
Basketball Match

Constructed in the heart of LA and overflowing with fans, the basketball stadium was a colossal structure that stood tall amidst the cityscape. Its imposing metal framework enclosed a vast expanse, echoing the buzz of excitement from past games. The entrance gates, adorned with the banners of the LA Lakers, creaked as they swung open, welcoming eager fans. The interior walls once shimmered with bright hues, displaying the team's colours and accomplishments.

Inside, the rows of seats cascaded upwards, accommodating a sea of spectators who had filled them in anticipation of thrilling contests. The scent of popcorn and hotdogs lingered from concession stands, now closed and deserted. The digital screens that once flashed mesmerizing replays were blank, capturing only the action of the present.

The basketball court, once a masterpiece of polished wood, now bore the marks of intense battles fought by athletes and the excitement of cheering crowds, having lost its glossy hue. The hoop nets swayed with each successful shot, with balls passing through the net as each athlete took shots.

As time passed, the excrement of avid fans continued to grow, briefly relieved by the referee blowing his whistle. Throughout the match, the players displayed incredible skills and teamwork. They dribbled, passed, and shot precisely, making the game highly competitive and thrilling. The defence was solid, and the players hustled to steal the ball and block shots. Each team fought fiercely for every point, making the score seesaw back and forth.

"Isn't this awesome!", Matt exclaimed while cheering.

Sitting beside him with little to no excitement, Zephyr complained, "Why do I have to be here?"

"You know why", Matt answered, not taking his eyes off the match.


"Zephyr", Matt said as he strolled into Zephyr's room, "You know how I always go to your soccer matches right?"

"Right", Zephyr plainly answered, imagining where this was going.

"Good. Good. Good", Matt murmured, "So. I've got tickets for the next LA Lakers match and I wanted you to come along with me".

"Don't you usually go with Daniel?", Zephyr asked.

"Yeah", Matt agreed, "But his wife's been complaining that he doesn't pay her enough attention so he took her for a trip somewhere and now I've got no one to go with. Richards wasn't available, and neither was William. Not even James and he's always available".

"It's always great knowing you're the last choice", Zephyr deadpanned.

"Don't worry. You weren't my last choice", Matt comforted, "That would've been Desiree".

"Really?", Zephyr asked, not believing him.

"Yeah. I took her to a game once. She asked me what was going on every minute", Matt complained, "I couldn't even focus on the game".

"That makes me feel a little bit better", Zephyr replied, "But I still don't want to go".

"Please!", Matt begged, "I've had to go to all of your soccer matches. At least do this to repay me".

"You make it sound like you don't like going to my matches", Zephyr remarked, narrowing his eyes.

Gulping, Matt frantically waved his hand, "No! I love seeing you play. It's just that the matches are so long".

"They are long", Zephyr admitted, "But that still doesn't give me a reason to go with you".

"Ugh. Fine", Matt conceded, "What do you want?"

"A new phone", Zephyr began.

"Nope", Matt retorted, "Pick again".

"New soccer boots", Zephyr said, "My current ones aren't in the best of conditions".

"Sure", Matt agreed.

[Flashback End]

"Yesss!", Matt screamed in frantic joy as a player wearing yellow dunked the ball into the net.

Snapped out of his thoughts, Zephyr decided to resign himself to his fate and concentrate on the pitch. Despite not being a basketball player, Zephyr was able to quickly make out the incredibly high level of skill displayed by the athletes. Although the players' height played a crucial part in their ability to score, it was their incredible jumping ability that aided them the most in the match. High ball control was a necessity to be able to dribble past players and accuracy was essential when taking shots from a distance.

"Hey, is that Phil?", Matt muttered, breaking Zephyr from his analysis.

"Where?", Zephyr asked, curious.

"Over there. With ... Gloria?", Matt replied, pointing to two people sitting three rows down.

Focusing, Zephyr leaned over a bit and managed to make out the curvaceous form of Gloria alongside the goofy face of Phil. Moving his gaze a bit, he was able to find Manny and Alex sitting right next to them. "That is them", Zephyr remarked.

"Hey Phil!", Matt shouted, attracting the attention of Phil who was snacking on some candy.

Looking up, he noticed Matt and Zephyr, shouting back, "Matt! Zephyr! I didn't know you guys were here!".

"I didn't expect to see a fellow Lakers fan here either!", Matt replied, having to raise his voice to be heard over the roar of the fans.

"You're a Lakers fan too!", Phil shouted in excitement, "I'd come and give you a hug, but the seats are in the way!".

"It's cool!", Matt replied, waving off his concerns.

Having received a message on her phone, Alex turned to look at Phl and said, "Dad. Haley says Mom saw you on TV. You're dead".

Hearing that, Phil's face was immediately filled with fear and trepidation.

"What did your dad do?", Zephyr asked.

Looking up, Alex responded, "Dad kissed Gloria because of the Kiss Cam and Mom saw".

"Ooh", Zephyr muttered, "He's finished when he gets back home".

"No", Alex replied, shaking her head, "She's going to kill him after the family portrait".

