
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Five Young Magi Discovering Their Magus Path (1)

The door opened followed by a black coloured hair young man entering the room.

Asnor the black haired young man looked around the room. The room looked like a very spacious office room that is used to hold meetings.

It had a circular desk which can display holograms. These holograms will probably be used to discuss training plans.

Everyone other than himself and instructor had already arrived.

Aramis spoke, "Hey, Asnor! I heard from Athena about what happened when it became your turn to fight with instructor. If I had known before, I would have asked your opinion first."

Athena spoke joyously, "Yeah, yeah. I still couldn't believe what I have witnessed back then. The joy I had when I witnessed the irritating expression on Sir's face. Hahaha. I was so happy then."

Asnor replied, "Oh, really? Glad to know that you enjoyed it, Athena. By the way, no hard feelings about yesterday, right?"

"No. Why would I? I admit that it's my fault but this attitude of mine will take time to disappear. It has become my habit. It's very hard to get rid of such habits."

"Under the tense atmosphere created by instructor, it's understandable as to why you used your magic in such a manner yet you still needed to properly apologize to Kronos for what you had done. Instead you acted like how a bitch would normally do so."

Although Athena didn't like hearing someone say that she was a bitch but she nodded since it was Anor Gremory who had said it, "I understand."

"As for Kronos's situation, whenever he wants to create trouble, Aramis will probably have to take responsibility to handle Kronos. In the future, there will be competitions in which we have to depend on each other. I am pretty sure that everyone here has a goal to accomplish. If you guys want to accomplish that goal of yours, you have to first try to integrate yourself with the team. Yesterday, if not for me, I am pretty sure that Sir would have definitely interfered to handle you two.

Kronos reluctantly looked away. It seems that he had understand what he had done and was feeling guilty.

"Competition?", asked Athena.

"That's right. But that's all I know. I was not interested in it that much and thus I didn't bother to look into it more. I am different than all four of you. I can always have a influential position whenever I want considering my background. But you guys are different, you all need to strive to get better benefits."

Asnor continued, "Magi are super rare. If that's the case, then magi are super rare even inside Gremory Family. Because of that fact, each magus of Gremory Family is treated extremely well. But that doesn't mean we're spoiled. Or else Gremory Family's position in Erlion State would have been very unstable indirectly. Despite the emergence of Magus Era, Gremory Family has still managed to maintain its status unquestionably in Erlion state."

Natsuko spoke, "Wait! So, your family is still very influential? I heard that ever since the emergence of Magus Era, the current world order has been turned upside down. So, I thought Gremory Family would be in the same situation."

Kronos also supported Natsuko, "That's right!"

Asnor smiled and he then glanced at Aramis and Athena, "It seems that you both already know well about Gremory Family's influence in Erlion State."

Both, Aramis and Athena nodded back. Kronos and Natsuko couldn't help but be dumbfounded.

"It's understandable as to why you guys think like that. Among the 11 truly strong and influential states among the 47 states in United Federation, only Erlion state's situation seems to be completely stable. Berserlion state is also somewhat stable but you never know when it might be not. As for the other 9 states, the situation is completely chaotic. In fact, if not for the fact that other states are also growing increasingly powerful ever since emergence of Magus Era, there would have already been civil wars in these 9 states I just told you about. As for how the Gremory Family is maintaining it's status is a complete mystery to me. Don't ask me such questions like that."

Natsuko replied, "That's why you said you don't need to be a team leader. You can easily get an influential position for yourself if you want to. I didn't know that Gremory Family was this strong."

Asnor spoke proudly, "You're right. Also, don't underestimate Gremory Family. It's the oldest family in this world. When it comes to cultural inheritance, it would only lose to Holy Empire."

"For real?! Wow!", exclaimed Natsuko

"That's a very interesting fact!", spoke Kronos while smiling gently.

"You're right. I guess we will be depending on you in future.", spoke Aramis

"It seems we've gotten close. This would have taken much longer if not for you, Asnor."

"Hahaha.", laughed Asnor


The door opened yet again. The one who had entered the room this time was Fauxis Nified.

"It seems that you are all here. I already got a rough understanding about the team's individual strength. Today, I am here just to remind you all about what kind of path you need to take to grow stronger. Natsuko, let's talk about yourself first."


"That's right!", Fauxis then sat down on his seat.

