
Mmorpg: Unity

The world has final reached a point where technology is so advanced, that it will become indistinguishable from magic. Jion Shaka as travels the world of Unity and becomes the Solar systems most powerful being. Then one day the war broke and everything change our Mmorpg became real!

Sgt_Caeser · Kỳ huyễn
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
76 Chs

Shrine of Ọrunmila

Shaka steps onto the Lukwata, looking at the spiral shrine. He taps the back of its neck as it is swimming towards the island. 'Shimata, why is it so slimly.

I wonder what kind of I test I'm going get I can't wait. This is so cool, I hope the rewards are awesome.

*After a short while he arrives at the island, he moves towards the island spear in hand.*

I wonder what's inside? *Flash* argh that light is too much'.

The light changes into a six armed Orisha, it looks like a faceless man, holding in each hand a different mask.

'Who are you?'. Asked Shaka.

The faceless man put one of the mask. His body changes and the masks become orbs representing an element floating around him. 'I am an aspect of Ọrunmila, are you ready to be tested?'

Do I even have a choice? Shaka thought and said 'why else would I here?' Shaka could at times be really impatient.

'Alright then, behind me are the five paths, Fire path with no bonus, path of Wind has double exp, Earth has triple exp and so until lightning with 5 times exp gain.

, each one have different risks and rewards. The first is the path of fire, I believe you should take this opportunity it has many foes, many tests but equally many rewards. You can take as much time as you need on each of the levels.

Something immediately clicked in Shaka, he knew that the Orisha, suggested this because of his low level and lack of skills'.

The Orisha described the path of water, earth, wind, And finally....'The path of Lighting, is extremely difficult, cunning and ingenuity will be needed. It has five zones each with its own field boss that must be defeated in order to get to the next zone. There is one reward after you pass the zone.

It is a straight forward test that pushes you beyond yourself and test your soul.

Decide now!'

'okay cool, so I'm gonna take the fire, it might take longer but I'm still a level zero'.

Noooooo! Suddenly his Spear lit up and pulled straight into the path of lightning.

*Door for the lightning disappeared behind him* *Smart boy at least he did not fall into fire trap*

'Cheesus! Like WTFing? Are you serious right now! You stupid piece of'....Ding! Success! Passed(1/4) Trial of Wisdom! Rewarding one level!

Name: Shaka the Divine spear



Soul: Pure

Faith: none


Affiliation:Mvezo City


*rewards one additional skill point for every level up*

Talent:[unlinked] Class:none [unbound]

Masteray:none [sealed]

Health:230 Mana:230 Stamina:230

Strength:26 Constitution:26

Dexterity:26 Intelligence:26

Wisdom:26 Charisma:26

Luck:3 Spirit:10

Skills:[locked] [passive] , Ancestral bond[passive]*5 regen per second*.

Experience points:100


Morningstar [The First Spear][Unique]

Level 1

Rank: Pure [matches soul level]

Attack 70

Durability 100

Can be upgraded

[untradable][equipped] [unbound] [unlinked] [current compatability 5%][sealed][locked]

Skills :

STAB a basic attack, damage 20 cost:25 stamina.

THRUST basic attack, damage 25 cost:30 stamina 10% chance to cause a Heavy blow 5% chance bleeding.

HILT BASH blunt attack, damage 40 cost: 80 stamina 50% chance to stun.

EXTEND combo attack, damage x2 cost:10 Mana 2 spirit.

cannot evolve -

1\2[unique requirement needed]

[hidden quest] 5/6 status:inactive

'since I don't have a class yet I should distribute the points as much as can' he said out loud to himself.

The first zone was an open field much like the Great Plains filled with 100 Rank 8, level 3, Blackiron horned Wildebeest. Attacks on sight.

Hp:500 Mp:200 Def:100

Skills: Charge, Savage Stomp, Horn attack.

Passive[power of the herd] * for every Wildebeest within a ten meters, 1% percent increase in stats.*

DING!Defeat Black Steelhorned Wildebeest[miniboss]! Zone open.

The first thing he did was run into a bush.

'From here I just have to wait. At least they aren't in large groups'.

He waited for about five before one came close enough. Instead of jumping and launching an attack straight away he wanted to work a strategy.

He walked out of the bush and Wildebeest spotted him the next was about 20 meters away. When it saw him it immediately charged.

'Well I guess it's easy enough to predict'<the motion done before the activates>he thought side stepping the Wildebeest.

Next came the horns. *swish swish* both hit air.

'I can do this even at my level, now only one more thing'.





He received three damage value his life drop quickly. 'bliksem, that hurt!' have to be careful here. I have no defence.

Looking around first, 'clear'

Shaka leapt forward past the body of monster until he was 4 meters away. As expected the Wildebeest took about two seconds to turn around.


he was already in position. As soon as the charge skill locked in, he had side the Wildebeest.










His first two attacks had complete brought down its defenses. He side stepped again and leapt closer to the bush where had come out off.

CHARGE! Nothing but air again. This time the monster stood still it had exhausted it self with the last charge.


-140 Heavy blow!

When he saw the heavy blow land he smiled.



As the monster collapsed, he dove straight onto the bushes as a golden light enveloped him.

Name: Shaka the Divine spear



Soul: Pure

Faith: none


Affiliation:Mvezo City


Talent:[unlinked] Class:none [unbound]

Masteray:none [sealed]

Health:270 Mana:270 Stamina:270

Strength:27 Constitution:27

Dexterity:27 Intelligence:27

Wisdom:27 Charisma:27

Luck:3 Spirit:8

Skills:[locked] [passive] , Ancestral bond[passive]*5 regen per second*.

Experience points:350


Morningstar [The First Spear][Unique]

Level 2

Rank: Pure [matches soul level]

Attack 90

Durability 100

Can be upgraded

[untradable][equipped] [unbound] [unlinked] [current compatability 5%][sealed][locked]

Skills :

STAB a basic attack, damage 20 cost:25 stamina.

THRUST basic attack, damage 25 cost:30 stamina 10% chance to cause a Heavy blow 5% chance bleeding.

HILT BASH blunt attack, damage 40 cost: 80 stamina 50% chance to stun.

EXTEND combo attack, damage x2 cost:10 Mana 2 spirit.

cannot evolve -

1\2[unique requirement needed]

[hidden quest] 5/6 status:inactive

Experience scales as follow

1- needs 100 points

2-needs 250

3-needs 500

4-needs 1000 and so on and so on

Bliksem, means bastard, in this context.

Sgt_Caesercreators' thoughts