
CH 3: Man vs Machine

I awoke to the gentle warmth of the sun, and a symphony of birds. The first thing I did was look at my company phone(old habits die hard I guess). After a quick stretch, I ate a breakfast of hardtack and water, before gathering my dungeon-diving equipment and made my way back to the ground.

I held my rifle, barrel pointed to the ground, ready to rock if needed. I made my way diagonally towards the sunrise. After just a few minutes I cleared the swamp and stopped.

Mentally searching my pocket space, I found my last piece of equipment. It wasn't hard mind you, my pocket space only holds roughly 3 cubic meters, and Mjolnir armor takes up nearly half of that. Pulling it out, I felt the bodysuit cling to my body nice and snug with the layers of titanium-A battle plate locking me in its protective embrace. 

I felt the Titanium-A helmet appear in my hand. I lifted it up and looked it over, from the green paint, to the white 117 on the side, it was like a dream come true. As I stared into the gold visor, it just stared back at me. It felt as though it judged my worth to see if I was worthy to done it, and the legacy it represented. I took a deep breath, and then locked the helmet into place. It went through a quick boot sequence, and then the familiar light blue HUD sprung to life.

As soon as the HUD started up, the weight of the suit seemed to disappear completely. I rolled my shoulder to see how it felt, before going through a series of stretches to determine my range of motion. I was pleasantly surprised to find that I maintained most of my mobility, the plates getting in the way of only the most extreme of positions. I raised my fists and started to shadow box, my fist brimming with the power. I began to laugh when my punch cratered an ancient oak tree, which cracked and groaned.

Equipping my M6D to my right leg magnetic weapon slot was far more entertaining than it had an right to be. One second your holding your pistol, the next it gets sucked to your thigh with a satisfying click. I must've done that ten times before I forced myself to focus. I was happy to see my M11 combat knife was mounted on my waist, as there is no replacement for a good knife in a soldiers kit. Grabbing my MA5D, I started out for the target facility at roughly 28 kph (17.4 mph). It wasn't my top speed, but it was fast enough to get me the rest of the way in under 15 minutes.

Roughly halfway there my HUDs motion tracker picked something at the edge of its range. I slowed to a walking pace, while ensuring that I didn't cause any unnecessary noise on approach to the possible threat. 

Sweeping around a large boulder, I caught sight with what was setting off the motion tracker. The object was a robot with a elongated head, humanoid upper body, and a skirt like hover unit of some kind. The machine was covered in think layers of rust, and made sound like a 30 year old car that hasn't been taken care of. The fact that this robot is still working at all, after potentially thousands of years, is a powerful testament of the engineering prowess of its creators.

I continued to creep ever closer, rifle trained on the machine's torso, ready to fire at a moments notice.

On closer inspection the machine's head housed a dull black lens, which I suspected was part of some kind of energy weapon, seeing as how it had no other visible ranged weapons. I was proven correct as I picked up a rock and threw it within 50m (164 ft) of the machine. The machine whirred as its head turned to the rock, fired a thin red beam at it. The rock started glowing red, then white, then finally was reduced to a molten puddle in less than a second.

Now a smart man would've neutralized the threat quickly and moved on, a smart man I am not. Instead, I decided that the best way to test how dangerous it was is to get shot. I moved quickly and loudly to attract the machine's attention. It looked right at me before my shields flared to life around my left pectoral. I allowed what I could only assume to be the laser weapon to hit me for one second which cost me 14% of my shields. This meant that the weapon, in its poorly maintained state, it could do a bit more damage per second than a single bolt from a covenant plasma rifle.

I quickly ducked back into cover behind the nearest tree, and allowed my shield to recharge. I peeked out from cover, using the tree to stabilize my rifle. I squeezed the trigger to let off three rounds. The first round smashed through the machine's chin, the second smashed through its visor, and the third cracked the laser's lens. The machine shuttered for a second before turning towards me general position. Clearly the designers weren't dumb enough to put all of the robot's necessary processors in the same vulnerable spot. Amazing idea!

Seeing as how the machine still wasn't down for the count, I decided to do a little more experimentation at the machine's expense. After all, no use in just leaving it here.

I channeled my magic power into a new spell I was working on during more little boat ride to get here. A simple and small bluish-yellow magic circle appeared in right in front of me. It stayed still floating where I cast it, like a window. I sighted the machine's torso, through the magic circle, and let loose a single round.

