
Modern Family: Reincarnated in a TV show

A fanfiction about a boy who was reincarnated in the world of his favourite TV show: Modern Family A guy died and went to God. Turns out he is Lucifers counterpart. The good side of Lucifer. God sends him into the world of Modern Family according to his wishes. A few years into the world our MC realises that this isn't just the world of Modern Family. There wont be anything supernatural, there will just be common worlds. At the moment I only have grown ups, and the main theme Modern family. I will probably add Brooklyn 99. I haven't thought about any other series yet

burakku · Ti vi
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22 Chs

Jays new grandchild


I haven't decided which path the mc should take. He is Lucifer due to this I can add some things later on and say god made him perfect.

So just say which things you would like the mc to do.

He could sing

He could be smart. (only on the surface, because the author is pretty dumb, but I would try my best)

He can do sports. Just say what he should do.


Nathaniel woke up, today he would accompany Haley to their grandpa. Jay, after hearing about my relationship with Haley invited me to his house for their Halloween party. I, at first wanted to refuse. I didn't want to meddle too much in their family or else it would be pretty awkward. But he said he wanted me to go there. Jay told me he would tell me more about my dead grandpa.

Like this, I went across the driveway and here I was. In front of the Dunphys house. Not as decorated as in the series, but still creepy. I knocked on the door and Phil opened it.

"Vitamin N, on the point as always", one of the better nicknames Phil has made for me.

"Thanks, Philosopher", I answered with a chuckle. Phil smiles at my nickname. I am pretty proud of being able to think of that nick.

"Is Nathaniel here?", a Claire with wet hair asks.

"Hey, Mrs. Dunphy"

"Kids, look Nathaniel is already ready. Hurry up.", she screamed at the top of her lungs.

Going in the direction of Haley's room, I walked upstairs. "Sh-", I almost fell.

Not even recovering from my near-death experience. I heard Claire warning me with a demonic smile, "No cursing, Nathaniel"

"Sorry Claire"

After being almost at Haley's room, I hear Claire reprimanding Phil to finally fix the stair.

Walking to Haley's door, I knocked on it.

"Whose there?" Haley asked in a slightly annoyed voice.

"It's me"

I heard some slight clicking sound and Haley soon opened the door.

"Hi Hales", I hugged her.

"H-HI Nat, come in", Haley answered with as slight blush after my sudden hug.

I went into the room.

"Oh, you moved the bed"

"Yeah, Alex will soon move in. Luke will go into Alexs old room. Argh. Thats so unfair. Why can he get a room of his own and I now need to share it with that nerd.", Haley pouted.

"Come on. It cant be that bad, right? You can talk to her and everything.", I tried to comfort her.

It seems that it worked as she seemed a bit less anoyed.

"Anyways, what do you think I should wear?", a question no man wants to hear has came.

I knew I needed to make this as fast as possible or I would get into a living hell.

"H-How about this one?" I pointed at a green dress with flowers on it with a trembling voice.

"No, its too childish", Haley answered.

Fuc*, its too late now.

"I know, I will try every dress and you will rate them", she added.

I knew it.

After what felt like an eternity, she choose the second dress she tried on. It was a black dress with golden linen on it. I must say, she looked really beautiful in it.

"Haley and Nathaniel, come down quick. We need to be quick or we will be late" Claire screamed again.

"Fast or we will be driving without you guys", Phil added with a light chuckle.

"Come Nat, lets hurry up", Haley took my hand and dragged me down the stairs.

We quickly got into their car and drove in the direction of Jays house.

[forgot to add an Image of their car in the last chapter]

We soon arrived at Jays house. He was already divorced with DeDe, but hasn't yet met Gloria.

After arriving, we quickly saw Jay.

I couldn't hold my curiosity in and asked him, when he would tell me about my grandpa.

"First things first, little Johnson. Hi Nathaniel"

"Hi Jay", I answered with a pouting look.

After that I saw Mitch and Cam.

"Hi guys", I greeted them.

"Hi Nathaniel", they answered synchronized.

Shortly after we began to chuckle. I need to say. I have a pretty good relationship with them.

After a bit of talking with them, I went in the direction of Jay. After finding him, he finally began to talk about my Grandfather.

"Well, where should I start. Youre grandpa was in the army at the same time as me. We were in the same group and were friends pretty quick. After getting deployed to Vietnam, we went through many life and death situations. We were best friends. One day, we were ambushed. A granade was thrown at me and-", Jay seemed to be melancholy," your grandfather jumped on me and threw me away with himself. Luckily he survived. He needed an amputation as his leg was hit with many grenade splitters. After that we were sworn brothers. A few years before you were born, he got cancer. He won the war, but the cancer came back and he died shortly before your birth. He was a fighter. And I promised him to treat you like my own grandchild.", Jay seemed sad.

"Thanks, Jay", I answered while trying to process everything.

"Anyway lets party Nat", Jay tried to cheer me up a bit as he was thinking I was sad. He was only partly right as I was mostly processing everything. Still, I was sad.

"Ok, grandpa", I replied in a teasing voice.


Should I make a cross-over?

wouldnt be anything supernatural.

I thought about maybe adding grown-ups.

But only as a small side story.

I will try to make this fanfic as democratic as possible. You can write your ideas on what Mc should do in the comments. Mc will get called Nat only now, btw.

I will try my best and am open to criticism.

Edit: I think I will soon make a school chapter. Decide what club he should join, or if you want to, no club.

burakkucreators' thoughts