"You're having a family portrait?", Zephyr asked, curious.

"Yep", Alex replied, "We have one every year".

"Now that's a good idea", Matt remarked, hearing their conversation.

"There aren't enough people for a portrait", Zephyr retorted.

"Yes, there is. Me. You. Desiree. Bella. At the rate things are going, we'll be a family in no time".

"Ugh", Zephyr groaned, "I didn't need to hear that".

"What?", Matt questioned, "Do you not like the idea of them becoming part of our family?"

"No. I don't mind that", Zephyr countered, "I just didn't need to know about your love life".

Hearing this, Matt began laughing, and patted Zephyr on his back, "Don't worry. When you grow up, you'll get married at some point in life and you'll realise that teasing your children and making them embarrassed is part of the job".

"As if", Zephyr retired, crossing his arms and looking away, "There's no way I'm going to be like you when I grow up".

"Sure. Sure", Matt drawled, unconvinced by Zephyr's statement.

[Time Skip]

The car drove home through the dimly lit streets. Its headlights cut through the darkness, illuminating the familiar road ahead. The engine hummed steadily as it cruised along the familiar route. The driver, Matt, kept his hands on the wheel, navigating the familiar turns effortlessly.

Passing by houses adorned with warm, glowing lights, the car made its way through the peaceful neighbourhood. Occasionally, it slowed down at stop signs or traffic lights, allowing other vehicles to pass or pedestrians to cross. The journey was serene, and the soothing rhythm of the tires on the asphalt filled the quiet interior.

Gazing out the backseat window, Zephyr silently contemplated the day's events. "So season 1 is over", he thought to himself.

[Indeed. As the first season is over, the admin has artificially raised your luck for the day so rolling a Gacha would be beneficial for you]

"What's my current balance?", Zephyr mentally asked.

[You currently have 3502 GP. Enough for 1 Rare and 1 Uncommon]

[Do you want to roll?]

"Go on then", Zephyr muttered.

[Balance: 3502 GP]

[Deducting 1000 GP]

[Balance: 2502 GP]

[Rolling Uncommon]

[You've received Hasirama Senju (Naruto)]

[You've received Hashirama Senju's Taijutsu]

[Wood Release and Sage Mode exceed world parameters]

[Wood Release and Sage Mood exchanged for perk {Nature's Ally}]

[Balance: 2502 GP]

[Deducting 2500 GP]

[Rolling Rare]

[You've received Bruce Wayne (DC)]

[You've received Bruce Wayne's knowledge (Acrobatics, Archery, Aviation, Computing ...)]

[You've received Bruce Wayne's Indomitable Will]

[You'e received Bruce Wayne's martial arts mastery]

[You've received Peak Human Condition (Will be implemented throughout puberty)]

"I've only watched the movies and I know that Bruce Wayne's really smart and all, but is he really considered as Rare?", Zephyr asked.

[You're actually really lucky host]

[Bruce Wayne is a peak Rare Gacha]

[In the movies, Bruce Wayne's abilities were downplayed. In almost all the DC timelines, Batman fights Superman at some point and, more times than not, comes out on top. What's more, he was capable of defeating and killing the multiversal being Darkseid]

"Seriously?", Zephyr asked in disbelief.


"That's fine then", Zephyr muttered to himself.

"Did you say something?", Matt asked, looking at Zephyr through the mirror.

"No. It's nothing", Zephyr replied, shaking his head.

"Well. We're here", Matt said as they approached the driveway, the car's indicator lights blinked to signal its intention to turn. With precision, it rolled up to the familiar parking spot, and the engine purred to a halt.

Stepping out of the car, Zephyr made his way to the door, using his keys to open the door and make his way inside. As soon as he took a few steps in, he was met with the sight of Desiree talking to a woman who looked remarkably familiar.

The woman was 5ft 7, wearing a white blouse with a blazer on top. She adorned a black skirt alongside heels and fashioned a pair of glasses on her face. She had sapphire eyes that glowed with warmth and familiarity. Her obsidian hair was let down and flowing freely.

As soon as she saw him, she stood up and hesitantly walked over to him. Seeing him pause in his steps, Matt asked, "Hey Zephyr, what's wron-", halting himself in his steps as soon as he saw the woman.

"You must be Zephyr", the woman said, looking at Zephyr who was still lost for words.

"What are you doing here?", Matt asked, anger evident in his tone.

"I'm here for him", she replied, gesturing towards Zephyr.

Protectively standing in front of Zephyr, Matt replied, "I won't let you take him".

"Take me?", Zephyr muttered in shock.

"Who is she?", Desiree asked, her eyes wide after hearing Matt's declaration.

"I'm sorry for not introducing myself", the woman replied. Staring at Zephyr, she stated, "I'm Melina. Your aunt".

""Aunt?"" Desiree and Zephyr asked at the same time.

"I thought mom was a lone child", Zephyr said to Matt.

Gritting his teeth, Matt replied, "Nyx was from a really prestigious family. So when they disapproved of our relationship, we eloped and stopped all contact with them".