
Modern Magus Era

20 years into magic being introduced in everybody's daily lives, there are ever growing obvious signs of First Global Magus War along with several Civil Wars. In such chaotic times, Asnor has awakened as a Magus and he also strives to be a very powerful magus. >AUTHOR NOTE: ->I will definitely complete this novel. My first novel had problems in word building since I had just rushed it by transferring my imagined story into words. I will fix it later on as soon I finish writing this novel. ->The plot won't be dragged at all since like I said in first point, I would like to finish writing this story as soon as possible. ->The plot won't be rushed as long as I enjoy writing this novel. Currently, I enjoy writing the novel a lot. Or maybe the parts where I don't enjoy it, I just write them in as much fast pace possible. ->The plot won't be repetitive at all. That's kind of like my motto or policy when writing this novel since I don't enjoy writing repetitive parts. ->Writing is a hobby, not profession. So, the novel will have a lot of passion placed in it but there will be grammar problems since English ain't my native language. I would need the assistance of readers to correct my grammar problems.

fauxis · Kỳ huyễn
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19 Chs

Fictional Fantasy Creatures Did Exist Once Upon A Time

The door to a room slid open followed by the door closing a while later.

'This is actually a library?! Wow! But why is this library so big? Now that I think about it, so much space is guarded with such low security outside the gate system I couldn't get past. It seems this was a place in which several people lived inside.'

Asnor then floated and looked around.

The library had five floors excluding the ground floor and 2 underground floors. Each of these floors occupies a huge space.

'First Task, figuring out how to get my sensory capabilities back. Second task, if first task fails, find a temporary measure to get my sensory capabilities back. Third task, find an infiltration measure to get deep inside the castle. Fourth task, if first task had failed, find a device that could counter whatever that had suppressed my sensory capabilities. Fifth task, figuring out why my vision wanted me to be here risking to suffer never before seen punishment from mother.

'Wait a second! I am very good at running away currently. So, I don't have to be afraid of mother. Maybe I should settle down here until I grow strong enough to not be afraid of her at all. I mean, I am very talented considering my achievements in this dead land until now. And I am only 16 years old. Maybe, I am a bit too talented. Anyway, it doesn't matter. I need to get my tasks done.'

Asnor kept looking around for the books he was very desperate to read given his current situation.

Asnor then saw a book with an interesting title that was called <Underestimated Human Species>

'Does this book speak about a human's potential? Interesting!'

Asnor took the book out of bookshelf and started reading it.

After a while, Asnor furrowed his brows and scratched his head as if he couldn't believe what he had read.

A while later, Asnor close the book and had a very serious expression on his face.

'This book got to be a fictional prank book. I need to check out more books similar to this book I just read.'

Asnor then searched for other books similar to the book he was carrying around.

Few hours later,

Asnor was sitting in front of a table which had books stacked up.

Asnor then started reading a book named <Earth's 3 Stages Of Evolution>

Asnor then tried out books named <Earth's 6 Evolved Magi>, <Elves and Dwarf Species Reconciliation>, <Dragon Species>, <Humans Has Potential>, <Human Empress>, <Magic Everywhere In Earth's Second Stage of Evolution>, <Evolved Magus From Human Species>, <Species With Low Potential>, <Magi Era>, <Earth's First Stage Of Evolution>, <Fairies Uses Spiritual Power, Not Magic!> etc.

'What the hell? All those fictional fantasy creatures existed once upon a time? I shouldn't believe these books but it's too strange that the books that are in this library tells stories about these fantasy creatures as if there was a time when in fact these creatures actually had existed.'

Asnor was dumfounded. It took a while for him to come back to his own senses.

'Also Earth's Evolution? Considering what was mentioned in this book, Earth is Planet Gaia. It seems that everything going on currently is similar to the circumstances mentioned when Earth entered first stage of Evolution. In second stage of evolution, all humans that are not magi and also normal beasts gets their body strengthened due to magic's forced influence upon them.'

'And finally in third stage, everything in Gaia will contain magic energy.'

Asnor felt that if he were to believe everything that these books had stated, even Gremory family might not survive.

'I need to calm down. This is too much for me to take in. That's right, meditation!'

Asnor felt that if he does meditation in current situation, he might be able to calm down significantly and make rational decisions.


Asnor felt very tried upon processing all of the crazy thoughts he has been having.

'This is not good. I need to first figure out how to get back my sensory powers back. I could have easily read through these books if I could have utilized my powers.'

