
Modern Tech Upgrade System (Dropped, new version in the making)

It is technology system in modern world situation and is heavily inspired by "Technology system in modern world", This although won't have mana. This will have superpower but to a limited array and mostly due to technology. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx Warning this will be an evil mc, It is also intergalactic so mass extinctions events, ra*e (Don't try in real life pls bro I do it for characters development. It is not a permit for you to try and do it in real life), genocide and just generally everything that took place in the dark ages of humanity. xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx This is dropped but a new version will be available in the future.

dragon_god_123 · Thành thị
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10 Chs

Chapter 3

{March 15 2010}

10:00 Am, My speech has been heard by everyone with a new channel. This forced the entire justice system to be shaken to it's roots, now many politicians have send their messages trying to get me show their side. But, now I have invited 5 of the top law firms owners in us to have a drink in my house. 

This foolish lawyers, they thought that I invited them here to drink and possibly want one of them to represent their company in the future of my company. Well, it worked for me as I mixed my blood in the vine drinking this will make you my subordinate. As they came in to my house, I could see all the nice face smile they put up. I offered them wine and all of them took it without asking question. I think it was after a few minutes that everyone had drank the wine, that I commended them "Knell before your king" all 5 of them knelt down. 

 I then said "sign your companies into my name for a billion dollars, also release a press meet to say that you did this because I gave a charismatic speech about unifying the firms in one big firm to protect all sorts of people from the government. Feel free to make you changes but make sure the underline message is heard" 

I then dismissed them and went to sleep, I am sleeping a lot because of the virus that keeps adding changes into my body. Due to superior adaptations, that I alone have due to my blood being the most powerful, I gain constant evolution and more so if my subordinates find useful traits then I myself inherit them. This also works for my generals where I appoint one as my generals and all the people who work under him grow a new trait, it is replicated into him then into me too.

 {March 16 2010}

It is 1:00 am and I woke up and asked Iris to give me summary of what the reaction were. 

[Sir, almost all of them were positive as they brought into our façade especially after the journalism worked and released a bunch of evidence point that You were no the killer and there was no court summit. People found this merger under you as not a monopoly, as we initially expected but as a protection or saver for them. Some of the more notable are from the president encouraging your behavior while you were moved up 2 entire levels in the FBI watchlist. Although they would not do anything drastic yet.] 

"I see" I thought about my next move. I want power but, I must be careful to not to hurt my image in the peoples eye. Now I could invite a bunch of teams but it would get a little tire some. So for now, I wait and Oder the lawyers to investigate any and all cases that were suspicious. If they were any political, or powerful figures involved then immediately email me (Iris) so I can investigate. 

{April 1st 2010}

This has been a boring couple of weeks, nothing happened. Well, somethings happen like the fact I attended almost all events political which not only made gave me connection I could use but also, more exposure to people. I made sure not to support one party but democracy as a whole. Thus, I am now in connection with both parties and they drag me around for my good image.

For the people though, everything that my law firm, Themis, did they were grateful and labeling me as clean and a good person. Except a few, most of them did not question how not a single action had been taken on the influence figures. But the influence figures were wary of me and decided to have me as a friend rather than enemy. 

As for my company side, Almost all things are over and the company is already hiring people. Most of the are marketing department and I personally made sure to give them high pay, 20% of the money is in customer care, while 5% is the developer and bug fixers. While many were questioning why I have so less development side, I twitted that I had the product and it works wonderfully so I didn't need anyone. This made common people look at me with pity that I didn't understand that in future I would need developers, The business people were thinking that I am a fool and were furious as now they couldn't bribe some developers to get the code. 

As soon as I heard of there intentions from Iris, I immediately contacted a top mercenary group and a bunch of low level groups too. That brings us here, where we are having a party with them and my 'special' wine was given to each of them. Immediately after they had drank the wine and I felt a connection with them I commended them to "Knell and obey my orders".

All of them knelt and said "Ready for you Oder sir".

"I want you G4S Security to combine with all the low level ones and make a new mercenary group called "Athena", You will release a press meet about this move was devised by me and I paid all of you guys to protect me and that Athena is a personal guard to me. Also you there" I pointed to one of person in particular, A boy with blond hair and tan color with the physical enhancements he got made him develop higher than the others here.

This meant that he had a lot more potential that the common people, It is like drawing a legendary among a garneted epic. He walked to me and knelled and said "What are you orders sir ?" 

"You are from now on going to take charge of my security and personal sectary your title is Ares." I said to which he replied by crying and said 

"Yes sir" with gratefulness with eyes that are now stars. (AN: Subordinate manipulation works like sun jin woo's shadow soldiers they become extremely loyal after they become your subordinate.)

Keeping that aside, I got a bunch of genetical traits to assemble so I let Iris use the virus to download a lot of information as ethics, how secure personal security into the common solider but for Ares on top that he got a bunch of information on commanding and strategy, also the information on the virus. I also commended Iris, to buy the best gear possible with the money we have. 

{April 4 2010}

Now, over the 3 days people found out about the merger. Many people didn't care but there were some like the president, mafia, Russia and business men that wanted to threaten me with my life to hand over the source code for green light. Also, today is the day where the company starts and it is called khoas. Yep, I going with Greek theme a lot. 

Well, The Us government approached me yesterday and agreed to my offer of giving them final level access to my greenlight for an yearly fee of 1 billion dollars. They wanted the source code and I told them no, they could not do anything to me. I have the public support, which many senators are ready to fight for me if I made a call, I have the largest law firm in the world with over 200 thousand attorneys. Due to Iris, it was easy to collect evidence thus the new law firm Themis had not lost a single case which made it popular all around the world and new branches were opening up in India and Uk. I also have Athena, while not the largest it is still one of the strongest security group to exit.

Other than that multiple businesses offered to collaborate on green light and I gave them mid level access to the website, but it will take 1% of the company net worth. This was loved by the small and startup companies but hated by the big ones. But, then again I gained even better reputation for my genius idea among the people. Almost all the people with real reason to hate me are out. Only ones left are haters for no reason that probably only blabber for the fuck of it.