
White Christmas

"Oh My God!", Haley squealed as soon as she entered the cabin, "This place is amazing!". 

"I know right!", Phil excitedly nodded his head, hugging himself with his brand new coat, "This coat came in clutch. I didn't feel cold at all". 

"Mommy! Mommy!", Joe laughed as he made his way over to Gloria, "There's snow!"

"There is", Gloria nodded her head, "Why don't you get changed so then we can make snow people together?". 

"Yay!", Joe cheered as he ran around his mom, "I'm going to make a snow person with mommy!".

"Snow person?", Jay asked, looking at Gloria questioningly, "We've got to get him out of that hippie school". 

"I don't know", Manny interrupted, "Last report card, he got straight dolphins".

"Mitchell!", Cam screamed as he came running towards his husband, "I just found out that there's a grand piano! Argh!". 

Hearing his high-pitched scream, Mitchell winced slightly, "That's good news!". 

"I know!", Cam nodded, a determined gleam flashing in his eyes. 

"This place is pretty sweet", Matt muttered, entering the living room where everyone was now gathering and shaking his head, letting some of the snow on his head fall down, "It's so nice coming here after playing out in the snow".

"I know! It's so warm in here as well! So you can warm up really quickly!", Desiree called out, putting her hands in front of the lit fireplace. 

"This place has been so awesome Mom!", Bella remarked, "There's a jacuzzi, an indoor pool, snow outside, and best of all, there's great WiFi here. It's like the ultimate place to spend Christmas". 

"Who knows?", Zephyr mysteriously whispered, appearing behind Bella, "If things go well, we might make this a family tradition and come here every year". 

"Oh My God Dad, you have to see the walk-in closet in my room, it's simply amazing. We might be able to get some ideas for our new closet", Claire stated as she re-entered the living room. 

Before Jay could speak, Alex interrupted, "Please don't make this a work thing. Zephyr and I spent a lot of time organising this so we could have a calm and relaxing Christmas. Not spend the whole time listening to you two talk about closets. We all know you're a workaholic, but this is a family gathering. Please restrain yourself". 

Hearing this, Claire gasped, "I'm not a workaholic!". 

"I mean", Mitchell muttered, rubbing the back of his head and looking away. Matt and Desiree turned to look away from her and innocently whispered. Haley and Bella were suddenly very busy and looking intently at their phone screens. Luke began playing even more intensely on his portable games console. Manny was looking at a mirror and pretending to fix his outfit. Gloria was far less discreet than the rest and simply grabbed Joe and walked out. 

"Really?", Claire called out, "None of you? What about you honey?". 

"Ahh", Phil sighed, hugging himself even tighter. 

"Phil!", Claire exclaimed. 

"Huh", Phil muttered, partially snapping out of his daze. 

"Am I a workaholic?", Claire asked. 

"Mh", Phil moaned. "You are", he dazedly mumbled, "This coat is so comfortable. It's like being hugged by a mumma sheep".

"I can't believe this!", Claire exclaimed, "Does my family think so low of me that they think that I'd put work over them?!". 

"Australia", Alex neutrally answered, stating what was on everyone's mind. 

"F-f-fair enough", Claire muttered, "But I'll prove you wrong!". 

"Sure", Alex nodded her head, "Whatever makes you feel better". 

"Hey!", Claire complained indignantly, "I'll prove you wrong! I'll prove you all wrong!". 

"Is it just me or does that sound like a total villain thing to say?", Bella whispered to Haley. 

"You're right", Haley agreed, "It does sound villainy". 

"Right", Zephyr clapped his hand, attracting everyone's attention, "We're spending 6 days in Iceland. For today and tomorrow, you're free to do what you want, but on the following day, at night we'll all go slightly further out into the wilderness to see the aurora borealis. The day after that, we'll go to Ingolfstorg Square for a Christmas market and then go to Reykjavik's Sky Lagoon. The day after is Christmas Eve and the day after that is Christmas. Then, you'll have the last two days to do whatever you want. Any questions?".

Hearing this, Haley raised her hand and asked, "What's the aurora borals?". 

Seeing her stupidity, Alex couldn't help but smack her forehead in disappointment, "The Aurora Borealis is also known as the Northern Lights. It's a natural phenomenon where energised particles from the Sun are reflected by the Earth's magnetic field which creates a light show". 

"Oh", Haley muttered in understanding, "I still don't get it". 

Alex sighed, "It's fine. You'll find out on the day then". 

"Phew", Haley mumbled in relief, "Thought I was going back to school there for a second". 

"You may now do what you want", Zephyr said. 

Just as everyone was about to leave, Jay stopped them, "If I could have everyone's attention!". Immediately, everyone stopped their chattering and turned to look at Jay. "I feel incredibly lucky to celebrate the best celebration o the year with the best damn family and friends a man could ask for". 

"Hear hear!", Phil cheered, shrinking in embarrassment upon seeing the strange looks he received from everyone. 

"Gloria and I have been discussing this for a while", Jay began, "With Joe getting older and me not getting any younger, I feel it's just the right time to start a new chapter. Which is why I've decided to ... and it's not easy for me to say this ... I've decided to retire". Before everyone could react, he continued, "Well, retired isn't the best word for it. It's actually more of a transition. So, when the people ask 'Where's Jay Pritchett?', you'll answer, 'he's transitioning'." Jay sighed, "It's okay. I heard it too. Let's go back to retiring". 

"Hey", Phil called out, "We can finally rent out that RV and check out all the Major League ballparks". 

"I'll probably do that alone", Jay answered, causing Phil to feel crestfallen, "Anyway. I had to ask myself, 'Who's the best person to lead the company?' and it took me a while, but I've decided and can comfortably say that the person who's going to succeed me is going to be ... Zephyr after I looked at his plans for the company and the money he was willing to invest into the company". 

"I'm sorry what?!", Claire exclaimed. 

"Yeah", Jay nodded his head, "A few weeks ago, Zephyr came to me with the idea of buying the company. Of course, I refused at first, but after seeing his offer and how his plan to make Pritchett's Closets and Blinds become global leaders, I quickly accepted. I won't just disappear behind the scenes but instead, I'll have the ability to guide the company's growth alongside him. With him in charge, we can all relax knowing the company's in great hands". 

"Don't worry Claire", Zephyr comforted, "Your role won't change much. You'll still do what you do now with a bit more managerial power. Of course, I'm going to hire Chuck Feeny who'll work alongside you and make the company's growth much more smooth. Of course, whichever one of you proves themselves to be the best will be promoted to CEO while the other will be promoted to Vice-President so everyone wins!". 

"Merry Christmas!", Jay cheered. 

"Merry Christmas!", everyone bar Claire cheered. 

"Now, you can all go and have fun!", Jay exclaimed.