
Chapter 9: With You

Lesley just finished her duty at the Vance household. Upon looking at the time, she hurriedly went to the stable and got on her horse, Sniper. She rode for 15 minutes as fast as she could towards north mountain where she is about to meet up with Gusion for their training. But she was earlier than him, she simply took a cloth and started cleaning her rifle. She once again looked around the vicinity, hoping that Gusion is there.

Impatient, she stood and raised her rifle and pulled the trigger.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" Gusion yelled for he was startled but was fast enough to block the bullet that was about to go through his head.

"You're late," Lesley replied.

"I just took care of something," Gusion replied. "Guinevere made an unexpected visit so I had to run away from her."

Lesley simply rolled her eyes for she is not a fan of noble dramas. The two were suddenly surrounded by an army. Lesley recognized the emblem of the army and she knew for sure they are from the Paxley household.

"I've had enough of your rebellious actions, Gusion. Not only did you go against our traditions but you have also hidden a lover despite the fact that you're engaged. You better follow my way if you do not want to be disowned," Mr. Paxley said who was leading the troop.

They handcuffed them and brought them to the Paxley mansion. They were imprisoned at the basement where it was cold and nobody could hear anything from the outside.

"I thought you've taken care of this?" Lesley asked sarcastically. Gusion did not say a word. He did not even consider that his father would follow him and imprison them.

Mr. Paxley left them alone, but another one came. Her clacking heels made Lesley identify her, Guinevere.

"Just follow my lead," said Gusion.

Guinevere appeared before them with a smile. She is wearing her violet casual dress. Her hair is curled neatly. She sat down just outside the cell and enjoyed watching the view. She is confident that Gusion will come to like her no matter what for she has the support of his family.

"You can't run away from me, Gusion," she said then she looked at Lesley from head to toe. "I can't believe you left me here just to see her. She is not even from a noble bloodline."

Lesley want to puke at her face but she did not dare to do so. She could still tolerate it and she has to be more patient to keep herself from causing trouble. Gusion clicked his tongue in annoyance. But what he said stunned Lesley.

"Lesley and I have been in a relationship. I don't have any plan to marry anyone else but her. You should stop whatever crazy plans ypu have," Gusion said. Guinevere stood quiet but she felt like something was out of place, that something is wrong.

"I don't believe anything on what you've said. You've been devious since you started to rebel against your traditions. I have had witnessed some of your villainous acts when we were young. So now, I do not believe any words you say," Guinevere said.

"We're not in a relationship," Lesley confessed which made the brown haired guy want to hit her.

"She already confessed. You can't do anything but to accept me as your lifelong partner. I will take my leave for now," Guinevere said happily as she skipped out from the prison.

Lesley, who has her guard down, was shocked when she saw a dagger thrown right at her. Her heart stopped a beat when the dagger hits the wall instead. Gusion stared at her with anger in his eyes.

"What did you do that for?" he asked coldly.

"I do not want the Vance household to be involved in this matter. Harley's family got through a lot after the assassination and I do not want to add up to that horrible experience. Don't drag other people in your problem. You're being selfish," Lesley replied blatantly.

"I could help you but just don't pull the Vance family in it," she added but Gusion simply looked away with anger.

There was a moment of silence and Lesley suddenly felt chills running down on her spine and goosebumps made her shiver.

"Take a temporary leave from the Vance household. Just then, you could freely help me," Gusion said with a straight face. Lesley could not see a hint of joke on his face or on the tone of his voice. He is damn serious.

"Why are you so desperate?" Lesley asked.

"I want freedom from this tradition-focused household. I want to become a royal assassin, not a royal mage," Gusion replied without looking at her.

They both have the same goal as an assassin. Lesley thought for a while and considered the fact that Gusion is one of the well-known best warrior ever since he was young. If she helps him, then she'll have a higher chance to win in the competition.

"Where am I supposed to go after leaving the Vance mansion?" she asked after a while.

"At my house, of course," Gusion replied seriously. The pink-haired girl stared at him in disbelief.

"Isn't that going too far?" she asked.

"They'll have no choice. Plus, we have a better training ground there, it would be the perfect place to stay. It'll be a win-win situation for the both of us."

Lesley stood up, got the pin from her hair and unlocked the cell.

"Okay, I will lend a hand but you have to do your part," Lesley said before taking her leave.