


Manik- kill him! I don't need any explanation. I didn't even give a single chance to anyone who did not respect me and the rules of my kingdom.


Nandini- pitaji, pls spare him. I know he did wrong and i am sure he's having some explanation. For every wrong deed killing is not the only option. We should give him a chance at least.


Manik- you know it very clearly minister that I don't have heart. Instead of heart I have a stone here.


Nandini- if a person isn't having heart then he's not a person he's a monster, a devil.


Manik- love! Love is the weakest thing in this world. It only makes one weak. It bounds everything. I am a stone hearted person. My heart is caged inside this stone and no one has that courage to break the heart.


Nandini- love is the most beautiful feeling of this world. It gives one strength to fight the world. Its the most purest and the strongest bond. It is that much strong that it can break the stone hearted person and even rule over its heart.


*What will happen when this two will meet?

*One is king Manik who is cruel and stone hearted person!

*Other is princess Nandini who is kind and kind hearted person!

*How will the love between them will bloom?

Stay tuned to know!

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