The titanium armor-piercing round punch clean through the machine's rusty armor and discharged its electric payload on the vulnerable internals. The machine shuttered and sparked before smoking and fall silent all together. It hit the ground with a loud thud, the mechanical ghost being put to rest once and for all. 

I was about to remove the machine's torso plate, to see what the interiors look like, when my motion tracker picked up another contact. I stalked towards the new contact, recast my lightning chant, and sent one round screaming towards the floating tin can. One enchanted bullet was enough to drop it in an instant. I decided to get a move on before I had to deal with god knows how many more security bots, drawn by the sounds of gunfire.


By the time I got to the research facility, I had offlined a further 3 security bots, and decided to switch to a fresh magazine, throwing the half spent one back into my pocket space. I circled around a third of the facility before I saw my way in, a tree had grown too close to the facility, and collapsed part of the wall. 

Walking through the facility was kind of a weird experience if I'm being honest. Despite being from a highly advanced futuristic society, the buildings interior was rather...normal? It like your bog standard 21st century office building, save for a few exceptions. The door were thick steel, and slid into the walls. There were black panels that decorated the walls, screens that might've once displayed digital photos of better times. The floor did have white light strips installed, sadly no RGB.

I stalked through the facility, rifle at the ready, guided by Leon's memories from when he played the game. Throughout there were the badly decayed remnants of the facility's former residents. Broken skeletons littered the various rooms, vending machines looked like they'd been through a volcanic eruption with how thick the dust was, and there were machines of unknown scientific purpose spread across what were once labs trying to fight back against the apocalypse. It was a pretty grim reminder that this world wasn't just some happy going lucky school otome game, it was more like if FromSoft made an otome game. Well whatever, I'd be able to change that as soon as I get Luxion to work with me, after all he is an overpowered battleship and a mobile weapons factory.

Entering a small break room, I found a pair of skeletons that had key cards necessary to get to Luxion. They spent their last moments together, dying with the one they loved. I gently removed their key cards and gave a small prayer.

"Sorry to disturb you, but I just wanted to let you know that your work wasn't in vain. Humanity carries on, and with the ship you made I can make sure they continue to. Rest now, I'll finish your fight."

I pushed onwards into the facility's depths, sweeping every corner, ready to engage an mechanical surprises. I encountered two more security bots on my way to the hanger, with them out of the way now the only things keeping me from claiming my prize were Luxion's guardian in the bridge, and the miniboss at the end of of the hall.

I peeked around the corner and saw the mini-boss in all of his crab-like glory. Four hydraulic legs, a pair of arms equipped with auto cannons of some kind and, and a thick metal shell capable of taking most infantry weapons. The boss was a pretty difficult fight in the game if you came here at a low level, requiring a fair amount of preparation to be able to clear it and the final boss in one go. That being said...I had a grenade launcher. 

I loaded a dual purpose shell, took aim, and fired. The explosion sent a blast wave through the entire corridor, and would've defended me if it weren't for my Mjolnir armor. I waited a short bit for the dust to clear before leaning out from the corner with my rifle at the ready. The grenade ripped the machine's right leg, damage the left leg, and left a meter wide hole in the upper carapace. I cast the lightning enchant spell, and let loose a hail of electrified gunfire.

The machine continued to spark as round after round slammed into its exposed internals. I emptied nearly two-thirds of my magazine before the machine's red photoreceptors shut down, the body slumping a second later. I stayed in cover for a few more seconds before advancing down the corridor, rifle trained on the dormant machine. As I moved past it, I ripped the ammunition belts off the autocannons, just in case the thing came back alive. 

I descended the stairs the crab mini-boss was was protecting. The depths of the facility were probably incredibly dark, but thanks to my Spartan eye augmentations, I could see just fine. 

The narrow stairwell ended in a doorway that led into a massive hanger, probably close to a mile wide and at least two long. There was beams of light streaming through holes up from millennia of neglect.

The hanger was filled with a number of ancient derelict skyships that were absolutely massive by modern standards. Most of the broken vessels were close to 400M (1312 feet) long, dwarfing all but the largest warships. Covered in moss and vines, they echoed the glory of a different age, and the horror they succumbed to. 

One ship, larger than all the rest, remained intact. Its hull was silver-gray in color, and shaped like a fearsome trident. Even covered in vines and moss, it stood proud more than an eon after its construction. A Noah's ark meant to fairy the last of old man kind to the safety of the stars, yet here it sits in a graveyard of titans, purpose unfulfilled.

