair in front of him, Hubert I greeted her and told her "sit down miss, here is Judge Smith's order which allows me to evaluate you and commit you to a psychiatric hospital" she showed Mason her hands so that he would remove her handcuffs so that she could read the document, when He was free of the handcuffs, took him in his hands and replied "ah, I understand, but for that to happen my lawyer must be here present!" Hubert in a mocking tone told him "let's go! We all know that you will not call your lawyer!" She looked at him with a little anger and said "yes, it's on its way, if you don't believe me, ask the detectives here!" Hubert turned his head in the direction of Mason and Richardson who were standing by the front door and both nodded their heads at what the suspect had just reported. Hubert immediately stood up from the chair, when at the moment prosecutor Cox entered, who had rushed to the interrogation room, Mason, noticing her presence, walked away from the door along with Richardson and, still panting, exclaimed "Dr. Hubert Do you know that your order is invalid? Hubert looked at Cox with curiosity and concern and asked him "what?!! What?!!" She looked at Mason and asked, "Didn't you ask him about the hearing tomorrow?" Mason rubbed his chin with his hand and replied "no, just let him show the document to her!" Cox sat in one of the chairs that Richardson was going to occupy and placing her diagonally towards the suspect, Dr. Hubert and the detectives said "yes, Dr. Hubert, your order has been annulled, an hour and a half ago the judge corrected the Mr. Smith committed suicide in front of everyone in the hall of the circuit courthouse... By the way, did you receive a call from the medical disciplinary board"? Hubert, amazed, shrugged and crestfallen, replied "yes, exactly an hour ago!" Cox continued "and even receiving that call you decided to continue?" Hubert nodded to the question "Dr. Hubert, I'll see you tomorrow at the hearing" Hubert without any choice but to adjust his posture and began to collect all the elements he had prepared to begin the evaluation, this time he felt defeated, he had reached the end of everything and now he would lose everything for his ambition in addition to carrying the guilt of knowing that in his despair Judge Smith had died.

Cox turned his gaze towards the detectives and said "what are you waiting for? Carry on!!" Mason touching his head and looking at her crestfallen said "we can't continue, she kept her word" Cox bending down to try to understand what Mason was talking about and she with a puzzled look only managed to ask "what?!" and looked at Richardson looking for a negative answer, Richardson who had his hands in his pockets reached out and explained "Kiergan told her what Dr. Hubert wanted to do and immediately requested his call, which could not be denied !!" Cox got up and immediately yelled "SHIT!!, this is complete SHIT!!" putting his hands on her slim waist and glaring at the suspect angrily. With everything that was happening, exactly 40 minutes had passed when they heard a knock on the door, Mason opened it and saw Kiergan appear accompanied by a tall man, with light brown eyes almost honey, 1.85 cm tall with an athletic build, Kiergan made him enter and told them "he is the suspect's lawyer" Mason, Richardson and prosecutor Cox detailed it from top to bottom and then looked at the suspect who until now had remained silent and with her arms crossed over her chest to say " hello honey! " and immediately he addressed the detectives "you must be detectives Mason and Richardson, right?" They both shook hands and Mason said "and this is DA Cox!" The lawyer looked at her and greeted her with a handshake and she said "Albert Green, what are you doing here?!" He looked at her and said "I'm here for my client!" directing her hand towards the suspect, astonished Cox couldn't help but look for a chair so she could sit next to her client, while Kiergan closed the door and let them continue with the case.

