


"What am I most afraid of?", Mitchell asked himself.

"Global warming", Alex said, "And getting a B".

"Waking up and finding out my life was a dream", Zephyr answered.

"Finding out I'm a grandfather", Matt responded.

"Losing Bella", Desiree replied.

"Spiders", Bella stated, shivering at the thought.

"The phone ringing in the middle of the night", Claire stated.

"That I'm too much of a perfectionist", Phils declared.

"Honey", Claire commented, "This isn't a job interview".

"Oh yeah", Phill muttered, "Job interviews".

"Nothing", Jay spoke.

"Yeah right", Gloria argued, "What about the pigeons?"

"Oh. I don't like them", Jay insisted, "They're shifty".

"Losing Mitchell", Cam declared.

"Aww", Mitchell mumbled, rubbing Cam's arm, "Hotel bedspreads".

"Never getting my driver's license", Haley mentioned, "Or getting one and the picture sucks".

"Dying alone", Manny whispered to himself.

"I don't know", Luke shrugged, "I guess Mom".

[Commentary ends]

"Guess what you've got tonight?", Matt said as he crept behind Zephyr, who was, as usual, reading a book.

Not paying him attention, Zephyr asked, "What is it then?"

"You've got your school dance tonight", Matt said, excitement evident in his voice, "All we have to do is get you shoes for the dance".

Zephyr groaned hearing that, "There's no need. I'm not going".

"What?!", Matt exclaimed, "Why? I had everything planned. I was going to sneak in as a parent supervisor and record everything".

"Ok. First of all. Because I don't want to go", Zephyr replied, "And second of all. Eww. What sort of parent shadows their child, and at a school dance of all places?"

"Hey. What are you talking about", Matt argued, "And besides. Why would you not want to go to the dance".

Finally looking up from his book, Zephyr replied, "There are a multitude of reasons for me not wanting to go. One. There will be girls there who will just gossip about which boy looks best and I don't want to have to listen to that. Two. Virtually all the boys will be trying to impress girls by acting cool and that's an experience I don't want to have to endure. Three. I don't feel like going".

"Are you sure those are the reasons you don't want to go?", Matt asked with a smile growing on his face.

"What are you implying?", Zephyr asked.

"That you don't want to go because a certain cute black-haired nerdy girl with glasses likely isn't going", Matt answered.

"Alex is not the reason that I'm not going", Zephyr retorted.

"I didn't say it was Alex", Matt argued.

"But you suggested it", Zephyr remarked.

"Still", Matt commented, "You didn't disagree with the cute part so it's obvious you think she's cute". Realising that he'd fallen into Matt's trap, Zephyr's cheeks slightly reddened. Sighing, Matt sat down next to Zephyr and pat him on the shoulder, "You should ask her to the dance". Hearing his words, Zephyr began spluttering.

Seeing his reaction, Matt began laughing, which irritated Zephyr. Just as he was about to mutter something, Desiree entered the room with Bella in her arms. "What's going on Matt?"

Managing to calm down, Matt replied, "Zephyr's got his school dance today but he doesn't want to go because Alex isn't going".

"Oh dear", Desiree muttered, "We need to convince Alex to go then"

"I suggested that he ask her out", Matt responded, "But he's too afraid".

"Come on Zephyr", Desire said, trying to motivate Zephyr, "You need to be brave and ask her".

"Not you too!", Zephyr complained.

"It's fine if he doesn't want to go", Matt intervened.

"Thank you", Zephyr mumbled.

"We just have to get someone to convince Alex. Maybe Phil", Matt added.

In response, Zephyr groaned and complained internally about how stubborn Matt was.

[With Alex and Claire]

"Come on", Alex complained, "What's taking them so long?"

"I don't know", Claire replied, anxiously looking around, "The only reason I'm not panicking is because I haven't seen a giant geyser yet". Stopping herself from continuing, she turned to look at Alex, "You know, honey, I think I know why you don't want to go"

"Because school dances are lame", Alex answered.

"No", Claire retorted, "Because Zephyr hasn't asked you out".

"That's not it", Alex argued, but the blush on her cheeks did little to support her statement.

"It's so obvious now that I think about it", Claire muttered, "You like Zephyr and you're afraid he'll ask someone else".

"No. That's not why", Alex tried, but seeing the look on her mom's face, she stopped herself, "I just don't want to get my hopes up and be disappointed"

"Sweetheart. You're a beautiful girl", Claire stated, "He's definitely going to ask you out"

"How do you know?", Alex remarked, "I've tried giving him hints, but I don't think he likes me".

Claire asked, "Go on then. What hints have you given him".

Alex sighed for a second and said, "I showed him a magazine and asked him which dress looked best on me. I tried bringing up the dance in our conversations as much as I can"

"Seriously?", Claire asked, raising her eyebrow, "Those aren't really hints. And besides, from what I've heard, Matt's pretty dense, so I'm assuming Zephyr is as well".

"He is pretty dense", Alex muttered.

"See. I'm sure that at this very moment, he's thinking of a way to ask you out"

[With Zephyr, Matt, Desiree and Bella]

"Ahhhh!", Zephyr panicked, "How am I going to ask her out?"

"Don't worry", Desiree comforted, patting him on the shoulder, "I'm sure if you think enough, you'll come up with an amazing plan".

"I don't know", Matt interrupted, "He's not exactly romantic". Instead of answering, Desiree shot him a glare which caused Matt to shiver. "I mean, I believe in you kid".

"I'm panicking!", Zephyr muttered as he held his head in his hand, "What am I going to do now?"