Until now that is.


I crossed the boarding ramp towards Luxion's hull only to find that the door was locked. I used the key cards I picked up from the skeletons to unlocked the door. The air inside was filled with dust so thick, I could see every beam of light, good thing my armor has an integrated air supply and rebreather assembly. I switched my rifles magazine for a fresh one, loaded a fresh shell into my grenade launcher, and hooked two M9 frag grenades onto my armor. After making sure everything was good to go, I shouldered my rifle and entered the ship.

The inside was pretty similar to the interior of the Federation vessels from Star Trek Discovery, looks of white walls, and glowing bits that is supposed to empathize how advanced the vessels is. Though I could definitely see some spots where the design was a little more utilitarian, like the exposed power conduits across the ceiling, most likely do to a lack of resources during construction. 

In the game there are no enemies to encounter on your way towards the boss, which seems to hold true here as well. I was still expecting that there would be some sort of defense system in place, such as more security robots, or gun turrets, but there was nothing. It somehow made me more nervous for the upcoming guardian boss. 

It took me about half an hour after entering the ship, I reached the elevator leading up to the command deck. I swiped my key card, and the doors opened with a sharp hiss. Checking over my gear one more time, I entered the elevator and prepared for my most difficult fight yet. 

The elevator opened to reveal an absolutely massive command bridge. It was as large as a football field, and easily 6m (19.7 feet) tall. Various holographic displays covered the walls, and a number of consoles were arrayed in a circular pattern around the room, with several outliers. 

At the front of the room, standing an impressive 4.5m (14.8 feet) tall, was the Guardian robot. The machine consisted of a bell like bottom with a humanoid upper body with a red lens and gorilla like arms. Its head was shaped vaguely like a knight helmet, and a visor in the middle of the helm. 

The visor glowed to life a harsh red, and it turned its head towards me.

"Intruder detected."

I pointed to myself and titled my head to the side.

"Me?" I said looking around.

"Affirmative, you are not authorized to be here."

"You got it all wrong man, I'm the pizza guy. I got an order of a family sized meatlovers with pineapple. Name's on it is...Ben Dover. You Ben Dover?" I said while trying to hold back my laughter.

"Your pitiful attempts at humor betray your primitive origins. Though I am curious on how you obtained a suit of infantry power armor of unknown design. I conclude that you stole it from another research facility that you ransacked."

"Nope! You're the first one I've hit up actually. Also fuck you, I am not primitive. A primitive wouldn't appreciate the finer things in life the way I do, like big titty android girlfriends. What do you have to say to that, chrome dome?"

"My head is made of titanium ceramic composite with superimposed carbon atoms. Thus your nickname is not only juvenile, but wholly incorrect."

"I'll have you know that am an actual child according to Holfort law."

"Holfort, is that the name of your primitive nation where you new humans pretend to by civilized?"

"Ha, these days they don't even pretend to be civilized If it wasn't for the queen being a total hottie, I would just let this bitch burn to the ground."

"I see. Thank you for the information, it was...enlightening."

"Ah, you're welcome buddy...so we good here?"

The machine stood still for just a second, before the visor pulsed.


"Well shit." I dodged to the right as a massive arm came down on my former location.

"Come on man, we don't have to fight! I'm a pacifist!" I said while running to his left side.

"A pacifist wouldn't be wearing power armor, and wielding a large caliber battle rifle with an underslung grenade launcher."

"Maybe I'm a new age pacifist, ya know? The kind who are willing to defend themselves from psychotic AI murderbots."

I cast my lightning enchant spell, and let loose a burst of bullets against his elbow actuator. His right arm spasmed for second before locking up straight.

"Now look what you made me do. Not even thirty seconds into this fight, and you've already been DISARMED! Come on man, we're both Americans here aren't we?"

I dodged a horizontal swing from his left arm.

"Negative. You utilized magic, as such you are a new human, and thus not an American. I am surprised how ever, of your knowledge of the existence of the American people."

I let loose another burst of electrified gunfire, this time targeting the face. The first round cracked the optical sensor, but the follow up were blocked by his hand.

"Wow, that was some serious stereotyping you just did there. What if I was was an American mage using Miller Lites as potion ingredients, and using my enchanted M1911 to fight for peace, liberty, and freedom for all? You ever consider that?"

