
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Young Magus's Killing Spree Of Mass Murderers (2)

2nd floor of XXX Mall,

An armed entity codenamed delta2 could be seen surveying inside a shop. Eventually, he arrived in front of the staff room entrance door. With the help of his shield, he realized that there was a man and woman hiding in the staff room. delta2 then used his pistol to shoot at where the lock was supposed to be at.



delta2 then opened the door and saw a man slamming some steel object at him. delta2 didn't mind him at all and just shot him with his machine gun which was inserted in shield's hole.



The object which the man had was slammed at delta2's shield but delta2 stood strong while the shot man fell. delta2 then shot the woman who was behind the door. After ensuring that no else is hiding with the help of his shield's sensor, he left the shop.

It was at that moment, delta2 heard someone speaking through his radio speaker.

"This is sigma1. There is an unordinary person on 2nd floor. Assuming that beta2 doesn't respond, it could be believed that this unordinary person codenamed as knife has killed beta2 and is shooting down all the cameras that is coming into his sight. delta2, knife is nearing you from front. I repeat, knife is nearing you from front, delta2. Be careful. Over and out."

"Huh? What the hell does he mean!?!"

delta2 then started looking around. He couldn't help but be super conscious after hearing sigma1's troubling voice. He also recognized the fact that sigma just cut the communication rather than confirming whether he had received the message.

Suddenly, delta started hearing some running steps from a right corner in front. He swapped his machine gun with his rifle and aimed at whoever was approaching him by inserting at shield's hole.

'This rifle will definitely pierce through the shield just in case this knife has armed himself with beta2's equipment.'

It didn't take long before knife came into his vision but before delta2 could even try to shoot, knife shot his own rifle at delta2's gun where cartridges are stored by piercing through delta2's shield.

delta2 tried to shoot at knife but his gun unfortunately got malfunctioned.

delta2 got nervous when he saw knife running in his direction with knife's own rifle pointing at himself.

"Hands Up!", spoke knife.

delta2 tried to discover what was wrong with his gun since no matter how many times he tried to shoot, it just didn't work at all.

delta then found out the place where ammos are stored in his gun was shot. He couldn't help but get extremely stressed when he found out this alarming fact.

delta2 didn't know how could knife accurately shoot like that. delta eventually raised his hands up only because of the fact that knife didn't even try to shoot a second time after the first shot as if he already knew the result.

delta2 realized that knife could easily kill him if he wanted to. delta was looking forward to an opportunity to turn the tables. That's right! In response to knife's kindness, delta2 just decided to kill knife when his guard was down. delta2 pitied beta2 for not getting an opportunity to use it against knife himself.

The shield and rifle dropped onto the floor since delta2 had freed his hands to raise them up. knife just dashed in front of delta2 and threw a knife at delta2's head.

Just like that, delta2 died.

knife pulled out the knife stabbed into delta2's head, wiped out the blood with a handkerchief, and kept dashing towards his next target.

'2 down, 48 to go!', knife smirked.

sigma1, the entity who was monitoring everything that was going on in 2nd floor of XXX Mall was looking at where delta was supposed to be at. There was no camera footage since they were once again been shot by knife but he did indeed see delta's gun being shot at. Only few moments later, cameras were shot down. He couldn't help but already assume that delta2 was already dead. But he still wanted a confirmation before assuming the worst case scenario.

'Huh? The cameras... are shutting down. It seems like it is knife yet again.', sigma1 couldn't help but clench his hands tightly and grind his teeth.

sigma let out a heavy sigh and spoke through the radio speaker, "This is sigma1. It has been assumed that delta2 and beta2 have been killed by a person codenamed knife. Switch the radio channel. Over.", sigma1 then waited for a while.

"This is sigma1. Do you Copy?"

"This is alpha1, Over"

"This is alpha2, Over"

"This is alpha3, Over"

"This is alpha4, Over"

"This is alpha5, Over"

"This is alpha6, Over"

"This is alpha7, Over"

"This is alpha8, Over"

"This is alpha9, Over"

"This is alpha10, Over"

"This is sigma1. Remaining members are to group up. Team 6 is to disrupt it's current task and assist Team 1 in killing knife. alpha2, knife is proceeding in your direction. I repeat. It has been assumed that delta2 and beta2 have been killed by a person codenamed knife. Remaining members are to group up. Team 6 is to disrupt it's current task and assist Team 1 in killing knife. alpha2, knife is proceeding in your direction. Do alpha2 and alpha6 copy? Over"

"This is alpha2. Roger. Over."

"This is alpha6. Roger. Over."

"This is sigma1. Over and Out."