'But I first need to figure out more about this place. This is very important. Forgot about going back to home. In worst case scenario, I will just hide until I grow strong enough.'

Asnor prepared himself to study for a greater purpose unlike the times when he was just lazy before awakening.

'But I first need to take a rest since I am very tired. This trip keeps testing my limit to be carefree in getting my tasks done.'

One day later,


Asnor was slowly floating in the air with his body completely stretched. He seemed to be completely exhausted.


'This is getting nowhere...', Asnor then straightened himself in air.

'Let me recollect as to what I've understood about this place. This palace like building is inside dead land. For now, I am gonna assume something unexpected happened like Void Storm that created a dead land which I am now at. It's unknown when this happened.'

'I am gonna assume that several people lived here considering the facilities this building contains. Some elite people must have been behind the super gate system that I couldn't get across. This dead magic problem might have occurred long ago or 20 years ago. If this happened long ago, these people might have died here.'

Asnor widened his eyes.


Asnor then used his chaos magic to sense the dead humans or whatever species they are from.

"AH!", exclaimed Asnor. Thankfully, the magic that had enveloped himself didn't let any sound out.

'These is this dead human somewhere in a heavily fortified area underground. There also seems to be those magical guards around this body. Not just few but a lot of magical guards were protecting this dead human.

'Hmm? It has strange long ears. Wait a second! Is that an elf? I didn't sense this body before since I had only tried to sense threats to my life. Must be the most important guy in this building.'

Asnor thought excitedly, 'So, this palace-like building belonged to an elf? This elf must have been quite strong to build this building. Maybe this building might have been a secret headquarters of some secret organization and he was the leader. Was that too cliché? It doesn't matter anyway.'

Asnor thought with a very serious expression on his face, 'For now, I need to know what advantage does this body have to me. It seems that there are no other dead bodies. That's strange! There must have been a reason as to why only one body is kept preserved in this building.'

Asnor then focused on this elf body.

'Huh? I can sense everything inside this body unlike those defense systems.'

Asnor was dumbfounded. He couldn't believe what he was sensing inside the elf's body.

'This body is totally unordinary. The body even seems godly. Despite being dead, I can't help but have this fear towards whoever this body had belonged to. Were all elves as strong as this guy? No way! This guy must have been an exception or else he wouldn't have had this much protection. I feel like I can influence this body with my chaos magic due to presence of dead magic but the moment I do so, defense system will also realize that something had happened. If I was stronger, I could have... huh? If that's the case, I just need to go stronger. Very Very Interesting! But let this be a backup plan. Messing with this godly body should be a backup plan.'

'Should I look around other rooms? Library is a time consuming room. Since I am not the patient type when it comes to reading, it's better if I try to figure out alternative plans.'

Thus, Asnor started exploring the great elf's house! Asnor found a training room. There seems to be only wooden weapons. When it comes to technologies, Asnor had a rough idea as to what they do due to his flaw sensing magic.

But it took him few hours to figure it all out and Asnor didn't mind the time wasted since he was very curious about those devices that could be utilized for the sake of training. Just from the rough details Asnor found out, he had an idea about the average strength of elves. It was only then did Asnor figure out that the owner of this house was an unordinary elf.

Asnor then went on to find several gardens, multiple sleeping rooms, several huge lab rooms such that each of the lab rooms seemed to have a specific purpose. The lab rooms also had several magical materials.

Asnor wanted to steal the magical materials since some of them seemed unordinary from his perspective but he thought that whatever was behind the gate which he couldn't get across would be much better.

Asnor then went onto explore many more rooms like swimming room , space room in which you float like in space, a game room in which you could play several games. Asnor was very tempted to play the games but he had to look at the big picture for now. In the end, the result was that he found nothing informative. So, Asnor came back to the library.

'It's strange. Doesn't elves live in trees. Yet I found no trees. Seems that the elves adapted to advanced livelihood unlike the fantasy books.'

'In the end, that elf's body seems to be only loophole I could see in the defense system. If dead magic wasn't so infiltrative to invade even this elf's body, then there was nothing I could have done.'

'I am not confident now with my current strength. I have an idea as to what I must do but it seemed too bold of an idea.'

Asnor smirked, 'It doesn't matter. I will think about the details of plan after getting strong enough to implement the plan. Luckily, this ain't a matter of brute strength or else it would've took too much time. I am confident in influencing this elf's dead body if I could just be a bit more proficient in chaos magic. Well, it's not just a little bit but it doesn't matter. I just need to get stronger in utilizing chaos magic.'