Desiree, seeing this, tried to calm things down, "Relax Zephyr. Why don't we go the cafe and get you a drink? Maybe it'll help calm you down and collect your thoughts".

"Mommy", Bella asked, pulling on Desiree's arm, "I want some chocolate".

"Shhhh", Desiree quietened Bella, kneeling to whisper into her daughter's ear, "Mommy will get you all the chocolate you want after, okay?". Bella nodded her head, causing a small smile to appear on Desiree's face.

"Come on then", Matt said, pulling Zephyr, "Let's go and get you a drink".

[With Alex and Claire]

"But what if he doesn't? What if he ends up going with some girl in our year and forgets about me?", Alex questioned, speeding up in panic towards the end.

"If he doesn't", Claire said, "Then you do what I told your sister. Take three deep breaths and relax".

"Wow. Even the advice I get is a hand me down", Alex muttered.

Just as Claire was about to argue, a car pulled up beside them with the window down. "Mom. I did it! I passed!", Haley screamed in joy.

"Oh My God!", Claire exclaimed while clapping with Alex, "Congrats!"

"Well done!", Alex congratulated.

"I got my license!", Haley squealed, quickly undying her seatbelt and getting out of the car, "I have my license!"

As she jumped over to them, Claire pointed at the car which was rolling down, "Haley, the car's not parked". As the car was stopped, Claire shouted at her daughter, "Haley, you better run to that counter. Run! Run!"

As this happened, the man in the car just looked at them, unsure of what to do or say, opting to remain quiet.

[Time Skip]

Having passed her driving license, Haley went off to celebrate with her friends, while Alex and Claire choose to return home after getting Alex her shoes. As she was relaxing on the couch, reading a book, the doorbell was rung, disrupting her from her thoughts. Getting up, she shouted, "I'll get it". Opening the door, she was met with the sight of Zephyr there, with his hands behind his back. "Hey", she shyly muttered.

"Hey", he greeted back.

Within a few seconds, an awkward silence surrounded them, causing Matt and Desiree, who were watching from behind a bush, to smack their foreheads in disappointment. However, just as they were about to give up hope, Zephyr spoke up, "So, I've got something to ask"

Looking up, she mumbled, "What?"

Bringing his hand forward, showing her the boutique of roses in his hands, "I didn't really know how to ask, so I decided to be straightforward. Alex, will you go to the dance with me?"

Taking the flowers in her hand, she looked up at him and muttered, "Yes. I will".

Hearing her answer, Zephyr let out a sigh of relief, "Thank God. I was worried you'd say no".

"I was worried you wouldn't ask me", Alex replied.

Just as Zephyr was about to formulate an answer, he was cut off by a loud scream from behind some bushes, "Yesssss!"

Turning around, they found themselves looking at Desiree who was screaming in excitement. Realising that they had been discovered, Matt stood up as well, revealing the camera in his hand that had recorded the interaction. "Seriously?", Zephyr complained.

Just as they were going to defend themselves, they were interrupted by two screams coming from the driveway.

[Time Skip]

The school dance transformed the gymnasium into a vibrant and lively scene. Colourful streamers hung from the ceiling, swaying gently in the air, while a sparkling disco ball cast shimmering lights across the dance floor. Students, dressed in their finest attire, mingled and moved to the beat of the music, their laughter and chatter filling the space.

At one corner of the room, a group of friends stood together, chatting and sharing excited whispers. They had spent weeks planning and preparing for this momentous event. Girls twirled in their elegant dresses, their smiles radiant, as boys adjusted their ties nervously, striving for a perfect appearance.

Couples swayed and spun on the dance floor, their movements synchronized to the rhythm of the music. Some danced gracefully, executing practised steps, while others simply let loose and moved freely, expressing their joy. The DJ played a mix of popular songs, and the students enthusiastically sang along, their voices blending harmoniously with the melodies.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere grew more energetic. The dance floor became a vibrant sea of motion, filled with laughter and carefree expressions. Some students took a break from dancing, gathering at tables adorned with decorations, sipping punch, and indulging in sweet treats.

Amidst the lively atmosphere of the dance, two people, a boy and a girl, found a quiet corner where they conversed with each other. They stood close, their faces adorned with bashful smiles and their eyes locked in an intimate gaze. The music from the DJ's playlist drifted in the background, fading into a soft murmur as they focused on each other's words. Their conversation was filled with gentle laughter and whispered secrets, their voices barely audible over the surrounding chatter. Occasionally, they stole glances at the dance floor, observing the energetic movements of their peers, but their attention quickly returned to one another. Their hands occasionally brushed against each other, a subtle display of affection.

As the conversation progressed, their voices grew softer, their tones more intimate. Time seemed to stand still as they lost themselves in the warmth of their conversation, the world around them fading away into insignificance. Snapped out of their stupor by a song, the boy grabbed the arm of the girl, muttering, "Come on. This is a dance and we haven't danced yet".

Despite not wanting to join the people on the dancefloor, the girl showed no resistance, following the boy. As soon as the music began playing, the boy held the girl securely as they glided across the polished floor. Their bodies moved in perfect harmony, synchronized to the rhythm of the enchanting melody. With each twirl and spin, their eyes locked, expressing a deep affection that words could not convey. Their faces radiated joy, mirroring the passion that flowed through their every movement. The room seemed to fade away as they lost themselves in the moment, completely immersed in the dance.

Unknown to them, parents and students alike found themselves drawn to the spectacle they caused with each and every graceful movement they made. As the song finally came to an end, so too did their dance. A sombre mood settled between the two, interrupted only by the rumbling applause of teachers, students and chaperones.