Green sat down next to her and asked, "Have they treated you well? Have you eaten well? Have you had everything to clean up and take care of yourself?" She with a smile turned her face towards the detectives and the prosecutor and said cheerfully "isn't she a sweet person? She is a lovely lawyer !!", she said while she squeezed his cheeks and replied "yes, they have been kind to me and they have given me what I have required !!" He looked at her, took his hands off her face and taking her pen out of her bag and an agenda from her briefcase, he told them "well gentlemen, has my client signed a confession?" Cox who had sat in the chair that she had previously occupied told her "no, but she has given us fundamental evidence in all 11 cases!" Green upon hearing this wrote in her diary "she has not signed any confession!" and I ask once again "do you have any DNA evidence linking my client to the cases?" Again the answer was negative, Green asked them once again "Have you been charged?" Cox, still entranced by Green's presence, replied "no, we haven't filed charges against her, we expected...!" Green stopped her with his hand and said "okay, then with all this data, I'll take my client, in the meantime you will have time to investigate more" Cox immediately replied "but she has confessed everything, she has wanted to talk!!" Green looked at her and said "that's not enough, you know more than anyone else, Miss Prosecutor, so with your permission I will take my client until you really link her to the case" The three, Mason, Richardson and Cox stayed disarmed by everything Green said, they couldn't really hold her any longer in the interrogation room, much less in the precinct. Her suspect got up from her chair, took her suitcase that accompanied her throughout the interrogation and, accompanied by her lawyer, left the interrogation room victorious! Mason, Richardson and Cox, left the room behind them, dejected, indignant and guilty, for having allowed Hubert to go so far, two years of investigation gone by the board because of Hubert's manipulation, arrogance and ambition, almost 2 weeks of questioning came to nothing when she kept her promise to call the lawyer, 2 hours of avoiding chaos was thrown away by Hubert once again.

Richardson that although moments before he had had a fit of fury because of the lawyer's call, this time he approached his desk, knocking over papers, slamming the phones, trampling on photos screaming "FEEEERDAAAAA…. THIS IS COMPLETE SHIT!!!! DAMN HUBERT I SHOULD KILL HIM RIGHT NOW!!!" Hubert, who had not yet left the precinct, stared at Richardson's reaction and tried to hide, but when Richardson saw him, he went behind him and grabbed him by the flap of his jacket and pushed him against the wall, Hubert tried to free himself. Richardson's hands, who at the time showed an unusual strength, Richardson said to him "Do you know everything that has delayed us? Do you know that I stopped seeing my family for being here trying to solve this damn case that you destroyed?!" Mason seeing such a painting and seeing the face of Hubert trying went to talk to his friend "come on friend, let him go!" Cox told him the same thing "Richardson, it's not worth it, let him go, tomorrow he'll just be another ordinary guy!" Mason squeezing the arms of his partner to release him, Richardson managed to calm down and gradually return to tranquility. She and her lawyer had not yet reached the front door when they saw this violent scene, she had a victorious smile while she put on dark glasses and her lawyer, Green, only held her by the waist so that they could continue his path. Nothing and no one could have imagined that that day would be full of rage, frustration, violence, bitterness and defeat.

Kiergan, seeing everything that had happened, exclaimed "uff! Thank God the captain wasn't here to see that!!" Mason, Richardson and Cox turned their heads to see him and asked themselves the question "Where is the captain?" Kiergan replied with the same calm "Ah, the captain called, informed that he would not come since last night he was at the mayor's benefit along with chief Rammstein and wanted to rest from all this!" "And how do you know he called?" asked Mason, "I got the call!" Kiergan said "Perfect!!" Mason yelled, "everything was PERFECT today!!" Everyone in the room was stunned, no one in the precinct had seen them lose their temper as much as on this day, it was chaos, great chaos, Hubert ended up running out of the precinct immediately when on the entrance stairs he met she and her lawyer, she seeing him even with his glasses At sunset, he made a sign with his thumb on her throat, all this while her lawyer was looking for the car keys to take her to her apartment.

Inside the precinct Cox still couldn't get over her astonishment with the presence of Green in the precinct, much less could she understand how she was being represented by him, for her Adam Green was an excellent lawyer and yet throughout her career as a lawyer, he had become her perfect Achilles' heel. To Cox she still didn't make sense of what was happening, to Mason and Richardson it was all over for the time being. Everyone retired to their homes, Richardson went straight home to rest, see his family which was the most valuable thing for him, Mason to his lonely apartment where he would only get the words of the doorman and the call to his casual girlfriend, finally Cox would go home but not before stopping by his office to review tomorrow's documents against Hubert so she could have a drink before calling it a day, she felt frustrated just like Mason and Richardson, and above all they had lost a important case because of Hubert's idiocy, although he was more terrified by the presence of Green, that man knew why he was there and why he was there, he could only think of how to defeat him before he damaged his personal and professional life.

Although the day was full of unexpected changes and strong revelations and excessive acts, the detectives and the prosecutor had no idea what was coming, they only sensed something, but that something was much stronger and more destructive than they ever thought. she had only begun to give it the spin it needed, as she had been waiting for everything to happen as it had unfolded, all without a hitch and with the help of those she had manipulated.