

an otaku who's life is all about a meaningless job and all the enjoyment that left for him is reading novels when he hae nothing suddenly an AD showed up on his phone asking him what background was the world he wanted to travel too and what cheats would he wish to have.... ______________________________________________ -yop author here boys I'm really going to try and write as much Chapters as i could before my imagination goes out like the last fan-fic and about the last fan-fic I'm not sure if I'm going to continue or not because i really don't want to drop it but in the same time i don't know what write

ghost_316x · Tranh châm biếm
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15 Chs

ch7- history

the 4 soldiers outside saw the door opening up

but instead of their lord they saw a big man with black full-Plate knight armor and gaint 2 swords

in fear they raised their guns aiming at him

"STOP" one order and they knew the voice they took a kneeling poster

"my lord" they said

"show me the way to the commend center" Aster said

"follow me my lord"

"overlord this echo-1 checkmate is coming to the commend center send someone to Receive us please advise" he said to the radio

"copy that echo-1 Charlie team is in bound ATA about 10 minutes"

after that they arrived at the central commend Tents

he got out of the humvee with escort team ainz was behind him in the Mrab placed his swords in his inventory but after hopping off he took them out and placed them on his back he was right behind Aster like a guardian knight should

entering the command center with every one kneeling in his sight

<ahh kneeling is annoying i will only receive it with official occasions but i have an idea why don't i change it.

like when ever they see me they would give me the attack on titan Scouts Military salute with right hand forming a fist and placing it on their hearts and left hands behind their backs while bawing their heads

and when they see the flag they would do the same but without bowing their heads but instead their eyes are on the flag >

<as for the military salute only people in the armed forces will do it to a person higher rank than them or star knights or nobles of my future Imperial court

i will make states Presidents or high officials have the nobles ranks from low-class to mid-class the highest they could get is count but only presidents of states could have it or 6-star knights level and about cities Mayor's they could get only Viscount or baron depending on how big the city they mange and states Presidents are their superiors

and i will make it so that some could purchase the baron title but it would cost a lot. crazy lot of money it's would be only decoration for the Rich but you will be Thoroughly investigated like every detail of your life is on paper>

Aster was thinking while setting on a chair with ainz behind him

"get up from now on you will only be kneeling while I'm on the throne as for how you great me it would be shown later" he said

"this is our territorial map make sure no vehicles leave this area without my approval and make sure the navy don't go 15km from the coast or they would encounter sea monsters" Aster said while placing a Wrapped map on the table

" all right my lord" colonel Wikmler said

"now report to me the current situation" Aster said

"my lord we cleared about 50km of land but we are running out of fuel and ammo"

<just let me check my inventory ahh hmm


no not this either

aha found it >

"i have a enough fuel and ammo just give me clear area"

"yes my lord follow me to the temporary storage place"

after giving the the ammo and fuel i went back to the meeting room

"make sure to record everything i'm about to say and make it a top level secret a secret that no outsiders will know off"

"right now we need to start planning for the next move

first we need background for you guys which is that you were living in unstable Island 530,566 square kilometers in size and with huge population of 270 million try to make it close to us but not that close to my territory.

the thing is that you previous country a closed island not allowing anyone to approach.

the era will be like  the early 1900s but because of a natural disasters like the water levels raising and volcanos Eruption and earthquakes and a very sensitive Tectonic plate so you decide to evacuate the population and some how you arrived at my land but the human loss was high like half of the population died to sea monsters and crashed into the sea and make the royal family and some of the nobles family dead in the bottom of it.

and when the people arrived they started fighting monsters and that when you meet me and found my castle and took my castle as the center of your new civilization

make it so that i gave the rest of the surviving people hope and that you guys gave me your loyalty make it seems that when i was studying your former country history and by going through your technology i advanced it and created the miracles we have today

which would make sense why you guys would be loyal to me and consider me as your savor fabricate every thing every detail names.

make a fake history and hopefully in the future we will make some fake Evidence like the royal ship which called the Titanic in the bottom of the sea make movies books paintings about history make it look like a destiny that you meet me and fake events like wars. civilwars previous technology breakthroughs fake scientists Musicians doctors every kind of profession.

and our History calendar will start from 2000s

make a time calculations and how long will ships from that era will take to arrive and starting from that.

the chosen date through calculations would be a national wide celebration which called Thanksgiving and months after it it would be the time you guys offered me your loyalty

which will be our National Day and Christmas will be at 25 December which will be Subject of warshiping that day is the fake seamist maker which protected you from outsiders for 1900 something years

make civil wars kingdoms wars until you have united and worshipped peace because of the some fake Destructive war that almost eliminated you all at 1700s and after that's you all came to agreement that only one land Owner is allowed to be the ruler of the entire island

and it would be done by honest votes and the history continued with peace under that rule until a day called the fallen fate arrived which led you here the beginning of every year would be Celebrates under the name of new year

and because the island breakdown every land owner tablets broke and only some nobles survived which lead you to me although I'm an outsider i afford kindness to you because that all i had and make some emotional stories which lead me to be an iron fist ruler" Aster explained while the rest are Recording it in every way possible as not to lose any Details

"from now on this fabricated history will become real in your minds and hearts from generations to generations to come and in the upcoming civilization it will be a history Subject in the upcoming schools and make sure that everyone and i mean everyone knows this history this is the only way to keep our selfs"