"What would you like to do the most with magic?"

"I would like to make myself beautiful I guess?"

"What connection does it have with wanting to enchant weapons?"

Natsuko furrowed her brows and thought for a while.

"It's because I would prefer making enhancing other things more than wanting to make myself beautiful."

"What would you want for your power to be capable of next?"

"To be able to efficiently utilize the things I have enhanced."

"Then it would probably be your ability that you will be getting. It's rarely wrong unless you're ambitious or if you were lying about what you truly wanted your powers to be capable of."

"So... my feelings and thoughts determines my path as a Magus?"

"No. Your abilities has already been determined from the moment you had awakened as a Magus. These feelings and thoughts just increases the rate at which you become stronger."

Natsuko then became silent and thought for a while. Fauxis then looked at others and also saw them thinking deeply except Asnor and Aramis.

"Asnor, what do you want your powers to do next?"

"Running away from dangerous situations."

Fauxis then tilted his head and asked, "Can you be specific?"

"You need to have a good understanding of situation around yourself to escape a dangerous situation first. After that, you need to utilize specific skills to actually implement your running away plan. Survival is my goal in the end."

"Survival? Interesting. All right. Kronos, you are next."

"I like to destroy things. Next, I would like to be a bit flexible. I am stiff when it comes to dealing blows to my foe."

"Ok. Aramis, you're next."

"I just wanted to be a Magus in the beginning. But now I want to have better perception to efficiently utilize my magic."

Fauxis nodded and glanced at Athena.

"Ahem. I wanted to control other people completely for my own sake since as an Idol in a nation filled with magi, I felt so insecure. Now, I don't want anyone to notice me when I want to and that includes even magi."

"That's too ambitious. Building an illusion around yourself at such early age around yourself is impossible if it's magi. If it's ordinary people, it might work. Let's see in future."

"I understand."

"Finally!", Fauxis then let out a heavy sigh.

Five magi got puzzled upon seeing Fauxis letting out a sigh. It was at that moment they remembered about yesterday's Fauxis Nified.

"Ever since the incident yesterday, I forced myself to be nice since it would be quite a pain to fix the team's problems. I was going to enjoy myself beating the hell out of Kronos but unfortunately I couldn't", spoke Fauxis while smiling in an angelic manner at Kronos. Kronos shivered at witnessing such a never before seen angelic smile on a devil.

Fauxis continued, "Don't worry. There are infinite number of opportunities for us to have an intimate intense teacher student bonding. I very much look forward to it."

The five magi shivered upon hearing Fauxis's statement. It was only then did they realize who had saved the day yesterday instead of Fauxis and glanced thankfully at Asnor in hopes of being saved yet again.

'Yesterday was probably the first and final time that I would help out these people. I only helped out yesterday to not get on Fauxis's bad side since it seems like he is someone mother had sent to teach me personally.'

Fauxis then spoke, "Today, everyone's task is to figure out what kind of challenging task you require to discover your new abilities. You can tell me any crazy or out of the box idea. There are many unimaginable ways in which the Training Centre can help me in implementing several training courses. If I don't find any of your ideas satisfying, I will personally train you. Kronos, I hope you don't come up with any good idea."

All Magi except Asnor couldn't help but have a terrified expression on their face. Especially, Kronos. Asnor just had an annoyed expression on his face.

Fauxis then left the room followed by everyone else.

Fauxis thought, 'I wonder who he is? I wonder how long this relationship will last. Too bad that my visionary powers won't help me out this time. In fact, the only reason I even went to that Mall incident was because I needed to indirectly tell Mom about my powers. And as expected of my mom, only she saw through my made up story that I had told Ragnar. She must be incredibly suspicious of me but couldn't make a direct connection with the incident since she knows that I am not the reckless type that jumps into danger. Unfortunately, she doesn't know about my visionary power. My visionary power only works in certain situations.'


Asnor then stood up to slide open the door.

The door slid open and Ragnar entered inside the Asnor's room.

"Hey, Ragnar."


"Is it truly impossible to get freedom in training?"


"Ask Mom about it this time. I didn't have any intention to go outside for the next 6 months and that's why I wasn't in any hurry. But I am getting impatient. I don't want the training sessions after 6 months to be this boring."

"All right. I will tell your mom about it."

"You can leave now, Ragnar."