Two members of Team 1, alpha2 and gamma2 ended up reuniting and were now running towards their 3rd member, sigma2.

sigma1 was observing knife who was heading towards alpha2. sigma1 still couldn't figure out as to how knife knows where everyone is? It was at that moment he saw a change in knife's movement.

"Hmm... ?"

"What is it, sigma1?", asked alpha1.

"Wait a second. There's a change in knife's movements. I am trying to figure out his motive... huh?"

"What is it, sigma1?, asked alpha1 cautiously this time.

"He's heading in our direction. He was trying to delay our decision making. I just don't understand... why does he have such confidence in facing all five of us together? He's just good at shooting precisely, and also throwing knifes precisely."

"It doesn't matter. The fact is that he is moving towards us. Let's finish him off. He ain't Magus anyway since we made sure no Magus was here before making our move whether it's a legal or illegal Magus."

"Ok. Everyone, get ready."

Few moments later, knife finally saw the entrance of the control room from a side viewer's perspective. knife dashed towards the control room.

"2nd stepping stone, here I come!"

knife aimed his machine gun at cameras and shot consecutively.

knife could finally see movements of 5 people who had already exit the control room to make moves against himself. knife threw away his shield behind a pillar and faced his foes.

knife shot two of his rifles which in turn malfunctioned two rifles while dodging a rifle shot by hiding behind a pillar. He then fired his 2 rifles yet again after moving away from pillar which in fact malfunctioned 2 another rifles. knife then took back his shield and dashed towards his foes.

sigma1 who is yet to use his rifle was in fact using a machine gun which he used to shoot at knife. But knife used his shield to defend against the bullets. knife's outfit is also bullet proof from machine gun but he would still feel the pain when the bullets hits his outfit unlike the shield.

Others had already swapped their malfunctioned rifles with machine guns and started using them. sigma1 then immediately swapped his machine gun for his rifle but before he could use it, knife shot his rifle twice at sigma1 which ended up hitting sigma1's head precisely through his shield. sigma1 then died.

Others got nervous and started shooting crazily at knife. knife eventually reached them. He then hopped over a shield and threw one of his knifes at gamma1. delta1 shot at knife with his pistol but knife easily dodged the shot and threw another knife at delta1.

alpha1 then threw away his shield and machine gun, and just charged at knife with beta1 covering himself. But before alpha1 could charge at knife, knife just threw a knife at alpha1's head. beta1 was stunned. But before beta1 could even recover, knife arrived right besides him, sliced his neck with a knife, and then stabbed the knife at alpha1's head.

knife then walked towards the control room. After knife entered the control room, knife could finally see as to what's going on in XXX Mall.

"Time to destroy this stupid control room." , knife then shot his machine gun everywhere inside the control room.

A while later,

"This is alpha2. Team 6, alpha2, and gamma2 are regrouped. Planning to meet with sigma2. Over."

"This is sigma1. You could head to XXX spot to regroup with sigma2. As of now, there are no signs of knife. Over."

"This is alpha2. Roger. Over."

"This is sigma1. Over and Out."

"Phew... it's really exhausting trying to imitate members of Team 1.", spoke knife. knife then looked over at sigma2's body.

knife continued, "8 down, 42 to go"

Team6 entered a huge shop while Team 2's alpha2 and gamma2 stood guard by hiding inside shop and looking out for knife.

Finally when Team 6 was about to reach XXX spot, knife made his move by throwing two of his knives at both alpha2's and gamma2's heads. The shield acted as a perfect stealth tool. Thus, alpha2 and gamma2 died.

Only few moments later, Team 6 reached the XXX spot. They didn't see anyone.

"This is alpha6. We reached XXX spot but didn't see sigma2. Over."

Team 6 members waited for a while but didn't get any response.

"This is alpha6. sigma1. Do you copy? Over."


alpha6 and sigma6 died by knife's rifle head shots. Other 3 members just shot at the direction from where the rifle shots came from.


"This is beta6. alpha6 and sigma6 are dead by rifle head shots. Over."

beta6 then signaled at gamma6 and delta6 to retreat.


This time, it was beta6 and delta6 who had died by rifle head shots just like alpha6 and sigma6. gamma6 in return just shot at whoever had killed his four team mates.



gamma6 also died by a rifle head shot.

"Phew... it seems that no one is responding to alpha6's and beta6's message. It seems that this jamming device I got from sigma1 is working. Hahaha. Anyway it's 15 down, 35 to go."

"This is sigma1... Team 6 is dead along with Team 2. It seems like there was a trap in the spot where sigma2 was. I saw his body exploding... I don't know how... Team 3 should regroup and come down to assist. Do you copy? Over."

"This is alpha3. Roger. Over."

"This is sigma1. Over and Out."