"New humans fight only for themselves. Death, destruction, and domination is the only ideals your kind follow."

The machine sped towards me at a surprising rate, gliding across the ground at speeds capable of running down most combatants. He used my moment of hesitation to unleash a stream of swings from his left arm, and a series of simple downward smashes with his straight locked arm. 

"This discussion was somewhat enjoyable after so long, however, this will be your end."

His chest lens glowed before a laser beam melted a line across the floor, slashing my chest in the process. My shields flared to life, protecting the suit from damage, but a single hit dropped them down to 53%. I quickly jumped behind a console and waited for my shields to regenerate. 

I threw an M9 grenade towards the Luxion and waited for it to blow. It exploded right next to the machines left arm, and I immediately peeked from cover and shot a round from my grenade launcher at him, hoping to deal some real damage. I was pleased to see that my strategy worked, and when the blast from the second grenade cleared, I saw the left arm busted and sparking.

His chest begin to glow again and I fired a burst of electrified bullets at the lens, hoping to stop it from firing. I was too late, and the laser fired before my arrived at their destination. It melted through the oncoming projectiles and reduced my rifles piston assembly and barrel to slag. The molten bullets continued on however, and splattered across the laser weapon's lens a fraction of a second later, and caused the beam to loose focus before it could do anymore damage.

I dropped back behind cover and stowed the damaged rifle in my pocket space. I grabbed my magnum, popped up from behind cover, and emptied my whole mag into the machine's laser lens. It cracked, then shattered into a thousand tiny crystals.

I switched mags and targeted the primary visor. I fired three rounds before having to dodge from another simplistic downward slam by the partially disabled right arm. The visor cracked, but didn't break. The magnum is powerful, but sadly lacked the penetration needed to to finish the job.

I decided that I needed to end this quickly before Luxion decides to call for additionally forces, or self destruct. 

I threw an M9 at his feet and pulled my M11 combat knife. That knife can punch clean through a covenant energy shield when wielded by a spartan. When the grenade went off, I sprinted towards Luxion as fast as I could, closing on it him in less than a second. Luxion swung his arm down in an attempt to crush me, but I tilted to the side to avoid it before promptly climbing up his arm like a spider monkey from hell. 

Making it to the top of his massive body, I pumped as much magic power as I could into a lightning enchant, before slamming my knife down through the visor, deep in the vulnerable internals. My HUD lit up with warnings before going haywire as the electric current also ran back through my suit. I held on for dear life as the machine started spasming wildly, sparking, smoking, and finally stopped moving entirely. The lights on its massive body dulled before going out entirely.

I breathed a sigh of relief at the defeat of the boss. I jumped over its head while holding the knife with my right hand. As I slowly approached the ground, the machines body tilted back, pulled back by the weight of my suit. Feet on the deck, I ripped my knife out of the machine's visor, and put it back in its sheathe. I put my Mjolnir back into my pocket space, and walked towards Luxion's central command console.

"What do you think you are doing? Do you think believe that I would allow myself to be wielded by new humans?"

"No you would rather self destruct, but what if the person taking command has old human DNA?"

"The odds of such an occurrence, is a non-zero chance."

"A non-zero chance is still a chance, besides lets look at the evidence. I'm wielding power armor, I use firearms, I speak English, and I know about the United States of America over a thousand years after its destruction." 

"Are you implying that you're an old human who can use magic?"

"Tell you what, scan my DNA, and explain afterwards. Deal?"

There was silence for tense second before he responded with one word, "proceed."

I access the console and select English, before access the command rights acquisition page. A screen changed to show a glowing handprint, so I rested my hand on it and waited while the scanner to do its thing.

"DNA shows distinct commonalities to those found in the the midwestern United States, and Japan. It appears your claims have some truth to them."

"I told ya."

"Indeed, though I am not sure how YOU would've had any clue, unless you did visit another research facility before hand. You denied it, but that is the most plausible scenario. Explain." 

I held up my hand like a traffic cop stopping an oncoming vehicle.

"Hold your horses there bud. Before I explain anything, I need to know, will you accept my orders?"

"Affirmative, you have been registered as my captain. Now, explain."

"Well, its a long story. It all started with my death back in 2023-"


AN: And there is chapter 3. I was pretty happy with how it turned out, though the fight with Luxion is unfortunately the weak link. I rewrote the fight scene a couple of times, and this was the best result.

Anyway, I hoped you guys liked it. And I will see you next time!